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California Forests and Woodlands – Nature Book Review

California Forests and Woodlands Review @handbookofnaturestudy (2)

The last book in my nature book project for 2015 is California Forests and Woodlands by Verna R. Johnston. I have had this book on my shelf for a few years but have never dedicated much time to actually reading it. I have skimmed through it and looked at the photos many times but to take time to sit and read with a pencil in my hand didn’t happen until this month. Amazing what a little effort will bring as far as rewards of new understanding and connections with places and trees that I have visited hundreds of times.

Here is the book ISBN if you want to look for it on Amazon or at your local retailer: California Forests and Woodlands– ISBN 978-0520202481 (Note this is an affiliate link to

The first chapter spends some in-depth time showing how to recognize the different conifer trees found in California. I needed this simple explanation along with the detailed drawings to help me sort out in my mind the  best way to distinguish one conifer from another by patterns of growth and numbers of needles, size and shape of the cones, and the placement of the cones on the branches.

California Forests and Woodlands Review @handbookofnaturestudy (3)

After this chapter, the book jumps right into its first forest type, the redwoods! Then it continues with each of the other nine types of forests found in California with descriptions, facts, maps, and illustrations.

Included in each forest description are the animals that coexist in each habitat. I found this aspect of the book very informative and helpful as an amateur naturalist. Making these connections between habitat and inhabitant has given me a new respect for the interdependence of the plants and animals that thrive here in California.


California Forests and Woodlands Review @handbookofnaturestudy (1)

  • 222 pages
  • This is not a field guide but rather a more narrative style book with mostly pen illustrations.
  • There are 16 full color photograph plates (or pages) in this book that give a sampling of what you will see when visiting each type of forest. I found these very well done and helpful.
  • Forests included: redwood, north coast, Douglas Fir/Mixed Evergreen, closed cone pine and cypress, foothill woodland, midmountain forest, Giant sequoia, red fir and lodgepole pine, subalpine forest, pinyon pine-juniper.
  • This book is a little expensive (around $29) but it looks like you can order more reasonably priced used copies on Amazon (approximately $3 plus shipping).
  • I am planning on using this book as I travel to different parts of my state as a way to introduce my thoughts ahead of time to what I might see during a hike or camping trip. Although this book is not a field guide, it has a section color plates with images of living things that can be seen in a particular forest habitat.
  • I highly recommend this book to families who live in California and would like a supplement to the Handbook of Nature Study and a  field guide.
  • This book would make an excellent advanced study resource for older and more experienced nature study students.

Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy
Previous Month’s Books and Reviews

This is the last book for 2015! I am currently working on a new idea for 2016 that you can use to create your own book list (think printable for your planner). I will post my 2016 Nature Book Project list soon.


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Planning Monthly Nature Study

Planning Monthly Nature Study for Your Family @handbookofnaturestudy

Last month I shared how to plan a nature study course for a year. This time I want to show you how to use the monthly ideas shared in the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter and each Friday here on the blog and make a monthly nature study plan. If you are a member here on the Handbook of Nature Study, there is a set of planning pages available in the printables section of your membership.

Planning Monthly Nature Study planning page @handbookofnaturestudy

Customize Your Monthly Nature Study Plans

Think of all the ideas as ingredients. There are many options for your nature study recipe. Pick the ones that suit your family and your taste. Add them to the planner page and use that as a way to remind you of your options for the month. Don’t feel like you need to complete all the things you list on the planner page….I don’t. But, creating the list will make it more likely I will accomplish something during the month. Celebrate the things you are able to share with your family and look at this as a life long journey, taking one month at a time.

  • Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter – Download and print the newsletter each month. Read through the ideas presented and pick a few to put on your monthly planning page. Make sure to look on the planning page for nature photo ideas, nature table suggestions, and nature journal topics to jot down on your monthly planning page.
  • Ebooks- If you are following along with the Friday posts, pick one or two to include on your monthly planning page. (The month’s Friday topics are found on the planning page in the newsletter.)
  • Archives– You are welcome to pick an ebook from the library and pull challenges from there. Write the ebook title and the challenge title on your planning page.
  • Seasonal ideas- Use the seasonal ideas from the tab at the top of the website to find one or two seasonal ideas to pick from for your family.
  • Once a Month Nature Journal Idea – use the idea in the post to create a nature journal page for any of the items listed above.
  • Printables- If you are a member here on the Handbook of Nature Study, check out the printables in your library for additional ideas to include on your monthly planner.


Does that overwhelm you? Here is an alternative that will be simple to try!

Planning a year of nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study and the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Printables and examples for you to view and use.

As an alternative, download the newsletter planning page and print the planning page out (usually it is the second page of the newsletter). Add ideas to the page that you would like to include for your monthly nature study time. Again, don’t feel like you need to do everything but use the planning page as a way to stimulate some nature study during your month.

