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A Short Voyage to the Garden

“She who opens her eyes and her heart nature-ward even once a week finds nature-study in the schoolroom a delight and an abiding joy….She finds, first of all, companionship with her children; and second, she finds that without planning or going on a far voyage, she has found health and strength”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 3

Orange flower in full bloom

One of the joys of writing this blog is that I can share with you my daily finds in my own backyard. As the years have rolled past, my own eyes have opened to the real beauty just waiting for me to notice.

Kona and the money plant
Slowing down, I see my own yard with eyes that are full of appreciation for the colors, shapes, and the variety of life.

Lavender lacy edge Tulip
Sometimes I notice the birds…okay, almost every day I do that. Sometimes I notice the trees or the flowers or the insects. Gradually, I have learned to plan my garden to provide opportunities for future nature study for my children and myself.

Sometimes these plans work out very well and sometimes they are a bust. Last year’s milkweed crop was eaten by our Lovely Labrador, our pumpkins didn’t get bigger than my fist, and the corn was a joke. Sigh.

Very Tall Red Tulip
Each year I seem to get a little better at understanding our yard and its available light and space. Recently we removed two trees that were broken in the winter snow so there should be a little more sun in the back corner for our newly planted apple tree.

Planting a garden in pots
I am planting the milkweed in a pot and up on the deck so our Lovely Labrador will not make a snack of it. No corn planted this year but we added onions for the first time and they look great so far.

Spanish Lavender
I think this is Spanish butterfly lavender or something like that….I really should make a record of each plant I add to the garden. It smells nice and the bees love it.

As summer sneaks up on us, remember to keep your eyes open for some beauty in your world. It might just be right under your nose. Take a little voyage out into your backyard. If you make a blog entry and leave me a comment, I will come peak into your garden.


11 thoughts on “A Short Voyage to the Garden

  1. You DO have some wonderful things right out in your own backyard! Thats one thing we’ve been noticing lately too. I have to say that I got the ebook and Handbook of Nature Study a little bit late, but we’re having a wonderful time doing them! I did post pictures but never linked up, but will jump in with you this month. So excited!

  2. Your garden looks wonderful! I’m trying to establish a lot of perennials this year – that’s why I’m not doing the Challenges, it’s so busy, and we’re outdoors all the time as par for the course. I do enjoy visiting here, though, here, and your garden!

  3. Just love your opening quote. Beautiful pics. Especially love that purple flower

  4. What lovely pictures. Time to get up out of my chair and walk the neighborhood.

    I popped in to mention that I found several used copies of Discover Nature in Winter on Amazon in the under $10 range. I guess they just aren’t so in demand in these sunny days. But I have one on order in hopes for next year. (Which almost guarantees orders to So. Cal or Florida.)

  5. I love the voyage in your garden and the quote. Gorgeous photos! Your black lab compliments your garden well – even if he likes to eat a few things you plant 🙂 We’ve been making paths and have been enjoying irises, azalea and roses. Inviting you to come take a peek:

  6. your post made me smile this morning! beautiful!

  7. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. I love gardens! Thanks for sharing yours, the good and the bad!

  9. Thank you for opening my eyes a little wider.

    I just did a barter with a local horticulturist – she got childcare and we will get a New England plant identification lesson!

    Question: Are you growing the milkweed for the butterflies?

  10. Richele,

    Yes, we are trying to get it established in our butterfly garden. We hope to encourage some monarchs. This is where we purchased our seeds:


  11. Beautiful. I can’t wait until I have a backyard to put a garden in.

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