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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Caddis Fly

Outdoor Hour Challenge  Caddis Fly @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge


Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages 408-411 (Lesson #104) in the Handbook of Nature Study. There is a lot of information in this lesson so make sure to highlight a few interesting facts to share with your family.
  • Note: The caddisfly larvae (caddisworms) will be found in creeks, ponds, and streams. Adult caddisflies are moth-like creatures that will be attracted to light in the evenings.
  • Links to information about the caddisfly: Bug Guide and Northern Caddis Fly.
  • This is an awesome video on Youtube: Caddis Fly.
  • Alternate study: Water striders are common insects found “walking” on the water: Water Striders.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Visit a pond or shallow stream, looking for caddisworms (larva) in their cases. Use a dipping net to try to catch a caddisworm to observe. Use some of the activity ideas from the lesson to make careful observations of your caddisfly larva.
  • In addition, sit out under your porch light in the evening and watch for caddisflies to visit. Look at its wings, eyes, and antennae.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create a nature journal entry showing both the caddisfly larva and the caddisfly. You can draw the life cycle of the caddis fly on the back of your nature journal page if you wish.
  • Advanced study: Research the insect order trichoptera. Use a field guide and complete two additional nature journal entries for insects in this order.
  • Alternate study: Create a nature journal entry for the water strider using the notebook page included in this ebook or in your nature journal.
  • Alternate Advanced study: Research the insect order hemiptera and create a nature journal entry with information on two insects from this order.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library
If you want to purchase the Summer Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Summer Nature Study Continues – New Ebook announcement page for more details.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Continues ebook



 This is the last of the summer challenges! We will be starting the Autumn Nature Study 2015 ebook challenges starting on September 4, 2015!

Handbook of Nature Study Autumn Nature Study 2015 Cover Image