This has been an amazing quarter for us as far as getting outdoors and exploring!
You can read my original post here: Nature Study Goals 2015
Goals Update
1. Yosemite Photo Project: We have a trip planned to Yosemite next week so I have my list ready to go of photos to take.
2. Visit one new state park: Failed this one again. I picked one to visit over the summer so I am determined to accomplish this goal in the up=coming quarter.
3. Visit one new national park: Zion National Park!!! We also spent four days at the Grand Canyon and thoroughly enjoyed our time there.
4. Visit a bird refuge: Fail on this one again.
5. Take one new hike: Still waiting to take a hike from our new guide book.
6. Read ten nature-related books this year: I am keeping up with my schedule and really enjoying the way I had it planned out from the beginning of the year.
7. Rock project: This will be accomplished in July with a trip to visit Devil’s Postpile National Monument. I won’t be able to collect any samples there but we are going to see basalt rocks.
8. Create one nature journal entry each month: I am keeping up with the Once a Month Nature Journal ideas to create at least one page a month.