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Autumn Nature Study Ebook (2010 Version)

Autumn Nature Study with the Outdoor Hour ChallengesAutumn 2010 Nature Study cover

The Autumn Nature Study ebook includes:

  • 10 Outdoor Hour Challenges-7 new challenges and 3 continuing studies (Seasonal Tree, Weather, and Queen Anne’s Lace). All the Outdoor Hour Challenges in this ebook are based on the Handbook of Nature Study and include page numbers and suggested learning observations. The three on-going studies are totally revamped with an autumn focus and they will inspire you to continue in your year-long studies that you started in previous seasons.
  • New to this series of challenges is the focus on learning to compare and contrast using a Venn Diagram. Full instructions and a notebook page are included.
  • 16 Outdoor Hour Challenge notebook pages and nature journal suggestions.
  • 4 optional coloring pages.
  • Ideas for field trips other than your normal Outdoor Hour Challenge backyard adventures.
  • Links for further enrichment for many of the challenges.
  • Complete list of resources and instructions to get started with this ebook.
  • Download and view a sample:Autumn 2010 Nature Study Ebook Sample.
  • 43 pages.
  • Topics include: Geese, Horses, Apple, Seasonal Tree/Leaves, Queen Anne’s Lace, Trout and Salmon, Seasonal Weather Comparison, Pine Cones, November World

You will have a complete plan at your fingertips for your autumn nature study when the opportunities arise. The ebook gives you links and resources to find most of the information online, including the Handbook of Nature Study.

Autumn Nature Study with the Outdoor Hour Challenges
Contains all the challenges, custom notebook pages, resource links, and coloring pages for nature study.

If you have any questions, please email me:


19 thoughts on “Autumn Nature Study Ebook (2010 Version)

  1. Okay, I’m trying to get my ducks in a row and we’re new to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. As a matter of fact I’m awaiting the arrival of our Handbook of Nature Study. My first question is when will the 2010 Autumn Challenges start? My second question is what will be the topic of each challenge (if you don’t mind sharing)? I checked the sample but it did not include a table of contents to see that. I may buy the e-book, but that needs to wait a bit.


  2. I just received mine and it looks wonderful! Thank you for all your hard work.

  3. The Autumn Series of Challenges start on 9/17/10.

    I do not give the topics out ahead of time..part of the benefit for purchasing an ebook.

    The sample has the first challenge which is a more generic challenge getting you to read a bit in the Handbook and then set up your nature journals.

  4. Okay Barb, that helps! Thanks!

  5. Can this be used on a Kindle? Some ebooks are password protected and can’t be. Since my Kindle is my pathway to ebooks, I’d like to know ahead of time.

  6. I have no idea for sure. The ebook is one big pdf file that I email to you.

  7. If you haven’t protected it against that sort of thing and it is simply a pdf, then it should easily be put onto a reader like the Kindle. I purchased an e-curriculum last year that did have that protection. Made me crazy when I realized I wouldn’t be able to have it on my Kindle. Thanks!

  8. Barb,
    I’m in Peru, S.America! Hi! 😉
    Will the challenges be applicable to where I’m at? I’m considering your AWESOME deal, and also considering blogging along… but I want to be sure at least the majority of the challenges will be something we can participate in… e-mail me, please?
    amy in peru

  9. Barb,
    I’m in Peru, S.America! Hi! 😉
    Will the challenges be applicable to where I’m at? I’m considering your AWESOME deal, and also considering blogging along… but I want to be sure at least the majority of the challenges will be something we can participate in… e-mail me, please?
    amy in peru

  10. Thank you Barbara for the good work. I still don’t understand how you manage to do all this. I’ve purchased my series…can’t wait to start.


  11. Hey.. I was waiting for this! What timing too.. just got the kids’ survivors benefits. What better cause could a few bucks go toward than their education?? 🙂

    Blogged this for you too.

  12. I’m hoping to be able to purchase the e-book this time. I’ve been kinda doing this on our own for a while (started with the first 10 challenges on your site), but we got a bit off track over the summer. I was wondering one other thing. I was going to purchase the Art/Music curriculum through Fine Arts for my children (I have a 2nd and K5), but the deal with buying the ones here is so great I was wondering if I should just get the one with the nature e-book? I hope that makes sense.

  13. Kelly,

    Yes, the art in the Autumn ebook would be age appropriate and fun for your children. It would get through at least the first nine or so weeks and then you could decide to use the winter book with art included if you wanted to continue (it is only $8.95 for the whole thing).

    Email me if you have any more questions.


  14. Hi
    I just bought your Ebook so I can prepare each week. Looking forward to it!

  15. What is the age range for your outside challenge book? Will there be a winter one?

    Namaste, Nicole

  16. There is a Winter Ebook available now on the sidebar of my blog. I am not writing a new OHC book for 2011 but we will be working our way through last year’s challenges with the Winter Wednesday Challenges thrown in. You can see all the challenges on the Winter Tab on the top of my blog. The challenges are written for families and we have PreK (adapted) to high school age children participating. They are very flexible.

    Hope that answers your questions.

  17. This EBook looks amazing. I have always enjoyed Barb’s work. I am looking forward to using this for the Aug 2017-Dec 2017 Fall Challenge. I think in general I am really looking forward to fall, a change in the air, a change of seasons, routines and chaos. I love the outdoors in fall, the falling of the leaves, the crispness of the air. We don’t get too much change in our neck of the woods, but enough to make a difference.

  18. Quick question: how would you modify this for those.if us in the far north? In Alaska, that is. Our seasons, except winter, are generally shorter and we.have a smaller/different variety of wildlife. Thanks!

  19. I think this is so awesome, I have loved all of your posts. I am terrible at nature study, you make it so much easier. Thank you!!!

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