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They Don’t Call it the Golden State for Nothing

What a gift I received yesterday.

We were out on our afternoon hike and we rounded the bend and we all immediately stopped in our tracks. The view had changed from the day before. The hills in the distance were a bright orange…..with California poppies.

I tried to zoom in as much as I could to show it more clearly but this was the best I could do.

Overnight the hillside had transformed into a carpet of golden poppies.

I have lived within two miles of this wonder and have never seen it so beautiful in 29 years.


CA Poppy bursting out

8 thoughts on “They Don’t Call it the Golden State for Nothing

  1. Ooooo, that is sooo beautiful! Thank you for capturing it on camera to share with us all.

  2. Beautiful! I had an experience like that once while driving through the grapevine. A hillside in the distance was absolutely glowing orange and I couldn’t even figure out what it was until we got closer because it looked so surreal! Have you ever been to the CA Poppy Reserve in Lancaster? We might have to make a trip there soon!
    Thanks for your blog!

  3. Oh…what I wouldn’t give to see that!!! I have yet to see some and that is another thing I know I would like about CA.

    What an amazing site!

  4. We went for a hike yesterday to Chino Hills State Park and it was breathtaking! California Poppies, Wild Radish, Fiddlenecks, and more. You can see our pictures here along with the rest of our CM group’s pictures from the year.

  5. Lovely! California Poppies have always been one of my favorites, such an amazing color…

  6. How lovely! I like the words in your last post-we got by last week with nature and the Word, as well.



  7. This is a breathtaking photo.How absolutely beautiful.I think it is great that you took that time outdoors.We spent the weekend out doors hiking and playing kickball with the children and had a blast.Spring is definitely in the air here too.

  8. Oh…that IS a gift!
    I have never seen poppies in the wild.

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