This cicada homeschool nature study will be a lesson in learning to listen and distinguish the sound of the cicada. In the past we’ve listened in the evenings for other insects like the cricket. Now we’re going to learn about the cicada by listening and observing like investigators during the daylight.

Cicada Nature Study For Your Homeschool
Use this link to learn a little about the cicada: Very informative website with photos, sounds, and descriptions of North American cicadas. Note that some appear periodically, every 13 or 17 years: Cicada Mania.
See the Creepy things Homeschool Nature Study curriculum for more cicada nature study ideas, videos, and printables!
Reading About Cicadas
You may be interested in reading this about cicadas:
“But the most distinctive peculiarity, which has no parallel in any of the other groups, appears in the organs of sound (of the males). These consist of two large parchment sacs, ribbed and gathered into numerous plaits, furnished with powerful muscles, and situated in large cavities at the base of the abdomen. When in action, the air is driven in great force against the ribbed surfaces, and vibrations are set up which produce the sound in accordance with the number and form of the fluted spaces and ribs.”
An Introduction to Entomology
By John H. Comstock and Anna Botsford Comstock.
Please note that I will not be posting the complete challenge here on the blog. You’ll find the detailed challenge in the Creepy Things Curriculum that’s available at the annual level of Homeschool Nature Study. Sign into your account and download the curriculum for the details, more links, and notebook pages.
More Resources For Homeschool Nature Study
An alternative nature study would be the cricket or the grasshopper.
If you don’t have a membership yet, join today for immediate access to the courses, matching downloadable curriculum and so much more!
Topics in this Creepy Things Course and Homeschool Nature Study curriculum include:
- Banana slug
- Tarantula
- Black widow
- Scorpion
- Leech
- Muskrat
- Sphinx moth
- Cicada
- Millipede
- Poison oak
More Cicada Resources for You!
Our sister website, You ARE an ARTiST, has a cicada art lesson with Nana.