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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – Final

OHC Blog Carnival

I am convinced that the blog carnival has gone the way of all things…great while it lasted, a boost to those that participated, and a launching ground for bigger things. I console myself that perhaps the reason for the lack of blog entries for the carnival may not be that the nature study has not taken place but more a factor of our busy lives and no time to share on our blogs about the adventures and learning that took place that month. I can understand that and have actually felt it myself as my life has taken a new direction with my children grown and moving on.

I am happy to share this last edition of the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival with a heart full of emotion. Our journey together has not ended but will continue on in new ways. Growing pains and new chapters in life…all shaping our families in ways we don’t know until the pen is put down at the end of the book.

I’m not going anywhere, just ending the tradition of the monthly blog carnival.

Stick with me for all the other normal features here on the Handbook of Nature Study. I am writing the spring challenges right now and that warms my heart! Think-wildflowers!

Here are my January entries just in case you missed one:

Monarch Habitat

The California Hoptree

Thank you to all who have contributed to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival in the past! I have learned so much from your entries and taken such joy in reading every single entry.


Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!


3 thoughts on “Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – Final

  1. I really do miss the carnivals but you are right, things change. Old things fall away and new things replace them. Contributing to the carnival has been such a lovely part of our nature studies over the years, I’m sad to see it go. Lately we have found fitting in nature study a challenge in these busy high school years, but I feel convicted to not let it go, to keep at it. We have shared many precious times out in nature in our homeschool journey and I feel that we have you to thank for that. Blessings to you Barb.

    1. If you have anything that you would like me to look at so that I can share on social media or even possibly in an up-coming newsletter, send me a link. I think that I will do a sort of round up post every now and then to share links I find that I know will inspire and encourage other families. Thanks for all your past and continued support of the OHC Shirley Ann.

  2. Oh how sad. I was just on your old website, saw the lovely blog carnivals, noticed the change of website and came here to find that the carnivals are long past. Oh how I wish for the sweeter days of homeschool gone past.

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