Outdoor Hour Challenge
Wildflower Nature Study Set #2
- This 43 page digital ebook has 5 challenges and supplemental activities that will help you learn about some common wildflowers.
- There are custom notebooking pages for each of the five wildflowers featured. In addition, there is a general notebook page for recording information for each of the plant families introduced in this ebook. There is also a page for use with any summer flower study.
- I have included two wildflower related activities from the archives: Wildflower Photo Hunt and the Wildflower Big Grid Study.
- Four coloring pages
- There is enough material in this ebook to provide 5 weeks of wildflower study or more depending on how long you take to complete each challenge.
- One of the resources in this ebook is a chart that coordinates each study with the Botany in a Day book.
- Sample: Print an ebook sample here:OHC Wildflower Nature Study Set 2 Sample
Here are the specific flowers included in this ebook:
- Henbit ( Mint Family)
- Cow Parsnip (Parsley Family)
- Columbine (Buttercup Family)
- Chicory (Aster Family)
- Cocklebur (Aster Family)
Note: If you don’t have the specific wildflowers listed above in your area, there are suggestions for studying an alternative flower or you can focus on the plant family instead. This ebook will work no matter where you live if you want to just focus on the plant families and use a local field guide to look for flowers you can observe during a nature walk in your own habitat.
How do you get the new Wildflower Nature Study ebook?
Members of the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey levels have access to the new ebook in their library. You need to click the “Members Area” button at the top of the website, sign into your account, and the ebook is there to download and save for your family to use when desired.
If you don’t have a membership yet, I am offering a $5 off discount code that will be good towards your Ultimate Naturalist membership.
Discount Code: Wildflower5
How To Get Started With This New Ebook!
Make sure you have a membership to the Handbook of Nature Study website! Click the Purchase Now button above or the Join Us button on the website. If you don’t already have a membership, use the discount code above for $5 off an Ultimate Naturalist Membership. If you are a member, sign in to your library and download the book.
You may wish to subscribe to the Handbook of Nature Study blog so you can receive the prompts in your email box each Friday. Also, subscribers receive my free monthly nature study newsletter on the first of every month. It is full of nature study encouragement, activities, and printables.