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Nature Study Goals 2019

Nature Study Goals 2019 @handbookofnaturestudy

As the new year begins and I start to think about what direction I want my nature study to take me, it’s clear to me that I still have so much to learn about my new home here in Central Oregon. So, why not continue to soak in the things in my local habitat once again?

I want to keep in mind that learning about the ordinary and everyday things in my habitat allows me to notice the extraordinary or unusual things that appear.

Plus, a new goal for me this year is to show that no matter where you live or what your age is, you can always find something of interest to learn about close to home. Nature study doesn’t need to be a big commitment of time or involve a lot of travel. The best and most meaningful nature study topics are those that your family comes into contact with during your everyday activities.

We can use fresh eyes and an open heart to make this the best year of nature study ever!

Nature Study Goals 2019

1. Use the Outdoor Hour Challenge topics to stimulate my interest in my local habitat and help to build my skills as a naturalist.

Use the information in the Outdoor Hour Challenge and the lesson suggestions in the Handbook of Nature Study as they apply in my area or find something closely related to learn about and record in my nature journal.

what is a naturalist button

2. Keep a detailed record of my nature observations.

  • Daily journal and a 5-year journal – Start a new daily journal and use The Naturalist’s Notebook during 2019.
  • Field notebook – Carry a small notebook with me at all times to make notes of important things.
  • Personal nature journal – I will continue using my spiral bound sketchbook for my detailed nature journal.


I just keep envisioning myself outside hiking and exploring again with no pain. Overall, that is my biggest goal for 2019!

3. Hiking and Kayaking

  • Use local maps and books to find places to get outside and hike on a regular basis. I’m thinking of marking a twenty mile radius from my house on the map to see if I can really get to know my local area.
  • Kayak during the warmer seasons, completing two new local kayak trips already requested by my husband.

4. Read nature related books this year.

Narrow down my list to four official books but also use books to learn about things that I become interested in during my travels. I haven’t picked a list of books like I’ve done in the past; rather I’m on the lookout for particular topics.

You can read my Nature Book Project 2019 entry for more details.

This year isn’t as ambitious as many years in the past. I have a lot of writing I want to accomplish, so I’m trying to temper my goals with the limitation that there are only so many hours in the day. Plus, I’m still on the path to recovery from my hip surgery and that will be the focus during the first quarter of the year as I regain my strength and flexibility.

If you would like to join me by making your own nature study goals, I’ve included a free printable goal planning page below. Use it to make a few goals for you and your family. Keep it simple and then create a plan for accomplishing your goals. Make steps now to help create a fantastic year of getting outside and learning more about your local habitat!


Nature Study Goals 2019 Planning Page

Nature Study Goals 2019 Planning Page


Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

You can join as an Ultimate Naturalist Library member and immediately have access to hundreds of nature study ideas and printables. The library is growing every month and there are plans for publishing 4 new ebooks in 2019! If you join now, you’ll have access to those ebooks as soon as they publish!

Click the graphic above to see the complete benefits of a membership. Join and make 2019 the best year of nature study ever for your family!

Use the discount code NATURE5 for $5 off an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership!

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