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Outdoor Hour Challenge-Small Square Study Living vs. Non-Living

Outdoor Hour Challenge:
How about a Small Square Study this week? Use the directions from Challenge #9 to complete your own careful study of a square foot in your backyard or neighborhood. Look for signs of insects as you observe your square with a hand lens. Use the printable notebook page below to record your nature study or make a record in your nature journal using words and sketches.

Printable Activity Notebook Page:
This week the challenge extra is a free printable notebook page to go along with your square foot study.

Small Square Study – Living vs. Non-Living: As you complete your small square study, categorize the objects you find between living (or once living) and non-living. There is a place to list your items and sketch them too.

Getting Started Suggestion:
This week the challenge comes from the Getting Started ebook (Challenge #9). If you own the ebook, there are custom notebook pages to print to go along with this study.

You can also read more information on the square foot study on my Squidoo Lens: Nature Study in Your Own Backyard.

If you need an explanation of how the Outdoor Hour Challenge is going to work from this day forward, please read this entry:
Nature Study Using the Outdoor Hour Challenge – How to Steps and Explanation.

1 thought on “Outdoor Hour Challenge-Small Square Study Living vs. Non-Living

  1. This is a cute concept. Though we didn’t use the square, we took a walk in our neighborhood to draw things that we saw. Then, once we got home about an hour later we discussed if the things she drew were living or nonliving based on what we had discussed/learned that morning. She had a fun time coloring the items when she got home and finding items as she walked outside. It was a really good way to bring our school into nature! <3


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