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Colors and Surprises in the Late July Garden

Is there anyone else that plants things and then forgets what they are from year to year? I had two mystery plants in the garden that have now flowered and I could identify them. Yes, two plants.

It was a complete surprise to me when I looked down off the deck last night and saw a hibiscus blooming. Where did that come from?

Edit to add: Several of you commented and emailed that you thought this mystery plant was a Rose of Sharon. Turns out we are all right. The Latin name for this plant would be Hibiscus syriacus and the common name is Rose of Sharon.  Thanks for the help!

Rose of Sharon in garden

Isn’t it beautiful? I did have a hibiscus in the front yard but it died a few years ago…maybe I planted one here in the back at that time to replace it. Perhaps I should keep a garden diary where I keep track of new things that we add as we go along. Seems sort of late for that now.


My gladiola is starting to blossom. I love the delicate shades of lavender.

Four Oclocks

Our Four O’Clocks are continuing to blossom. This was another of our mystery plants that we were able to identify this summer.

Apples on the tree! I am surprised that they are getting so big on my small little tree. I had to prop up the limb because it was bending so far down to the ground.

I just can’t get enough of my sunflowers this year and I am sad when I think that soon they will be gone and I will have to wait until next year to enjoy them again. We have been counting bees as part of the Great Sunflower Project and it is such a wonderful way to slow down and enjoy your garden.

Snap dragons

Up on the deck, my container garden is still providing the colors of summer. These snapdragons are my favorite combination of colors.

Butterfly bush and swallowtail (2)We continue to see lots of butterflies each day….some look like they are just floating through the air as they come to rest on the flowers. The Western Tiger Swallowtails are my favorites because of their color and their size.


This image is a promise. My dad sent home some zinnia seedlings for me to plant and he promised me they would bloom before the season was over. I have faithfully been making sure they are watered each day and I look forward to seeing the fulfillment of that promise.

Sunset Monsson (3)

With the afternoons that bring us monsoon moisture, the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous. We can see a glimpse of it each day from our back deck….only if we stand way over in one corner. It is worth the effort.

My garden brings me such joy.

Jami’s Tuesday Garden Party meme is open from Tuesday to Thursday so there is still time for you to jump in and participate!

6 thoughts on “Colors and Surprises in the Late July Garden

  1. Our first sunflower just opened yesterday. Aren’t they a miraculous plant? I enjoy seeing them following the sun throughout the day.

  2. Beautiful blossoms. I love your new hibiscus and that lavender colored glad. I love seeing what other people have in their gardens. It continuously stokes my plant. Lust. Hoping that you have a wonderful week.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  3. Apples! We had a wonderful apple tree in my yard when I was growing up. I miss that!

  4. everything looks wonderful…my grandma always used to call the surprises “Volunteers”

    Now whether that was her term or a gardening term back in the day I have no clue 🙂 I just remember it..

  5. I love these questions, they definitely make you think!

  6. I love seeing your garden. You always have a few things I don’t have and it makes me want to plant them next year!

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