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Outdoor Hour Challenge- Seasonal Study: Queen Anne’s Lace

If you don’t have Queen Anne’s Lace to study, try the Getting Started suggestion in this post.

Outdoor Hour Challenge:
This week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge is from the Archives and the beginning of a potential year-long study of Queen Anne’s Lace. Please see the following Autumn Queen Anne’s Lace challenge for suggested activities to get your started. This is a study that you can repeat in every season for a complete year to see the life cycle of this interesting plant. Here are the past resources for Queen Anne’s Lace.

Please Note:
If you are interested in connecting your insect study and your study of Queen Anne’s Lace, do some careful observations of your plant for signs of insects. Follow up your outdoor time with some time spent identifying your insects.

“Children should be encouraged to make notes about the same plants or birds for several consecutive years. Each year will bring some new things to their notice and a fuller knowledge of the ways and habits of their subject.” The Charm of Nature Study, 1930

 Queen Anne's Lace Seasonal Notebook Page

Printable Notebook Page:
This week the challenge extra is another notebook page. Make four copies and use one in each of the up-coming seasons to record your Queen Anne’s Lace observations.

Seasonal Observations Queen Anne’s LaceUse this notebook page in each of the four seasons to record you careful observations. Use the suggestions in the challenges listed above to guide your study.

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Getting Started Suggestion:
You can complete Challenge #2 Using Your Words and the accompanying notebook page if you have the ebook. This would be especially helpful if you do not have any Queen Anne’s Lace to observe.

 Ultimate Ebook Library @handbookofnaturestudy



3 thoughts on “Outdoor Hour Challenge- Seasonal Study: Queen Anne’s Lace

  1. That is nice, Barbara. The Queens Lace flowers here in Belgium too. We name it ‘Wilde peen’ (Daucus carota) translate it and you get ‘Wild Carrot’.
    Thank you for all your wonderful work.
    I hope you are on Pinterest: there is a large home-school community there and your lesson plans would attract attention. Besides, I would support your with and endless flow of ‘likes’.
    Kindest greetings from Paula

  2. LOVE your free notebook pages! Thanks for all your hard work. Would love you to link up on Homeschool FreeBEE Friday again this week:

  3. Paula- Yes, I am on Pinterest.

    Jen…just linked up for the week. Thanks for hosting the FreeBee event.

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