The simple act of keeping weather records in our homeschool will keep us in touch with our natural world and build an appreciation for the science behind common folklore and traditions.
Do we personally need to keep track of the weather? Probably not. We could just rely on a weather app or the television meteorologist. Many people live, work, and play indoors in climate-controlled environments. They live as if the weather has little effect on their daily lives.

Keeping Weather Records is Homeschool Science
Keeping weather records has not only been a pastime for thousands of years, but it has also been essential to predicting the weather and its effects on everyday life. What should we wear? When should we travel? Is it time to plant our garden? We make many of our decisions based on the weather and its patterns and cycles.
Do you eagerly look forward to Groundhog Day each February? Many of us are curious to see if the groundhog will see his shadow, indicating another six weeks of winter or not. Turns out he is not a great predictor of spring.
Tradition, Science and Common Weather Expressions
Have you heard any of the weather folklore that people have historically used to predict the weather? Read about the science of these expressions in the Almanac.
- Red skies at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.
- If there is a halo around the sun (or moon), then we can expect rain quite soon.
- Dew on the grass, no rain will come to pass.
All these sayings are based on observations over time. When we take note of the weather and the patterns created over time, ideally writing the details down, the relationships between what we see out the window and what is coming soon becomes clearer. The record does not need to be elaborate or take much time. Our family has a clipboard with a weather chart and pencil on our front table near the window. Not every day, but often, we note the weather conditions.
Ideas for Keeping Weather Records
- Use a weather chart – a simple chart for recording data is included in Homeschool Nature Study membership.
- Note the weather on a wall calendar
- Create a book of firsts – keep track of the first rain, first snow, first frost, etc.
Keep some weather records this season and see if your family can find some patterns and connections between the observations made and predicting the weather.
Join The Homeschool Nature Study Membership for Year Round Support
Find all the Outdoor Hour Challenges for homeschool nature study in our Homeschool Nature Study membership. There are 25+ continuing courses with matching Outdoor Hour curriculum that will bring the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool! In addition, there is an interactive monthly calendar with daily nature study prompt – all at your fingertips!
Our weather chart looks like this:
Love the simplicity and the format!
Hi Anna, I like how you address the Hebrew date too! I have been wanting to do this with my family too. Do you mind sending me your template? It is absolutely wonderful.
Toda! (Thanks in Hebrew. Maybe you knew that)