Have you seen this book yet? If not, you probably should. For all nature-loving families and families who are interested in starting nature study, this is a must-read. Eryn has taken love of God, His creation, and nature study and blended them together in a way that is truly beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, the inside and outside of this book are designed so beautifully! It is a treat for the eyes, as well as the mind.

Rooted In Wonder: An Overview
She starts out by reminding us that ultimately, nature should be drawing us to God, and that nature is a tool to help us know God. “Every time we read our children Scripture or take them outside and point them to their Creator matters. God sees a your labors, and he will not let them go to waste! ” p. 43 Time in nature is so powerful! It can only draw us to Him.
She takes us through a Biblical view of climate change, cultivating curiosity, a Biblical view of conservation, how seeing natures laws helps our children see truth, letting nature refresh our minds, screen time vs. nature, how spending time in nature helps “slow down time,” and much more.
Resources For Nature Study: Rooted In Wonder
I also loved how she gave practical and fun ideas to implement. She has ideas for Family Hibernation, and how to bring nature inside our homes! Since nature is so healing to our bodies and souls, why wouldn’t we bring in things like plants and fish ? At the end of each chapter she has ways to implement what has been talked about in that chapter. These ways are fun and practical.
Most of all, what I loved about this book, was the way she continually pointed us back to our Creator. Even the very rocks cry out. . .and she makes that so obvious through her words in these pages. One idea that I have been pondering was how much time Jesus spent outside while He was here on this earth. He was often meeting outside, sleeping outside, teaching outside, going to an outdoor place away to pray. . .
Family Nature Study: The Beauty Of Creation
In our culture, it is so easy to stay home and be entertained, but what if we show and share a different mindset to those around us? What if, through our love of nature, we can have more opportunities to point people to their Creator?
Through every hour we spend outside, we are giving our children and ourselves a gift. . .may we bring glory to His name and know Him better because we have done so.
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We make it easy with resources you can use at your own pace and on your own schedule. Or, you may choose to follow our annual nature study plans closely and have everything at your fingertips.
Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.