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Spring Wildflowers-Part 7

Just another entry to share what is along the trail this week as we hike along……I have not captured them all but I am working diligently to document the majority of the flowers. It was a rainy day but when a break in the clouds came we struck out for a long walk in the woods.

Purple Chinese Houses are starting to bloom along the trail on the hilly sides and in the sun. My favorite….purple.

Here are some more Indian Pinks. These are one flower you can’t miss because of their brilliant color.

I did not get a good photo of this one but I will try again next time. This is blue larkspur.

This was an unidentified flower on a vine last week but now that I can see the fruit forming….I know what it is! Wild cucumber! I saw these at the Channel Islands National Park and we examined the dried fruits and seeds. I will be watching this one develop over the summer.

This yellow flower is blanketing the area right now. I am working on its identification.

Is this interesting or what? I was taking photos of some poppies and I noticed this unusual looking plant. Any ideas?

That is it for this entry. I am happy to report that we seem to be slowly identifying most of the wildflowers we find along the trail. This is a huge project but one that I am totally and completely enjoying and it doesn’t seem like work at all.

Spring Book collage

3 thoughts on “Spring Wildflowers-Part 7

  1. The flower and tubular stem of your mystery flower make me think of something in the allium family, like wild garlic, onion or ramp. Did it have an onion-y smell when you rubbed it?

    -Christine in Massachusetts

  2. Hi Christine,

    I went back and looked at it again yesterday and I thought about it being an onion of some sort but it did not have any fragrance.

    We are on the same track though….I am not giving up.

    I found another similarly shaped flower this weekend in this same area and it is red. I will post about it next wildflower post.

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  3. Oh, I do miss Spring wildflowers!

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