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Spring Green Photo Hunt – Nature Study with Colors

Garden Greens Collage

Today’s Photo Scavenger Hunt theme from Go Explore Nature: Green!

We are still noticing all the greens of our garden so this was the perfect assignment for us to do this month. You can see more about spring greens in our nature journal: Spring Green Nature Journal Ideas.

4 thoughts on “Spring Green Photo Hunt – Nature Study with Colors

  1. been enjoying the green over here.

    I keep telling myself that I’m going to try doing these entries with the children in their journals and I pray we actually get around to it next week.

  2. What a great idea! I miss your nature study 🙂

  3. Thank-you. This is my favorite color. It’s not out up here yet but I am enjoying your spring green there. 🙂

  4. We made a collage of our spring green!

    We’ve just started nature study about a month ago, and the kids are loving it! This week my 7 yr old was so excited when she was able to see the faint black bands on our Downy woodpecker’s tail feathers. It’s all in the details, you know!

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