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Year Long Tree Study-Our Oak

Children should also become familiar with trees at an early age. They should pick about six in the winter when the leaves are gone, perhaps an elm, a maple, a beech, etc, and watch them during the year.”
Charlotte Mason in Modern English, volume 1, page 52

Way back last August of 2007 we started our first tree study out in the woods. We took a piece of yarn and staked out a big square around the tree and did observations within that square and then also about the tree. The oak is really big and has lots of interesting things about it.

Here are a couple of the older entries to compare with this entry.
August Tree Study
Our Tree In The Woods: October

Here is our yarned off square. You can barely see the purple yarn unless you click and enlarge the photo.

Not much there except a few new little baby oak trees.

And near-by there was this poison oak turning red… out for that stuff.

Then we noticed that as we walked we were being stuck by this plant….star thistle. I would consider this a WEED! Our backyard had this plant growing all over the backside when we moved in twenty years ago and my husband has very lovingly removed it all one plant at a time. We found you have to pull it up roots and all in order to get rid of it. It is an invasive weed in our area.

After we got back to the car, we realized our shoelaces and socks were covered with stickers of all kinds. They stick like velcro.

Well that wraps up our year-long tree study for now. We will probably keep our yarn up and continue through another year to see if we see any more changes.

4 thoughts on “Year Long Tree Study-Our Oak

  1. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your blog & your nature study ”prompts.” I plan to incorporate this into our school year, and I am so excited to have this resource. Thank you again.

  2. Rodent holes…as in rat?
    The only critter I can’t stand!

  3. Keri,

    More than likely a mouse, mole, gopher, or vole….not sure but they are everywhere.


  4. We have to do our ‘summer’ tree study…thanks for the reminder!

    Hitchhiking seeds – it’s no wonder invasives can travel so far, so fast.

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