“The gobbler is the most vainglorious bird known to us; when he struts to show his flock of admiring hens how beautiful he is, he lowers his wings and spreads the stiff primary quills until their tips scrape the ground, lifting meanwhile into a semi-circular fan his beautiful tail feathers, he protrudes his chest, and raises the iridescent plumage of his neck like a ruff to make a background against which he throws back his red, white, and blue decorated head.”
Handbook of Nature Study

Fun Turkey Homeschool Nature Study Ideas
Wild turkeys are a funny bunch of birds. Homeschool Nature Study founder Barb McCoy says, “we lived in California, many times we saw turkeys in the woods and sometimes trotting down the back roads. They make a funny sound as they move through the trees and poke around on the ground for tidbits to eat. Then, if you get lucky, you’ll see the male turkey strutting his stuff and displaying his beautiful tail feathers!
Homeschool Bird Study – Turkeys
If you have a wild turkey or even a domestic turkey to observe, you’ll enjoy the suggestions in the lesson in the Handbook of Nature Study. Another suggestion is to watch the videos in the original challenge to get a taste of what turkeys are all about and then read the Handbook of Nature Study lesson and finish with a nature journal page with your children.”
The full turkey homeschool nature study and a turkey notebooking page is included in membership – along with all the fun, fall favorite topics and a member calendar filled with daily nature study prompts!
November Homeschool Nature Study Activities
Before the whole month of November slips away, let’s make time to observe what nature is doing at this time of year. Start off by completing the reading of pages 1 and 2 in the Handbook of Nature Study as a refresher.
Take a few minutes to think about how keeping a regular nature study period each week has benefited your family. Ask your children what they have learned so far this autumn season about the birds, insects, and plants in your neighborhood.
Members can browse the November Outdoor Hour Challenges! Pine cone science, a year long brook study and more
Victoria says, “As autumn gets into full swing, what better way to mark the change of seasons than with these super simple leaf prints. We are heading into that period of autumn where the leaves are on the cusp of igniting into rich shades of red and orange. Here in the UK, we usually have about a week of vibrancy before one strong wind comes along and blows all the colour to the ground. So it is best to capture its beauty while we can.”
Let this give you encouragement to keep participating in the Outdoor Hour Challenge as the weather turns colder and wetter.
Free Your November World Printable Journal Page
Use the ideas in this challenge to get outside and find something of interest to note about your November World. Complete the notebook page in the Autumn Course included in membership or create a page in your own blank journal.
More Fall Homeschool Nature Study and Homeschool Ideas
Here are even more ideas for your November homeschool:
- Fall Bird Study and Project FeederWatch
- Fun Apple and Pumpkin Nature Studies
- Homeschool Fall Leaf Study and Activities Perfect for All Ages
- Bats Homeschool Nature Study: Mammals
- The Ultimate Guide to Fall Nature Study in Your Own Backyard
- A Thanksgiving Book List for Your Fall Homeschool Studies
- Ultimate Guide to Fun Thanksgiving Homeschool Activities
- 5 November Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
- November Homeschool Celebrations
November is such a month of change and transition…don’t miss getting outside to view it for yourselves! Be sure to share your outdoor time on social media and tag @outdoorhourchallenge on Instagram or Outdoor Hour Challenges too!
Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.