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Homeschool High School Nature Study Ideas

These homeschool high school nature study ideas are meant to encourage your family to consider continuing with some natural science even in the teen years.

These homeschool high school nature study ideas are meant to encourage your family to consider continuing with some natural science even in the teen years. We want to encourage you to include nature study in your high school plans. Our family kept regular times to be outdoors together exploring and observing nature in our own backyard and neighborhood.

Mr. B’s Nicaraguan butterfly

The tone of nature study changes during the teen years and as they find what interests them and develop that interest you can see how this is a life-long passion that will grow as they do. My grown children still surprise me with photos of things they see while on their own adventures…sharing things they know I will enjoy seeing. During Mr. B’s recent trip to Nicaragua, he captured images of a butterfly and a bird for me…sharing them like souvenirs when he came home.

Homeschool Nature Study Ideas For Teens

Mr. A sent me a photo of a snake from his New York hike. I don’t know that I am anxious for them to share snakes with me but it is something he is interested in knowing more about. He has a completely different habitat to explore in New York and with all the experience we had here as he was going through his teens using the internet and field guides to identify things, I know he will be learning so much about the plants, animals, birds, and reptiles of his new area.

These homeschool high school nature study ideas are meant to encourage your family to consider continuing with some natural science even in the teen years.

Honestly, as my children are getting older, they are having to dig deeper to find something they are interested in learning about but the desire is still there. I am feeling the need to spend even more time with them outdoors as they reach their teen and teen+ years, stepping up the observations and learning.

These homeschool high school nature study ideas are meant to encourage your family to consider continuing with some natural science even in the teen years.

Charlotte Mason Style Exam Questions for Homeschool High School

Several of the courses included in Homeschool Nature Study membership include Charlotte Mason style exam questions for advanced students. Author Barb McCoy says, “This series has proved to be a huge success in our family, helping to bring nature study up to a level for my teens. Also, I saw families with large age ranges of children completing the challenges together, each on their own level and enjoying it.”

Include Nature Study in Your High School Plans

Gradually I have learned the value in allowing some leeway in the high school nature study topics we learn more about because I can see the growth in my sons’ love for and connection to the world they live in. I hear their appreciation for the complex system of life that was created for us to enjoy and benefit from.

By Barb November 2013. Updated by Tricia January 2022.

3 thoughts on “Homeschool High School Nature Study Ideas

  1. Beautiful pictures! Wow 🙂

  2. Thanks Leslie! I had to dig around for some photos and thought these were fitting for the post.

  3. The boys still enjoy being outside daily. What we’ve found is that the depth and width of their observational and field guide knowledge enriches our time outside. They know know when a new to them species pops up. They know the plants, animals and birds by name, so like attending a fun party, they know when a new ‘guest’ shows up. They have slowed down on their desire to journal everything – but I am still encouraging it for sure!

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