In the June 2017 edition of the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter, I shared a fun and easy garden project for children.

In this activity, you plant 3 different kinds of seeds in a container as a way of comparing different seeds and the plants that grow from those seeds.
The instructions for this activity suggest that you grow sunflowers, corn, and beans since these will give you a variety of results to compare and contrast. But, if you have 3 different seeds of any kind, you can still complete this project.
Activity Observation Ideas
· Draw your seeds before you plant them. Make them actual size and color to match the seed.
· Write down with your words a comparison for your seeds; including size, color, shape, texture, etc.
· Create a journal page to record your seed’s growth progress. Make observations every day and record any changes you notice.
· You can plant your seeds in a container or right into your garden boxes or beds. Make a map of where in your garden you planted your seeds for future reference.
· If your seeds grow to maturity, show your children the crops that come from the plants. If possible, show them the seeds so they can begin to understand the cycle of seed-plant-fruit-seed. Eat the fruits of your labor if possible or buy some at the store and enjoy! Have your children draw the seed, plant, and mature fruits. Then, have them record how they tasted.
Note: If you have an Ultimate Naturalist Membership on the Handbook of Nature Study website, you have a new Seed Comparison notebook page you can download and use with this activity.
I am looking for the seed comparison chart and I can’t for the love find it. 🙂 I purchased the seeds for my class and I’m going to mail them the supplies this week for distance learning. I’d love to include the comparison chart. Please help out a brain dead teacher. Ha.
I Found It. 🙂
Sorry you had trouble finding it…glad you didn’t wait on me….just saw your comment. We are having trouble with our internet….just what I need on top of all the other crazy life stuff now!
I love thinking about all your students working on this project! It is so interesting to watch and note the differences in plants. Have fun Angie!