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Once a Month Nature Journal Project – Outdoors

Once a Month Nature Journal Project sketch outdoors @handbookofnaturestudy

Once a Month Journal Project – June Idea

Now that the weather is warmer and we spend more time outdoors, take time to create a nature journal page while out in the fresh air. Bring your journal (or notebook page), simple drawing supplies, and perhaps a field guide with you during your Outdoor Hour Challenge. Sit somewhere comfortable with a view that you would like to capture in your journal. Or, you can find a subject to draw in detail, sketching it in its natural habitat.

Nature Journal Page Ideas:

  • Find an interesting place to sit: under a tree, alongside a creek, in an open field. Let the environment inspire you to sketch the scene.
  • Gather a few small things to draw while you sit outdoors. Pay close attention to detail and make appropriate captions.
  • Take your journal along with you on picnics, camping trips, and vacation spots.
  • Find a spot in your garden, yard, or local park to visit frequently and create sketches for your nature journal.

I have created a Pinterest Board for journal page examples. I will label each entry with the prompt that describes it best for future reference.

Previous Month’s Ideas:

January – Nature Journal With a Photo

February- Nature Journal Out Your Window

March – Use Numbers

April – Collections

May – Signs

Once a Month Nature Journal Project @handbookofnaturestudy

If you would like to contribute to the board, you will need to follow this Pinterest Board and then leave me a comment letting me know you want to be added. Important: If you contribute to the board, you need to include in your description the prompt it is featuring.

Sample: Our The Window Nature Journal

If you don’t include a description using one of the monthly journal prompts, I may remove it. This is not a board to post general nature journal pages. It is strictly for pages created using one of the twelve monthly prompts as part of this project.

Please note that you are not committed to make a journal each month…participate as you can and share your results to encourage others.

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Spring Nature Study Continues – New Ebook!

Spring Nature Study Continues Ebook

Included in the Outdoor Hour Challenge Spring  Nature Study Continues Ebook:
  • 13 new challenges centered on the Handbook of Nature Study
  • 40 notebook pages (regular and advanced options) and 16 coloring pages
  • Thirteen Charlotte Mason style exam questions
  • Full color images for 10 challenges in the ebook (separate pages so you can choose whether to print them or not)
  • Complete instructions for each challenge included additional links, videos, and resources
  • Nature journal suggestions
  • Complete list of supplies needed
  • Sample to view: Outdoor Hour Challenge Spring Nature Study Continues Sample
  • 90 pages in the ebook!

Here is a list of the specific challenges included in this ebook:

  • Spring Peepers
  • Jack in the Pulpit
  • Yellow Ladies Slipper/Yellow Adder’s Tongue
  • Trillium
  • Bluets
  • May Apple
  • Newt
  • Petunias
  • Geranium
  • Nasturtiums
  • Black Swallowtail
  • Crayfish
  • Mountain Laurel

I am happy to announce the release of the long awaited Outdoor Hour Challenge Spring Nature Study Continues ebook! I have been so inspired to start some spring nature study while writing up these challenges for you and your families. You are going to enjoy the flowers, amphibians, and insects included in this spring series of nature study topics.

Special for this week only: Use the code SPRING5 and you will receive $5 off an Ultimate Membership!


Which edition of the Handbook of Nature Study do I need?

You will need to have a copy of the Handbook of Nature Study to use with the suggestions in the ebook. You can purchase a copy from or you can use an online version. The version of the Handbook of Nature Study I use is ISBN 0801493846.

Each week I will be sharing one of the challenges here on the blog which means you can follow along without a membership if you subscribe to my blog. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the subscription box at the top right of my website. After you enter your name, you will need to confirm your subscription by responding to the email that will come to your inbox.

Where Can I Get The New Ebook?

This ebook will not be sold separately but will be added to the Ultimate and Journey levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

If you are a member of the Ultimate or Journey levels here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find the ebook listed in your library after you log into your account. The ebook version available to members includes all of the notebook pages, coloring pages, and color images. I highly recommend purchasing a membership for all the added benefits for each and every challenge.

Special for this week only: Use the code SPRING5 and you will receive $5 off an Ultimate Membership!

Note: Coupon expires on 3/23/15!

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library




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The Forest Unseen- Book Review

The Forest Unseen Reveiw @handbookofnaturestudy

The Forest Unseen by David Haskell came highly recommended and I was looking forward to digging into it as part of my Nature Book Project for 2015. I wanted to like this book, giving it a chance past the first chapter that left me wondering what all the fuss was about in the reviews I read online. I read the Preface three times because I was having a hard time getting the “mandala” metaphor that he kept referring to in the chapters.

Mandala- Hindu or Buddhist symbol of the universe.

As far as my experience with this book, I will admit that I had favorite chapters. These bright spots kept me going when I was tired of trying to make all the connections he was drawing from his forest observations, philosophy, religion, and history. This book could have been better if it hadn’t tried so hard to weave it all together.

