Nature study is most successful when you allow your children to make connections that are meaningful and fit their style of learning. I invite you to think about the ways you can adapt a night sky study to embrace the ways your child learns the best.

“When I say that life should be full of living, I mean that we should be in touch and able to relate with some genuine interest no matter where we are, what we hear, or what we see. This kind of interest isn’t something we give to children…. The question isn’t how much a student knows after he’s completed his education, but how much he cares, and how many categories of things he cares about.”
Charlotte Mason
Nature Study At Night: Learning Styles Printable
I’ve prepared a helpful printable for our members to download that shares some ideas for night sky study by learning style. No one fits neatly into one category so consider combining suggested activities from several sections. (Members, find this in your Planning Resources course when logged in).
The Learning Styles printable includes information for these type of learners:
- auditory/musical
- verbal/linguistic
- mathematical/logic
- visual/spatial
- kinesthetic
- interpersonal
- intrapersonal
- naturalist
- existential/spiritual
With just a little preparation, you can get your family started with meaningful and fun night time nature study.
Eclipse Nature Study Activities and More Night Time Studies
A solar eclipse is a great learning opportunity. Use these fun solar eclipse activities for your homeschool and make memories for lifetime with your family. Find ideas and a free art lesson, here.
Spectacular Night Sky Nature Study Ideas with a Free Printable
Take some time this next week to get outside at night and enjoy a beautiful night sky homeschool nature study. Allow plenty of time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness and just enjoy gazing up at the heavens. Use some of these suggestions to get started with some simple night sky observations. Find more ideas here.
Stargazing: Perseids Meteor Shower Homeschool Ideas
If you aren’t familiar with the Perseid Meteor Shower, it is one of the brightest and longest-lasting meteor showers. And, it happens in August, so it’s usually easy to view because the weather is warm, and the sky is likely to be reasonably clear. Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges, shares some Perseids Meteor Shower encouragement and a journal page in the Spectacular Night Sky Study post.
More Nature Study for Different Learning Styles
You will want to also check out a Homeschool Bird Study for Different Learning Styles.
Nature Study Crafts for Kids: Easy Activities for Learning and Fun!
Plant Life Study: Learning the Parts of a Flower
Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!
Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.