Any more questions!

I hope this helps answer the frequently asked question about nature study planning for your family. Let me know if you have any other questions that I can answer in future posts!


Ambleside Online Approved @handbookofnaturestudy


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Nature Goals 2015 – 3rd Quarter Update

Nature Study Goals 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

Another quarter has come and gone….a few more of my nature study goals have been met. The summer season is my favorite season for getting outside and exploring but now that autumn has arrived I really need to get busy with the remaining goals on my list. I think this is the beauty of having a goal list since it reminds you of your intentions and keeps them fresh in your mind. I have my goal list in my planning binder and now I have some items penciled in on my calendar.

You can read my original post here: Nature Study Goals 2015

Goals Update

1. Yosemite Photo Project: This was a big fail. I took two trips to Yosemite during this quarter and I did NOT manage to take the book with me that outlined my plans for the project. It is a very good thing that I can roll this over into next year.

Sugar Pine Point State Park Lake Tahoe CA

2. Visit one new state park: Accomplished this one!!! We visited Sugar Pine Point State Park and had a picnic and did some hiking. I just realized I have never created an entry about this trip…it is now on the schedule for an up-coming post.

3. Visit one new national park: Accomplished during the second quarter – Zion  National Park.

4. Visit a bird refuge: This is going to happen in this last quarter of the year so stay tuned!

5. Take one new hike: We have picked a hike and now that it is autumn we will give it a try. (#37 in the book-Codfish Falls on the American River).

6. Read ten nature-related books this year: So far so good with nine books read and one more to go!

7. Rock project: We had plans to work on this one but we had to cancel our trip due to the wildfires here in California.

8. Create one nature journal entry each month: Yes! Using the Once a Month Nature Journal ideas I have been able to create at least one page a month.

How are your nature study goals coming along for 2015? Do you need to create a list?

You might like to read the Planning Nature Study for the Year post from last month for some ideas to get you started.

Planning a Year of Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy


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September 2015 Printables for Members

Outdoor Hour Challenge Septeberm 2015 Monthly Printables for Members @handbookofnaturestudy

Looking to take a tree scavenger hunt this season? You are going to love this month’s printables! My hope is that they add some sparkle to your tree nature study activities and motivate you to take time to get outdoors with your children.

Remember the Ultimate and Discovery levels of membership receive access to all of the monthly printables.

Warm Colors in Nature – This is a special activity that will combine nature study and art together. My family always loved viewing great paintings together and I encourage you to try it with your children.

Tree Scavenger Hunt Cards – We created cards that you can print and laminate for your nature walks. Use one or all of them to inspire interest in trees. One card is even a photo hunt!

These new printables are free if you are a member of the Ultimate Naturalist or Journey level memberships. You need to log into your account and then check the “Other Releases” section for brand new printables to enjoy along with the Outdoor Hour Challenges in 2015. Currently there are 36 printables in the members library in addition to the ebooks and newsletters.

Be Inspired! Be Encouraged! Get Outdoors!

 Tree Scavenger Hunt Cards from

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Planning Nature Study for the Year

Planning a year of nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study and the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Printables and examples for you to view and use.


Many of you have written to ask me how to go about planning a year of nature study for your family. It seems like it should be easy enough but when you want to follow your child’s interest and it doesn’t coincide with the Friday topics here on the Handbook of Nature Study you can get frustrated. My advice normally is to find a topic of interest for your family and then use the tabs at the top of the site to find specific challenges to use for your weekly nature study.

This advice works for families that are following the Ambleside Online nature study rotation as well. Find the tab at the top of my site that corresponds with the nature topic for the term and then glean ideas from the challenges and activities listed there on the page.

To make your planning a little easier, I developed Outdoor Hour Challenge Planning Pages. These pages are available in the printables section of the Journey and Ultimate level memberships.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

There are three pages in the Outdoor Hour Challenge Planning Page packet.

Monthly Planning Page 1

This is the first page you can use if you prefer to have monthly nature study topics. I loved the years that we stuck with a topic for a whole month, digging in deeply. The chart at the top of the page gives you some ideas to choose from as you contemplate your seasons and habitat.

Hint: The topics listed in the chart on the page above are going to be the monthly topics found in the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter.

Term Planning Page 3

Some families like to schedule their nature study focus for a complete term or season. The page shown above found in the Outdoor Hour Planning Pages packet allows for a different topic to be planned each term. If you follow the Ambleside Online nature study rotation, this would be the page you could use to plan your year’s topics.