The idea of watching a spot in the forest for a complete year is one that I have long wanted to accomplish in a far larger scope than I have in the past. Our family had a tree in the woods that we observed and documented each season. Taking that idea one step farther, keeping track of the spot on a more frequent basis, appeals to me as a life project. We have loosely made observations weekly on a certain trail near our home in recent years and it has given us a sense of time that only can be experienced by seeing the concrete evidence of the passage of time and the seasons.

My advice? See if you public library has this book for you to check out and read. Dip into a few chapters after reading the preface and see what you can discover of interest to you. Note that this book is written from an evolutionist point of view.

More importantly, let the idea of this book inspire you to find your own “forest unseen” near your home. A place to visit frequently to observe the life and death that takes place there is one that will enrich your family and provide valuable life lessons.

Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

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The Wild Muir – A Sort of Review


The Wild Muir Book Review

The Wild Muir was my first selection in my Nature Book of the Month Project. This book just begged to be read aloud so we did just that. Each chapter is actually a selection from one of John Muir’s many books, chosen to make a wonderful collection in this book The Wild Muir.

We didn’t read the chapters in order because we found it was fun to read the chapter titles and then pick one that sounded interesting to us at the moment. We read first thing in the morning with our coffee, or while riding along on a car ride, or sitting outside in our front yard. I can imagine us reading some of these again on a camping trip while sitting around the campfire. John Muir can spin a tale, drawing you along with his words that sounded like poetry at times. He gave interesting details and shared his thoughts about what he saw and experienced. There were a few chapters that gave us a glimpse into his childhood, his early adulthood, and then long into his career as a conservationist.

Many of us would never dream of attempting the many daring explorations that he set out on or dream of pushing ourselves to the physical limits that Muir did during his life. But, we can experience the thrill of hiking up to mountain peaks, across glaciers, far into the Sierra mountains, and swaying on trees in the middle of a huge winter storm.

His words paint such wonderful pictures…here’s a couple quotes:

“At length, all their plans perfected, tufted flakes and single starry crystals come in sight, solemnly swirling and glinting to their blessed appointed places; and soon the busy throng fills the sky and makes darkness like night.”

“As soon as I got out in Heaven’s light I started on another long excursion, making haste with all my heart to store my mind with the Lord’s beauty and thus be ready for any fate, light or dark. And it was from this time that my long continuous wanderings may be said to have fairly commenced.”

I learned some really interesting stuff from reading his book. Who knew learning about frazil ice would lead to some really awesome YouTube videos? I also never really knew how all those round metal plates got placed on the top of mountains and other spots that we have seen on our hiking expeditions…well, they are there in part due to the Coast and Geodetic Survey which mapped and measured such places. I had to look up dozens of plants and flowers that Muir mentioned in the book to see if I knew what they were or had seen them in my travels. I also looked up lots of geological vocabulary like “moulin“.

Please note this entry includes affiliate links.

I loved this book and highly recommend it as a glimpse into Muir’s life, his writing, and his ideas.

Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

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Nature Books – 2015 List


Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

Along with my new Nature Study Goals for 2015, I am determined to read more books to fuel my learning about the natural world around me. I have gleaned a few books from my shelves that I need to read or reread but the rest are brand spanking new from I spent an afternoon just rabbit trailing around Amazon, putting stacks of books onto my wishlist. to consider for the final 2015 list.

I picked ten books altogether so if I slack a bit somewhere I can make it up during the two unscheduled months. I have decided to leave July and December free for just that purpose.


I imagine I will pick up and put down several of these over the year but I will try to have completed the reading by the designated time. Creating a blog entry at the end of each book will detail my thoughts and perhaps even inspire you to pick it up and read it in the future. If you own any of these books and would like to comment on your experience with the book, you can join me in the appropriate month and corresponding blog entry.

I have already started reading The Wild Muir aloud to my husband a little each day. It is fun to share these stories aloud and comment on his adventures. Stay tuned for some of my thoughts!

Please note the entry includes affiliate links.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Night Sky Cassiopeia

Night Sky Star cassiopeia and cepheus @handbookofnaturestudy

Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read the Handbook of Nature Study pages 821-822 (Lesson 225).  Try to share the story of these three constellations with your children either before you go out to view the night sky or if you have a really good memory, while you are looking for the constellations.
  • Here are links to the three constellations you will be looking for this week: Cassiopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon.
  • Autumn Constellations—scroll down to the “facing NE” chart and you will see what Cassiopeia and Cepheus will look like in your autumn sky.
  • Advanced Study: Print this chart out and see how many of the constellations you can see in the autumn sky: Autumn Star Chart.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Take your outdoor challenge time this week during the evening hours. The aim is to get outside and view the night sky, hoping to see the stars if weather permits.
  • Use the information, charts, and links both in the Handbook of Nature Study and in the links in the section above to find the Polestar, Cassiopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon. Even if you have trouble finding the exact constellations, this activity can be enjoyable for the whole family. Remember to dress warmly or you won’t last too long outdoors!

