Do you wonder what animals, birds and insects do in the winter? This hibernation winter nature study helps answer those questions and features a hibernating or migrating printable!
Hibernation Winter Homeschool Nature Study: Outdoor Hour Challenge
Mammals in general tend to be shy of humans. In the winter, it is even more difficult to observe mammals. Outdoor Hour Challenge founder, Barb McCoy, suggests the following:
1. Read chapter nine in Discover Nature in Winter. The chapter suggests looking for signs of mammals instead like tracks and scat. Highlight ideas for your family to try this week while you are outdoors and looking for mammals.
2. Our family is going to review the chart showing different animal tracks on page 182 and 183. We might try sketching some of the tracks into our nature journal as a reference for future outdoor time. In our area, we often come across animal scat as we hike and we are going to familiarize ourselves with the various kinds of scat by studying the illustrations in this chapter.
For families wanting to participate that do not have the Discover Winter in Nature book, I will list a few simple nature study ideas that you can try with your family.
- Keep a record of animal tracks you have observed in the snow or mud. Record your findings in your nature journal along with a drawing, the date, the weather, the time of day, and the type of animal if you have identified it at this time.
- Compare a dog’s and a cat’s footprints in the snow or mud.
- Research an animal that hibernates and record what you learn in your nature notebook. You can also sketch your animal and what its tracks look like.
More Winter Activities for Your Homeschool
There are still so many nature studies to enjoy in winter!
- Here is an in-depth study of Animal Tracks Nature Hunt: Mammals Homeschool Study
- Here is a link that will help you out with animal tracks: Animal Tracks at Beartracker (I think this is a fantastic online resource for nature study!)
- We also encourage you to enjoy a bear study! You can learn about both Grizzly Bears Nature Study and a Bear Study for Your Homeschool (black bears)
- Be inspired by The Best Winter Nature Books for Cozy Homeschooling
- Here are some ideas for taking your winter nature study indoors
And more wintry ideas here:
- A Robert Frosty Style Winter Nature Study
- January Nature Studies Perfect for Winter Homeschooling
- A Winter Tree Study for Your Homeschool
- Nature Study Crafts for Kids – always a fun thing to do indoors!
- Simple Ways to Study Nature in Your Homeschool This Winter (this has more fun nature walk ideas and learning about animals in winter!
- How to Find the Joy of Nature Study in Your Own Backyard
Winter Nature Studies For Homeschool Nature Study Members
There are three winter nature study courses filled with Outdoor Hour Challenges for your family! Here are some featured studies:
- The full Winter mammal study is included Winter Curriculum with Art and Music Appreciation.
- Have you ever wondered where insects go in the winter? Learn about Insect hibernation and finding out which insects survive winter .
- There is a winter animals coloring page in the Winter curriculum.
A fun Hibernating or Migrating sorting study and printable by Stef Layton!
…Most of the birds have gone south because of the cold, and also because their food is gone; the frogs, turtles, and toads are going to sleep all winter down in the mud or earth below the frost; the caterpillars are waiting in their cocoons for the warm spring sunshine; most of the other insects have laid their eggs for the next season, while a few of them have crawled into warm places to wait; the squirrels have gathered a store of nuts, and will soon be asleep in the old tree-trunks; the cats dogs, horses, and cows have grown a fresh coat of hair and fur. Nothing is forgotten; each is ready in its own best way.”Nature Study by Months
Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!
Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.