An introduction to geology with rock cycle activities for middle and high school. This is a great homeschool nature study and a simple way to explore rocks as a nature study in your own backyard!

Rock Study of Granite and Other Igneous Rocks
Note To the Parent: There is a lot of great information in this study, far more than can be covered in a week. Use this study as an introduction to geology as it relates to nature study in your own backyard or neighborhood. Read the information in the Handbook of Nature Study and share any facts or ideas with your child that make sense to you. Keep it simple.
Rock Cycle Activities, Nature Study Lesson Plans and Inside Prep Work For Your Homeschool:
- Read the Handbook of Nature Study pages 743-750 (Introduction to Rocks and Minerals and Lessons 209—210).
- For this challenge, concentrate on Lesson 209– Granite. You can also observe other igneous rocks: basalt, obsidian, and pumice.
- View the images and the videos in the Additional Links section below.
- Advanced study: Interactive Rock Cycle—This is a great overview of the rock cycle and identifying rocks.
Outdoor Hour Time:
- Go exploring for rocks. Bring along a collecting box or bag and see if you can find some rocks, particularly granite or other igneous rocks. Remember what you read in the Handbook of Nature Study and the images you viewed in your preparation.
- Collect some samples to bring inside to look at closely. Make sure to take a photo for your Rock Photo Scavenger Hunt notebook page.
Follow-Up Rock Cycle Activities For Your Homeschool:
- Choose one of the rocks you collected outdoors and look at it closely using a hand lens. If you collected some granite, can you distinguish the various components? Record your observations in your nature journal.
- Advanced study: Diagram and describe the rock cycle in your nature journal.
- Advanced study: Use your observation skills and record your information in your nature journal. Use a rock identification key to identify your igneous rock.
Rock Study Learning Resource Links:
- Geology Video: Igneous Rocks (for younger students)
- Rock cycle interactive (simple explanations)
- Advanced Study: Igneous Rock video on
- Igneous Rock Images on
Rock Nature Study in Homeschool Nature Study Membership
Find rock cycle activities and rock homeschool nature study resources in Homeschool Nature Study Membership! Included in membership:
- Rocks Big Grid – filled with nature study prompts for weeks of rock study!
- Rocks notebooking pages for: pyrite, obsidian, coal, chalk, hematite, pumice, zinc, talc, geode, amethyst, flint, coral and sponge.
- Rock Photo Hunt prompts and notebooking page
- Under a Rock notebooking page
- Plus 25+ courses and an interactive monthly calendar filled with nature study prompts and new nature study lessons.
Hi Barb,
This is awesome! I love rocks (was going to be a geology major, but changed my mind – still love rocks, though).
The Mineralogical Society of America has a Rock Identification Key that might be helpful. Just go to their website and look under Collector’s Corner. Looks like the website has an area for kids, too.
It has been so long since I have submitted an entry to HNS, I am not sure how to do it now that you don’t have the linky below the posts.
Hi Phyllis,
You can submit it to the OHC Blog Carnival. All current entries are shared there now.
[…] Igneous Rock Nature Study from the Handbook of Nature Study blog. […]
[…] Note To the Parent: There is a lot of great information in this study, far more than can be covered in a week. Use this study as an introduction to geology as it relates to nature study in your own backyard or neighborhood. Read the information in the Handbook of Nature Study and share any facts or ideas with your child that make sense to you. Keep it simple. (includes an interactive rock cycle!): Rock Cycle Activities for Middle and High School […]