This spring homeschool nature study curriculum contains all the nature study Outdoor Hour Challenges, custom notebook pages for nature study as well as three months’ worth of art and music appreciation.
The Spring Homeschool Nature Study for Members Includes Nature Study Lesson Plans:
- 10 Outdoor Hour Challenges – 6 completely new nature study lesson plans – Outdoor Hour Challenges and 4 continuing studies for your spring homeschool (Seasonal Tree, Weather, Cattail, and Bird). All the Outdoor Hour Challenges in this nature study curriculum are based on the Handbook of Nature Study and include page numbers and suggested learning observations.
- 10 Outdoor Hour Challenge notebook pages and nature journal suggestions.
- 3 months’ worth of art and music appreciation- 3 composers and 3 artists with links, prints to view, coordinating projects, a coloring page, and notebook pages. Also included in two of the months are additional ideas for studying several instruments in the orchestra along with your listening time.
- Ideas for nature study field trips other than your normal Outdoor Hour Challenge backyard adventures.
- Links for further enrichment for each Outdoor Hour Challenge, artist study, and composer study.
- Complete list of resources and instructions to get started with this nature study curriculum.
- 50 pages
- Topics Include: Year-Long Tree Study, Spring Weather, Spring Bird, Dandelions, Spring Cattail, Apple Tree, Cats, Snakes, Earthworms, and Ants.
- Updated January 2022.
Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenge Homeschool Curriculum Included
You will have a complete plan at your fingertips for your spring nature study, art appreciation, and music study. You will need to have the Handbook of Nature Study in order to complete the nature study challenges. All of the art prints are included in the ebook and there are links to viewing them online as well.
Art and Music Appreciation Spring Homeschool Curriculum Included
This time the three featured composers and their music are offered on one CD: Classical Music Start-Up Kit Volume Two. You can choose to purchase this CD for convenience or use the online links to listen to the music suggested in the music appreciation plans. I have aimed to keep these challenges and homeschool activities as simple as possible with very few additional resources needed.
Join Homeschool Nature Study Membership for Homeschool Resources and Support Year Round!
Spring Homeschool Nature with Art and Music Appreciation is available in membership, along with access to 26+ Outdoor Hour Challenge Homeschool Curriculum and courses, weekly Outdoor Hour Challenges, a monthly nature calendar with daily nature study prompts and more!
Enjoy nature study, art appreciation and music studies all in one plan for your spring homeschool!
I love your great resources! Thanks so much for all your hard work.
I love your ideas, pictures and thoughts you share on this blog. Please enter me in your drawing!
I would love to enter your giveaway. Your work is always top notch.
I have been thinking about purchasing some of your work and I would love to be put in the drawing. I visit your site almost every day; I really enjoy it 🙂
Such great stuff….as ALWAYS!!!
We loved the first ebook we ordered from you – which was a compilation of the first ten challenges. We’d love to have all your wonderful resources for spirng. Please enter us into your giveaway. Thanks! 🙂
I love your blog! I even like the way it sounds! Please enter me in your drawing.
Hi Barb!
You have put together another great resource! :o) Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration to me!
I left a post on my blog! (If any corrections need to be made, just leave a comment!)
I cannot wait to try the Outdoor Hour challenges. I love that you integrated composer study and art into the e-book, thanks!
I Facebook-ed you!
Looking forward to spending spring together with you and all of the other outdoor hour challengers, it has been a joy to get to know all of you this winter!
We have our Winter/Spring kit ready to begun the first part of April. My daughter and I are both excited 🙂
Glad to promote your ebook!
I’d love to win your giveaway!
I would like to enter your giveaway. The spring plans sound great!
Enter me away! I am so looking forward to the new studies..oh I see you have made some changes to the blog…they look great.
Thank you for the giveaway and all your wondeful work!
Love your weekly challenges. Please enter me in your giveaway!
I love all your ideas and would love to win one of your giveaway prizes.
Thank you so much for the time you put into each activity…we are beginning with Challenge #1 next week and my girls are sooo excited!
I would love to win any of your giveaway items! We always enjoy your studies 😀
I posted about your book and giveaway!
Thanks for all you do!
My plans are officially done! This was the last resource I was holding out for.. thanks so much Barb!!!
sign me up!
I’ll send a notice to my charlotte mason yahoogroup, homeswithheartandcm. thanks!
I am really looking forward to using this spring E-book. The children and I have thoroughly enjoyed the winter series! Thank you for putting this together!
Hello again.. of course I blogged you.. once to update my plans at (http://holistichomeschooler.blogspot.com/2010/03/school-year-2010-11-term-i-overview.html) and once to make an announcement (http://holistichomeschooler.blogspot.com/2010/03/update-on-term-i-plans-ebook-and.html)
I’d love to win! Thanks for the opportunity.