Challenge and Activity Planning Page 2

After you have chosen your topics, either monthly or for a term, you can then use the challenge and activity planning page found in the packet to note specific challenges or ideas that you want to implement during your topical study. The ideas shown above are what I hope to accomplish in September 2015 to go along with the newsletter topic of trees. Even if we don’t end up accomplishing all of the items listed, planning ahead of time will make it more likely that they will happen. You can use ideas from the tabs at the top of the website, suggestions in the newsletter, or ideas from a Pinterest board

HNS Newsletter Planning Page Sept 2015

For families that are following along with the weekly Friday challenges here on the Handbook of Nature Study, there is a planning page each month in the newsletter. It will include the current challenges, field trip ideas, nature journal page ideas, nature table prompts, and nature photo suggestions. These will all coordinate with the monthly theme of the newsletter. Note: You can receive each month’s newsletter by subscribing to the Handbook of Nature Study blog: Subscription Page.

Any more questions!

I hope this helps answer the frequently asked question about nature study planning for your family. Let me know if you have any other questions that I can answer in future posts!

Planning a year of nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study and the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Printables and examples for you to view and use.

Additional Help

You may like to have this page for your nature study goals.

Free Printable Nature Study Goals Planner Page


Ambleside Online Approved @handbookofnaturestudy

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New Ebook! Autumn 2015 Outdoor Hour Challenges

Handbook of Nature Study Autumn Nature Study 2015 Cover Image

Included in the Outdoor Hour Challenge Autumn Nature Study 2015 Ebook:
  • 13 new challenges centered on the Handbook of Nature Study
  • 31 notebook pages (regular and advanced options)
  • Thirteen Charlotte Mason style exam questions
  • Full color images for many of the challenges in the ebook (separate pages so you can choose whether to print them or not)
  • Complete instructions for each challenge included additional links, videos, and resources
  • Nature journal suggestions
  • Complete list of supplies needed
  • Sample to view: Outdoor Hour Challenge Autumn Nature Study 2015 Sample Pages
  • 73 pages in the ebook!

Here is a list of the specific challenges included in this ebook:

  • Swallows and swifts
  • Catfish
  • Jewelweed
  • Prickly lettuce
  • Cockroach
  • Field horsetail
  • Catbird
  • Calcite, limestone, marble
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Hedgehog fungi
  • Sapsucker
  • Brooks

It’s time for the Outdoor Hour Challenge Autumn Nature Study 2015 ebook! With this ebook I am done working through the Handbook of Nature Study….just about every lesson in that huge volume now has an Outdoor Hour Challenge to go along with it.  The challenges in this ebook will give your family some weekly nature study ideas and hopefully inspire you to get outdoors!!!

 Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

Which edition of the Handbook of Nature Study do I need?

You will need to have a copy of the Handbook of Nature Study to use with the suggestions in the ebook. You can purchase a copy from or you can use an online version. The version of the Handbook of Nature Study I use is ISBN 0801493846.

Each week I will be sharing one of the challenges here on the blog which means you can follow along without a membership if you subscribe to my blog. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the subscription box at the top right of my website. After you enter your name, you will need to confirm your subscription by responding to the email that will come to your inbox.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Autumn Nature Study 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

Where Can I Get The New Ebook?

This ebook will not be sold separately but will be added to the Ultimate and Journey levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

If you are a member of the Ultimate or Journey levels here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find the ebook listed in your library after you log into your account. The ebook version available to members includes all of the notebook pages, coloring pages, and color images. I highly recommend purchasing a membership for all the added benefits for each and every challenge.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library




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Back to School Gift Basket Giveaway!

Handbook of Nature Study Back to School Basket Giveaway @handbookofnaturestudy

Today is a special opportunity for the Handbook of Nature Study readers and new visitors!

Because I love the Handbook of Nature Study so much and think that every home should have one, I am creating a gift basket with this awesome nature study reference as the featured item. You can enter below to win this gift basket which includes the Handbook of Nature Study*** and an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study blog.

Details of this Giveaway

  • Use the Rafflecopter gadget below to enter to win one gift basket that contains the following items:

1. Handbook of Nature Study paperback edition (***I will send you an Amazon gift card for $25 to purchase the Handbook of Nature Study or anything else you would like if you already own the book)

2. Ultimate Naturalist Library Membership – one year as a member here on the Handbook of Nature Study site. ($45 value!) Each membership includes 16 current ebooks, the 50+ archived newsletters, and a library of nature printables. Please note this is a digital library and you will gain access to the files to download, save, and print as you wish during your year’s membership. You can find all the details for a membership here: Join Us! 

  • Receive multiple entries by following the options on the Rafflecopter below.
  • One Winner will be picked at random on 8/24/15. Please note winners must live in the United States and respond within 48 hours to claim their prize.

Special Discount for Everyone for the Ultimate Naturalist Library!

