Are you looking for ideas for some simple fall nature study ideas? Enjoy these ideas and pick those that get you excited to be outdoors this season with your children.

Signs of Fall September Nature Study Activities
You may wish to make a note in your planner to accomplish several of these ideas for the next few months.
Some fall signs to look for:
- Dry grass and weeds
- Seeds
- Wildflowers-thistles, goldenrod
- Birds eating at feeders or flying overhead to migrate
- Chilly morning temperatures or dew on the grass
- Fruit ripe on trees
- Insects or webs
- Nuts, acorns, or berries
- Clouds and wind
“The free open air is the best background for all work in nature study. The conventionalities of the schoolroom fall away. The artificial distance between teacher and pupil disappears, and as friend to friend the group talks. It is this that makes work in nature study at its best so delightful.
The wealth of material is very great, and the suggestions that come from things in their proper places are much more abounding than those that arise in the artificial conditions of the school room.”
Excerpt from The Study of Nature – by Samuel Christian Schmucker. 1908.
September Nature Study Plans with the Outdoor Hour Challenges
Each year we have a new focus with The Handbook of Nature Study curriculum plans. Here is a sampling of topics from this year and others:
Enjoy Fall Outdoor Hour Challenges with The Handbook of Nature Study
- Autumn Favorites Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum
- Autumn Curriculum
- Fall leaf study grid
- Signs of autumn study
- Under the fallen leaves autumn fun
- Fall color walk with printable color cards
- Swallows and swifts and learning about bird migration
- Goose
- Apples and how they grow
- How to start a field notebook
- Autumn weather and changes in your own backyard
- Pumpkin farm notebook page
- Bat study
- The hawk
- Autumn night sky studies
- Pigs
- Bracket fungi and stinkhorns
- Squirrels
- Horses
- Turkey
- Maple, ash, hemlock, staghorn sumac and oak trees
- Belted Kingfisher bird study
- Lizards, anoles and geckos
- Autumn flowers
and SO much more!
Fall Nature Crafts for Homeschool Families
Autumn is finally upon us with all its rust, orange and golden glory, so it’s the best time to make these pumpkin pixie houses. With yellowing leaves, ripening apples and pumpkins galore, what better way to celebrate the new season than with an adorable new nature craft.
Enjoy this fabulous new craft for our annual members – led by Victoria Vels! Join Homeschool Nature Study membership today!
Start a Year Long Nature Study
For families that are completing yearlong studies as part of their nature study plan, you’ll find ideas for subjects in out Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum as well. You can start now in fall and make observations over the next year of your chosen topic. Our family has greatly benefited from following a subject over the course of a complete year, making seasonal observations as we go.
Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we’ve done in the past:
- Year-Long Big Dipper Study
- Seasonal Cattail Study
- Seasonal Milkweed Study
- Year-Long Pond Study
- Year-Long Queen Anne’s Lace Study
- Seasonal Autumn Tree Study
- Year-Long Tree Study – something different
- Year-Long Thistle Study
- Teasel Study – start a year-long teasel study
- Autumn Weather Study – printable notebook page in membership
- Year-Long Burdock Study
The Joys of Fall Homeschool Nature Study Activities
Fall in love with nature study in your homeschool! Here are more ideas for you and your family to enjoy this season.
We have Outdoor Hour Challenge Homeschool Nature Study Curriculum filled with weeks of fall nature study plans! You can also take a look at this sampling of the resources we have for you to enjoy simple, fall homeschool nature study in your own backyard.
- Seasonal Tree Observations Outdoor Hour Challenge
- Fall Color Walk with Printable Color Cards in membership (great for your youngest adventurers)
- How to Make Leaf Rubbings (video)
- Tips for Drawing Leaves
- Learn Why Leaves Change Color
- Preschool fall nature studies
- Advanced studies on the chemistry of leaves
- Seasonal Favorites: apples, pumpkins, bats, turkeys and more!
The Outdoor Hour Challenges Bring The Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool!
For even more homeschool nature study ideas for all seasons, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!
Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!
Find Nature Study Activities for each month of the year!
Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.