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Tuesday Garden Party – Spring #1

Spring 1 Garden

This is the time of year that I dream about during the long dark days of winter. The time when we see the yard spring to life again and remember what green is like…at least for a little while. My front yard is ablaze with poppies, dogwood, California lilac, iris, and soon there will be sage and butterfly bushes to enjoy.

Cat Grass 1

One of the new things I am growing this year is a plant that I found in the Renee’s Garden seed listing. It is “cat grass” that you grow for your cats to eat. Mine have discovered their pot of cat grass and have decided it is delicious.

Cat Grass 2

I put the pot in the window near where the cats like to sit and look out on the birdfeeder. It didn’t take long for the seeds to sprout and grow! My cats are regular visitors to this plant now and I am going to sprout some more seeds in a pot outdoors.

Spring Deck 1

California Drought Year Four!!!!!

This year I have a few things growing in pots on the back deck. I will be adding some more seeds for veggies and flowers later this week. We are using a drip watering system for the first time here on the deck and I am excited about it. In the past, we have hand watered these pots every morning using water caught from the shower and water from a watering can filled with the back hose. This is going to be a much more convenient watering system and use far less water.

You can see my sunflower planted by the birds in the nearest pot. It is already 14″ high!

Spring deck 2

Here is a close up image of the sunflower. It makes me very happy!

Spring deck 3

You can see the drip irrigation system up close in this image. All of these plants were from last year’s seeds and have sprouted all on their own.

Spring deck 4

Salvia is such an easy plant to have in pots. I just pruned it back last fall and not it is coming back so very nicely and full of buds.

So there you go! I spend a few minutes each day just enjoying the surprises that come in the early spring. There is always something new to discover and once I get my seeds in the ground I will really start to enjoy all of those wonderful Renee’s Garden seeds that she gifted me.

I am joining Jami and here Tuesday Garden Party over on An Oregon Cottage.



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2 thoughts on “Tuesday Garden Party – Spring #1

  1. Beautiful! I love the drip irrigation method! Would love to know more about how you got that going.

    1. My husband is the master drip system builder. 🙂 He purchases the tubing and the fittings from Home Depot and custom builds it. I wouldn’t even know where to start.

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