Use the discount code BACK2NATURE at check out to receive $10 off the Ultimate Naturalist Library – this includes every single ebook that has been published for the Outdoor Hour Challenge and the soon to be released Autumn 2015 ebook! Coupon expires on 8/25/15.

Monthly Nature Study Newsletter

Subscribe to the Handbook of Nature Study blog and you will receive my free monthly newsletter on the first of every month: Subscription Entry!


Download your free sample newsletter here:

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter October 2013 Nature Walk Ideas

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Don’t miss all the basket giveaways with iHomeschool Network! Click over to enter the other basket giveaways!


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Outdoor Mom’s Journal – Yosemite Thoughts

Yosemite June 2015

Outdoor Mom’s Journal – July 6, 2015

Sometimes when I think of Yosemite my heart skips a beat. What place on earth is like it? For our family it holds so many memories and has created a heart in each of us for being outside and feeling connected to the living and growing things found there.
It is the stuff of dreams.

This trip we shared the experience with a couple of our family friends….both of them first time visitors to Yosemite National Park!

Wawona Tree 1941

Maybe it is in my very make-up. My family has been visiting Yosemite National Park for three generations. The back of this family photo says it is from August 31, 1941. I wonder how their experiences compare to ours today. They certainly dressed differently than we did for our visit and they don’t look as happy and relaxed as we do….maybe it was just for the photo.

Top of Vernal Falls

Sometimes sitting high on a mountain or at the crest of a waterfall, I still gasp at the beauty that is found there. The music of the wind blowing sweetly or the water spilling on the rocks below is so beautiful you wish it would never end. I would go there every day if I could.

Vernal Falls Rainbow

The incredible feel of being on a trail in Yosemite is beyond words, an experience so special and sacred. At times it feels like you are close to God and can feel his power and qualities.
Create a lifelong desire in your children to visit the various national parks… this is just what happened when my daughter was home for a visit from New York. She wanted to go to Yosemite and to Lake Tahoe. We did both!

Cascade Falls Trail over Tahoe

So, that is one happy mama in the photo! I was able to make both outdoor experiences happen for her during her stay with us….we savored every moment together…pure joy.

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…

I will be posting my Outdoor Mom’s Journal entry once a month. Look for it during the first week of the month each month.

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Nature Goals 2015 – 2nd Quarter Update

Nature Study Goals 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

This has been an amazing quarter for us as far as getting outdoors and exploring!

You can read my original post here: Nature Study Goals 2015

Goals Update

1. Yosemite Photo Project: We have a trip planned to Yosemite next week so I have my list ready to go of photos to take.

2. Visit one new state park: Failed this one again. I picked one to visit over the summer so I am determined to accomplish this goal in the up=coming quarter.

Zion National Park

3. Visit one new national park: Zion National Park!!! We also spent four days at the Grand Canyon and thoroughly enjoyed our time there.

4. Visit a bird refuge: Fail on this one again.

5. Take one new hike: Still waiting to take a hike from our new guide book.

6. Read ten nature-related books this year: I am keeping up with my schedule and really enjoying the way I had it planned out from the beginning of the year.

7. Rock project: This will be accomplished in July with a trip to visit Devil’s Postpile National Monument. I won’t be able to collect any samples there but we are going to see basalt rocks.

8. Create one nature journal entry each month: I am keeping up with the Once a Month Nature Journal ideas to create at least one page a month.

Nature Goals 2015 2nd Quarter

It is not too late to create some nature study goals of your own. I invite you to download and use this free printable goals planner:

Printable Nature Study Goals Planner

Nature Study Goals 2015 Planning Page

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Outdoor Mom’s Journal – June 2015

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…

I will be posting my Outdoor Mom’s Journal entry once a month. Look for it during the first week of the month each month.


Outdoor Mom’s Journal – June 8, 2015

Tidepool images June 2015

During our Outdoor Hour time this month we…..spent some time at the Oregon Coast during a negative tide where we could explore the many creatures that were exposed. Colorful seastars, anemones, and crabs were the highlights of the day! We try to time our visit to the ocean to coincide with a low tide so we can really see some interesting things. This page may prove helpful:

Renees Garden Cilantro

In the garden….we are planting herbs and veggies and flowers in pots. I am enjoying the process of watering a bit every day with our shower water and see the sprouts come up and flourish. I received quite a few different seeds from Renee’s Garden that say they are particularly for containers. I will let you know how it goes this summer!

Snail Oregon

A photo I would like to share….this is a magnificent snail we saw in the redwood forest. Isn’t he great!

Brookings Oregon

The most inspiring thing we experienced….glorious sunset walks on Harris Beach. We lingered and watched. We strolled and talked. I savor those moments with my son…all grown up but he still appreciates the beauty found all around us.

Please join me! Share something that you have done lately….looking forward to reading your entries and comments!