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Signs of Autumn Challenge and Notebook Page

Outdoor Hour Challenge Signs of Autumn with printable @handbookofnaturestudy

Updated 2017: This challenge was originally written for the first day of autumn 2010 but it can easily be done on any day and in any year. I hope you enjoy learning more about your early autumn world using the ideas and the printable in this challenge.

It is really hard to believe that it is already time for the fall color and fall weather. We have had an unusual summer as far as weather and growing seasons so it should be interesting to see how the autumn months unfold.

As a way to get us thinking about the change of the seasons with our children, here is a bonus challenge you can complete on the first day of Autumn, September 22nd, 2010.

Some signs to look for:

  • Dry grass and weeds
  • Seeds
  • Wildflowers-thistles, goldenrod
  • Birds eating at feeders or flying overhead to migrate
  • Chilly morning temperatures or dew on the grass
  • Fruit ripe on trees
  • Insects or webs
  • Nuts, acorns, or berries
  • Clouds and wind

Signs of Autumn Notebook Page

You can use the Signs of Autumn notebook page  to record your signs of autumn or you can use your own nature journal. I put together a Squidoo Lens from last year’s autumn nature/art study where you might glean some more information and inspiration this season.



Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

20 thoughts on “Signs of Autumn Challenge and Notebook Page

  1. Oh fun! We were just talking about the official first day of fall as we crunched through some leaves this morning. Thank you for this.

  2. We did this challenge a day early lol .We love Autumn! Nikki @

  3. Would love to download your dd’s page as well, but can’t seem to figure it out? You mentioned it was free, but the site wants to charge me. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help.

  4. Thank you for the great notebooking page! We will put it to good use tomorrow!

  5. Edwena,

    If you follow the link, there should be a “download” button on the top right of the page. You click that and you can save the pdf to your computer.


  6. I have no idea why some of you are getting some sort of message that the page is not free. I just clicked the link and it worked just fine.

    Here is the link again:

    On the top right of the page there is a “download” button and you should be able to just save it to your computer.

  7. I am so excited about this, but I am having a ton of trouble getting the documents on scribd to print. Is there any way to get them sent as an email attachment?
    Oh and if you upload anything onto Scribd it makes it free otherwise you have to pay. I had a worksheet I had created so I uploaded it and then I was able to download (theoretically) your daughters worksheet.

  8. The kids and I are heading out to look for signs of fall now. But according to our news, Fall does not start until 10:09 pm Wednesday 9/22. Am I wrong?

  9. I have removed the link to the Fall Walk Worksheet since so MANY people are having trouble with downloading it.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  10. Great! Now I’m going to have to figure out how to adapt this to Florida LOL. We don’t have ANY of those things at this time of year (or most times of year for that matter LOL)

  11. Hi There! Thanks for the challenge. It was a fabulous fall day on the coast! I too got the pay page on the list, but just printed it from the internet without download. 🙂 Hubby was off today so we took went to the local garden to see how it looks in Fall. 🙂 Any time you want to plan our family outings, feel free! 🙂

  12. We went outside expecting very few signs of fall and were so surprised to see colorful leaves! Thank you for the challenge!

  13. Thank you for the encouragement to get out for an adventure today – if it weren’t for your post, I think I would’ve forgotten it was the first day of Autumn today 🙂

    Your notebooking sheets make journaling more fun – thanks! We had a great afternoon.

  14. Thanks for the challenge – my kids sure enjoyed it!

  15. Ok so Autumn here is a bit different.. but I posted some great pictures 🙂

  16. First day of fall means – we made it through another summer! May still be 95 degrees but relief is on the way! Fall is my favorite time of year.

  17. Finally a nature study from us again!

  18. Most trees are still green here, in Paris, France, but we still went for a nature walk and my son, Alex, 5, took pictures of the signs of autumn he could spot.

  19. I checked the calendar and it said it is still autumn. So I jumped in! I have missed OHC…

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