I am looking forward to using this ebook! We are new to your blog and LOVE it! Thank you.
Barb, thanks so much for all that you do! I love your emails and following along with the nature study. Please enter me in the drawing, these all look great.
Thanks for all your challenges. They’ve brightened our homeschool days 🙂 Promoted your ebook in my signs of spring bonus challenge post: http://www.hodgepodge.me/HodgePodge/Homeschool_Highlights/Entries/2010/3/21_Signs_of_Spring_Bonus_Challenge.html
Thanks for blogging. This is a wonderful resource for my family.
This sounds like great fun! We live a few miles from a fantastic nature center and are always looking for new ways to explore!
Thank you for your diligent work in the homeschooling community! I think I will be purchasing the new e-book for our Spring Nature Studies! How exciting this new book will be for us to use!
Your blog has been a great inspiration for me to get my family outdoors and really be aware of our world! Thanks.
Love your blog. Please enter me in your drawing.
Thank you for your diligent work in the homeschooling community! I think I will be purchasing the new e-book for our Spring Nature Studies! How exciting this new book will be for us to use!
please enter us! We just did the “signs of spring” which was our first OHC! We can’t wait to make them a regular part of our schooling!
You continue to amaze me!
Thanks for putting these OHC all together in a printable ebook!
Best Wishes
I am so excited about this giveaway. We are in our first few months of beginning our journey with Charlotte Mason & are loving it! I just recently found your blog. It has been the added push of direction that I needed to take the plunge into this method of teaching. I would love, love, love to win of these wonderful giveaway items! I can’t wait to here who the winner is. Thanks for putting the hard work in that it requires to offer us this wonderful resource!
Your family is such an inspiration in our house! Please enter me in the giveaway.
Purchased the first 10 challenges all-in-one to jump start our nature study and we LOVE it! Thanks for all you do and for making it affordable! Hope I win… 🙂
Oh, I hope I win! I love your pages. I left a post on my blog about your giveaway. Please sign me up! kat @ pappadoodles.blogspot.com
The e-book looks great!! I posted about it on my blog plus put a pic and link on my side bar and I am just about to send the info to as many groups as I can think of =)God Bless, Angie in GA
I would love to win! Thank you!
I plugged your new e-book on my nature blog. Here’s the link.
http://woexcuse.blogspot.com/2010/03/signs-of-spring-bonus-challenge.html Thanks Barb!
Just found your blog, neat!
Love your new blog re-do! Looking forward to spring at the Outdoor Hour! Thanks for all you do!
Thanks for the chance to win!
What beautiful resources that I will be adding into my homeschool day!
I so need something to spice up our school time!
Thanks so much for offering the giveaway! I’d love your ebook!
Blessings to you!
I just bought my ebook. Thank you so much…… Im so excited to get started……..
I’d love a chance to win you generous giveaway! Thanks so much! =)
You have the best ideas and your photos are lovely.
I blogged about your nature study and giveaway on my Delightful Learning blog:
This really looks great!
I’ve just found your blog and am excited to start applying new ideas to our schooling, especially since I know we are in need of a change!
I love reading your blog. Especially having a high schooler- I always find new inspiration. Thank you for all of your hard work. Please enter me in your drawing!
Would love to win one of these!
Yay! I’d love to win, looks great! 🙂
WoW! Another great resource-can’t wait to get it.
I posted about your e-book here:
I also posted your blog and e-book link on a homeschool e-mail list I participate in.
I am looking forward to this spring nature study! The winter challenges were fantastic and kept us going with our nature study.
Thanks 🙂
Your blog is a cherished resource for our homeschool. I would love to enter your giveaway.
Thanks again Barb!! Please don’t leave out summer!! Mentioned this newest installment on ChartwellAcademy.wordpress.com.
Your Winter E-book breathed fresh life figuratively and literally into our homeschooling. I am excited about the Spring E-book and am anxious to crack it open so to speak. Thanks for your creative and thoughtful work.
I am amazed!!!
Please enter me in your drawing! Your work looks wonderful!
Here is the link to my post!
OH, wow, I just found you, and I am so glad I did. Thanks for your enthusiasm that shines through your words, for learning and educating. It rubs off. I would love to enter this drawing, please. I have posted on you. see below.
Thank you.
Made it just in time:) I love your site and can’t wait for our family to start on the challenges! Please enter me in the drawing!
Just buying the spring e-book – and so grateful for all you’ve done to make our nature time so easy and enjoyable!
Would love to win any of these resources and am really looking forward to the new spring study! Blessings!:)