Follow-Up Activities:

  • The Handbook of Nature Study suggests in the lesson to draw Cassiopeia’s Chair (#1), Cepheus (#5), and the Dragon (#7). These can be done using the chart on page 821 of the Handbook of Nature Study if needed. There is a notebook page included in the ebook for you to use for your sketches if you would like. There is also a checklist on this notebook page you can use as part of the follow-up.
  • Advanced Study: Challenge yourself to learn the story of these three constellations as related in the Handbook of Nature Study.
  • Advanced Study: Sketch these stars from memory: Polestar, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Cassiopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon. There is a notebook page in the ebook you might like to use as part of this activity.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

Join us for this series of challenges every week here on the Handbook of Nature Study. If you want to purchase the Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Autumn Nature Study Continues content list on the announcement page.

OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover Button


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Nature Study – Realm of Undiscovered

Colorful Autumn leaves

“In nature study any teacher (parent) can with honor say, “I do not know”; for perhaps the question asked is as yet unanswered by the great scientists. But she should not let lack of knowledge be a wet blanket thrown over her pupils’ interest. She should say frankly, “I do not know; let us see if we cannot together find out this mysterious thing….She thus conveys the right impression that only a little about the intricate life of plants and animals is yet known; and at the same time she makes her pupils feel the thrill and zest of investigation. Nor will she lose their respect by doing this, if she does it in the right spirit…..The chief charm of nature study would be taken away if it did not lead us through the border-land of knowledge into the realm of the undiscovered.”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 3-4

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Meant To Be Naturalists

Jenkinson Lake September 2014 (4)
“It would be well if we all persons in authority, parents and all who act for parents, could make up our minds that there is no sort of knowledge to be got in these early years so valuable to children as that which they get for themselves of the world they live in. Let them once get in touch with Nature, and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life. We were all meant to be naturalists, each in his degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things.”

Charlotte Mason Home Education page 61

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Mystery Photo Contest Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the Mystery Photo Contest from this edition of the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter.

Winner- Amanda C, age 13.
I will be contacting you by email to get you the $10 Amazon gift card.

Thank you to all of you who participated in the Mystery Photo Contest. We will do this again in a future edition!

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Autumn Nature Study Continues Ebook

OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover Button

Included in the Outdoor Hour Challenge Autumn Nature Study Continues Ebook:
  • 15 challenges centered on the Handbook of Nature Study plus 1 bonus challenge
  • 40+ notebook pages (regular and advanced options) and 15 coloring pages
  • Ten Charlotte Mason style exam questions
  • Full color images for each challenge in the ebook (separate pages so you can choose whether to print them or not)
  • Complete instructions for each challenge included additional links, videos, and resources
  • Nature journal suggestions
  • Complete list of supplies needed
  • Sample to view: OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Ebook Sample
  • 98 pages!

Here is a list of the specific challenges included in this ebook:

  • Garden Flower – Salvia
  • Weeds – Teasel
  • Weeds – Burdock
  • Reptile Study – Lizards (Geckos and Anoles)
  • Tree Study – Ash
  • Tree Study – Hemlock
  • Tree Study – Witch Hazel
  • Tree Study – Staghorn Sumac
  • Fungus Study – Stinkhorns
  • Fungus Study – Bracket Fungi
  • Mammal Study – Pig
  • Star Study – Casseopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon
  • Rock Study – Mica
  • Bird Study – Belted Kingfisher
  • Bird Study – Hawks
  • Winter Berries (not in the Handbook of Nature Study)

I am happy to announce the release of the long awaited Outdoor Hour Challenge Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook! You are going to love the fresh new challenges to try in your family as you work your way through the weekly topics. I have been eager to start them as I put them together, gathering lots of fun videos and supporting resources to use along with the Handbook of Nature Study lessons.

You will need to have a copy of the Handbook of Nature Study to use with the suggestions in the ebook. You can purchase a copy from or you can use an online version. The version I use is ISBN 0801493846.

Each week I will be sharing one of the challenges here on the blog which means you can follow along without a membership if you subscribe to my blog. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the subscription box at the top right of my website. After you enter your name, you will need to confirm your subscription by responding to the email that will come to your inbox.

Where Can I Get The New Ebook?

This ebook will not be sold separately but will be added to the Ultimate and Journey levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

If you are a member of the Ultimate or Journey levels here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find the ebook listed in your library after you log into your account. The ebook version available to members includes all of the notebook pages, coloring pages, and color images. I highly recommend purchasing a membership for all the added benefits for each and every challenge.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library