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Autumn Bird List


We have been on the lookout for hawks or any birds that might come our way to study as part of our Outdoor Hour Challenge – Hawks assignment.

Monterey 17 Mile Drive (12)

We had the opportunity to travel to Monterey, California last week for a wedding. While we were there we drove the 17 Mile Drive from Pebble Beach along the coast. This is a fantastic drive and winds through cypress groves, along the Pacific Ocean, and allows for many scenic stops at beaches and rocky outcroppings. The image above is the Lone Cypress stop along the drive.

At one stop, we heard and observed a Red-tailed hawk!

Monterey Hawk (4)

We were able to get a really good look at his silhouette and identify him both by his shape and his call. Perfect timing!

This is a month of changing birds at the birdfeeder.

My October Bird List (in our yard)

  1. Anna’s hummingbird
  2. American goldfinch
  3. Western scrub jay
  4. Dark-eyed Junco (returned to our yard 10/13/14)
  5. White-crowned sparrow (returned to our yard 10/13/14)
  6. Mourning doves
  7. Flicker (heard and not seen)
  8. Great horned owl (heard and not seen)
  9. Northern mockingbird (singing his heart out every day from the top of a tree)
  10. Edit to add: Titmouse 10/21/14
  11. Edit to add: Nuttall’s woodpecker on 10/21/14
  12. Edit to add: Spotted towhee on 10/18/14
  13. Edit to add: House sparrows on 10/22/14


Now that the season is finally changing around here we will see more visitors to our birdfeeders. Coming up fast, Project Feederwatch will be here before we know it!

 What birds did you see this week?


Birds of North America Notebooking PagesBirds of the World Notebooking PagesBirds - Basic Study Pages

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2 thoughts on “Autumn Bird List

  1. We definitely see the season is changing once we see the turkey vulture migration begin. We life in the path of their journey and hundred and hundreds of them fly through our area. We have also observed starlings, house finches, and a funny little nuthatch.. While we do not have a bug change over in the birds for the winter, we are watching out for the dark eyed juncos. They should be here soon!

    1. I love noticing the cycle of birds. We too had some starlings and cedar waxwings pass through the other day. Thank you for the comment…so fun to hear other family’s experiences.

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