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Paper Wasps-A Work of Art

You need to click on the photos to enlarge the photos and really see the wasp nest.

My dad found this paper wasp nest for us to look at in the tree behind his house. It is sooooo big I can hardly believe it. It does look like something has pulled it down and you can see the actual honeycomb cells that are exposed. Here is a better shot.

The texture of the nest itself is truly amazing. I found a resource online that says that they make the nest from a papery pulp of chewed up wood fibers mixed with saliva.

Page 378 of the Handbook of Nature Study has a lot of very interesting information about wasps in general.

Another great day out.


3 thoughts on “Paper Wasps-A Work of Art

  1. Wow! That is amazing! And, I’m glad it isn’t in my yard. 🙂

  2. We had one trying to build a nest near our front door a couple years ago. Maybe I should have let her.

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