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Big Announcement! Outdoor Hour is Staying Online!

I announced my retirement in August and many of you so kindly expressed your love and support for my decision, as well as your best wishes for the next chapter in my life. One of those people who contacted me with great sadness was Tricia Hodges from You Are An Artist (also, Your Best Homeschool). She felt strongly that the Outdoor Hour Challenge and the other resources on the Handbook of Nature Study website should stay available to families. Prayerfully considering the options, she and her husband Steve offered to take over the curating of the content found on the Handbook of Nature Study website.

The Outdoor Hour is Staying Online – Same place, same content, just new owners!

Great News for Current Members!

-Current memberships will be honored for the remainder of the membership period.

-All content will still be available to members after 12/31/21.

The Handbook of Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenges for homeschoolers have a new owner. The good news is the Outdoor Hour Online is staying!

Let me introduce your new host on the Handbook of Nature Study website.

Tricia Hodges has been a personal friend and professional colleague for many years. She has been a huge part of the Outdoor Hour Challenge family from the very beginning. She participated with her own children, sharing their nature experiences with the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter (archives found in the Member’s library) and the Outdoor Hour Challenge blog carnival. You do not have to dig too deep into the archives to find her presence and support for everything we have accomplished promoting family nature study time.

I’m excited for you to get to know their website, You Are An Artist, since it’s a perfect complement to the nature study lessons found on the Handbook of Nature Study.

It’s truly an honor for them to keep my work available for current members and an even bigger honor to know that my love of nature and the passion I poured into this work will benefit future participants. In addition to their You Are An Artist website, Tricia also runs The Curriculum Choice website that has been a valuable resource for homeschoolers for many, many years. She also shares her personal homeschooling wisdom and journey on her Your Best Homeschool blog.

I’m thrilled to have Tricia and her whole family take over the reins here on my website. The content will be in very capable and loving hands.

Details To Come

We’ll be making more details available as we work through the transition process in the month of December. We aim to have the website transferred and ready to go by the end of the year. Please be patient because we all know that stuff happens behind the scenes when making changes to websites.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Update! More info under the Start Here/About Us Tab

2 thoughts on “Big Announcement! Outdoor Hour is Staying Online!

  1. Wow! This makes me sad as it highlights the passage of time, especially in Barb’s life, but I am so pleased that Tricia is stepping in to continue a most worthwhile legacy. I have followed both of you for years and years. No price can be put on the encouragement and inspiration enjoyed as I homeschooled my sons. I extend my great gratitude and deep appreciation along with prayers of blessings for these new chapters in both your lives.

    1. Sarah, thank you so much for taking the time to share such lovely and encouraging words. I feel the very same way about Barb! She has blessed me and my family more than she knows. I am so grateful to have her as a friend. It is such an honor to continue to offer all of the gifts she gave her readers. And thank you so much for the prayers and blessings too. Barb and I are thankful for such a faithful and encouraging community of readers and fellow homeschool families.

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