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2011 Spring Series – Spring Bird Observations

“The springtime belongs to the birds and me…..The birds and I get acquainted all over again every spring. They have seen strange lands in the winter, and all the brooks and woods have been covered with snow. So we run and romp together, and find all the nooks and crannies which we had half forgotten since October.”
Liberty Hyde Bailey. The Birds and I, 1898

There has been a definite change in our yard’s bird population since our bird count in February and our winter observations of birds. Our feeders are not so crowded and I hear different birds in the early morning hours. This is a time for spring birds like robins and geese flying overhead, making their return to our part of the world. I sincerely hope that this bird challenge encourages your family to spend a little time outside this week to look for some birds in your world. It will be a great excuse to get outside and have a reason to look around for some feathered friends.

For this week’s challenge we will be making our Spring 2011 Bird Observations – Click over to read more about the spring bird challenge. The focus can be on bird song or any other aspect of birds that your family is interested in learning about. Check the Handbook of Nature Study for more information.

Don’t miss this website!
Songs, Calls, Bird Identification

Here are specific challenges from the Handbook of Nature Study for different bird topics if you are interested in learning more:

Follow up your outdoor bird observing with some looking at field guides and perhaps a nature journal or notebook page. The notebook page is included in the Spring Series ebook.

You may also be interested in my Spring Nature Study Ebooks!

Spring Series Cover

7 thoughts on “2011 Spring Series – Spring Bird Observations

  1. We’ve SO enjoyed our birds this winter and spring! We have more NOW then ever! Yesterday we had over 75 Dark-eyed Juncos, several Blue Jays, 5 Mourning Doves, 9-10 Red-winged Blackbirds (male and FEMALE and FLEDGINGS), a pair of mallards, and a handful of Chickadees all at the same time! We’ll have another blog entry to share about our spring birds in another week!

  2. I agree – there’s been a change at our feeders and in the calls we hear. Always a favorite OHC!

  3. Always love doing the bird studies…Thanks Barb!

  4. We’re excited about new birds we are seeing like hummingbirds! I enjoyed reading about your birds in your bird study post.

  5. We truly enjoy watching, listening to, and learning about birds! Thanks for hosting the challenge, and providing more resources to help us learn.

  6. I know I am VERY late. However, I just got around to uploading the photos of our spring birds. We had some finches make a nest right outside our front door.

  7. We’re late too with doing the spring study. It seems like our spring has just begun after still having snow, thunderstorms with hail, and tornadoes all in May and early June. Had a reprieve from the weather, so we went out and had a wonderful morning listening to the birds.

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