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Winter Tree Nature Study: Ponderosa Pines

“Of all pines, this one gives forth the finest music to the winds.” John Muir

Bundle up for a Winter Tree Study Ponderosa Pines! Enjoy learning, sketching, and reading about these pine trees.

Our local forest is populated with predominately two different pines: the lodge pole and the ponderosa. Of the two, the ponderosa is my favorite! When the forest is cleared, either by man or fire, the ponderosa pines are so beautifully placed just like in a park. They give each other enough room to grow and flourish. Their colorful bark is highlighted especially with snow on the ground. We decided it was about time we took a closer look at this special tree.

Where are Ponderosa Pines?

The native range of ponderosa pine extends from southern Canada into Mexico, and from the Plains States of Nebraska and Oklahoma to the Pacific Coast.

In the winter season, with a proper frosting of snow, the ponderosa pine is like the quintessential pine of your imagination. It grows with a beautifully colored straight trunk with limbs reaching out at just the right intervals. Plus the needles are long and bundled and the cones are just the right size for holding in the palm of your hand. Read more about pine cones from the Homeschool Nature Study Pine Cones.

Bundle up for a Winter Tree Study Ponderosa Pines! Enjoy learning, sketching, and reading about these pine trees.

I remember learning that little trick to identifying the cones….palm size = ponderosa.

So, using our field guide, we set out to learn some new facts about the ponderosa pine. What an incredibly important tree! Not just for lumber but also as a part of the habitat for many birds and animals.

Bundle up for a Winter Tree Study Ponderosa Pines! Enjoy learning, sketching, and reading about these pine trees.

Did you know?

Bats roost in the crevices behind the bark of ponderosa pine trees. Learn more about bats in the Bats Homeschool Nature Study.

Big game like deer and elk use the pines for food and shelter. Read some interesting elk facts from the Elk Nature Study.

Utah is home to the oldest Ponderosa Pine at a young age of 843 years!

Bundle up for a Winter Tree Study Ponderosa Pines! Enjoy learning, sketching, and reading about these pine trees.

Member’s Pine Cone Worksheet

I love the habitat of the ponderosa pine and the creatures that live there. Some of my favorite family times hiking have been under these amazing trees not just here in Oregon but in California, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada.

Ponderosa Pine nature journal

Homeschool Nature Study Members can find the Pine Cone Observation Worksheet in their dashboard.

pine cone observations

“At least one pine tree should be studied in the field. Any species will do …” Handbook of Nature Study, page 674


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Original post written by Barb 2018, updated by Stef Layton 2024.

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Our Pine Tree Study: Winter Series #5

“There is something majestic about the pines, which even the most unimpressionable feel.”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 670

We have plenty of pine trees to study in our area and because they are so common we often don’t take the time to really look at them. This week as part of the Winter Series of Challenges, we tried to focus on two different kinds of pines that we have along our walking trail in two different spots.

The first is the Ponderosa pine and it is very common in our neighborhood. We also enjoy seeing them when we visit Yosemite.
looking up high

These are really tall pines that spread out their limbs high up on the top.
Ponderosa Pine needles attached to the branch
Quite a few limbs had fallen down in the last storm we experienced, making observation of the limbs much easier. Here you can see how the bundles of needles are attached to the limb.

Ponderosa Pine bark up close
Ponderosa Pine trunks resemble puzzle pieces and have actually very pretty.

Ponderoas Pine moss on the bark
Here is another tree that has moss growing in between the bark pieces.

Now for the other kind of pine….

Jeffrey pine needles
The needles on this pine are almost blue-gray in comparison to the Ponderosa Pine. This limb was down from the winter storm as well and we got to take a really good look at it up close.

Jeffrey pine growth
This was interesting to see. I am assuming this is where the new cones will develop on the limb.

“The appearance of the unique unripe cone is another convincing evidence that mathematics is the basis of the beautiful. The pattern of the overlapping scales is intricate and yet regular-to appreciate it one needs to try to sketch it.”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 672

Jeffrey Pine cone
Here are some cones. We are not sure and will have to go back and look at the tree itself to identify it but the boys are thinking that it is either a Jeffrey pine or a Gray pine.

Pine cone 7 13 09
I attempted last summer to sketch and paint some cones into my nature journal and it is very true that when you take the time to sketch something you notice all the patterns and details much more than you would normally. I encourage you to give it a try with your children.

We have studied the pines in our backyard before and you can read about that study HERE.

“At least one pine tree should be studied in the field. Any species will do, but the white pine is the most interesting.”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 674

I think if you live in the West, the sugar pine is also very interesting, especially if you have a big cone to study.

Great week for nature study!