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Early Spring Wildflowers (Post 2)

The hillside is beginning to burst open in flowers this week making our daily walk such a feast for the eyes. Everyday now it seems that there is something new to discover.

This unique white flower has me puzzled.
EDIT: Vera helped me out with this one…it is chickweed!

Here is another photo of the plant and its blooms.

This tiny white flower is blooming right in the middle of the pathway. It is about 1 or 2 inches high at the most. I really need to take my field guide with me and try to identify this one as well.

This one has me stumped….grrrr. I know it has to be something fairly common because I notice along the trail in a couple different of areas. I am going to take a better look today and see if I can figure it out.
Edit: Georgiaberry suggested that this may be Spring Beauty and I am going to check it out today.

Okay, this has been one frustrating post for me. I really want to identify all the flowers this year and so far I have more questions than answers. Maybe I should hire myself a botanist to go on the trail with me and have them teach me all the names of the plants. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Expect a garden post soon…our yard is waking up. I read through the pages in the Handbook of Nature Study on plants….wildflowers, weeds, and garden flowers and I made a list of those flowers were are going to study this spring. I will share those plants that we have included and maybe you will like to join us over the next few weeks or whenever you have these particular flowers blooming in your area.

I just had a great idea… about since we finished our Winter Wednesday activities, we start a Wednesday Flower Day study? That will hold me accountable to keep up our family’s studies and anyone can join us that wants to have a little structure. I will post about it tomorrow.

11 thoughts on “Early Spring Wildflowers (Post 2)

  1. The small white flowers, remind me of a five petal anemone, but it is hard to tell. I think a Wed flower study would be great!

  2. the 2nd picture looks like chickweed to me. or stelleria media

  3. Thanks Vera…I think you are absolutely right!

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  4. I have such a hard time with identifying some of them, too, but wish I knew them all!

  5. Hello! We have just basic flowers like daffodils in our local park. I drew inspiration from your blog and did our first nature study – we have yet to start homeschooling. Please take a look and tell me what you think 🙂 xx

  6. If I had to make a guess on the one that has you stumped, how about some kind of phlox? (I really don’t know, hard to tell which leaves go with the flowers).

    Here is a link that might be helpful. You check off boxes related to your flower and it tries to identify it for you:

    or this one:

    I like the flower idea, although it may be a few weeks yet. We still have some snow in our yard.

    Thanks! Sarah

  7. These are great. We still have nothing in bloom here in MI (that I’ve noticed).

    I got “Drawing with Children” in the mail yesterday and I’m SO excited to dig into this with my daughter. We’ve been moving forward doing the mammal study, but we’ve just been following our own schedule.

    I’d like to get more pictures taken and share them. It can be time consuming to upload and share pictures. That’s why I haven’t been sharing in the Outdoor Hour lately. I hope to change that, though!

  8. What beautiful pictures! I hope you take time to taste the chickweed while it’s young; it’s delicious in salads!



  9. Marqueta,

    I had to laugh at your comment. We just “weeded” two 5-gallon buckets full of chickweed out of my dad’s garden boxes yesterday and it never occurred to me that you could eat it. We would have had a feast. 🙂

    Thanks for the tip,
    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  10. Barb – I think the second group of flowers you have is “spring beauty” Claytonia virginica, which is a tiny bulb. Look it up and see if that’s not it – I’m not 100% sure from the pics.


  11. GeorgiaBerry,

    Wow, that looks very similar. I will have to take my field guide today and check it out! Thanks so much for the tip.


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