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Simple Preschool Nature Table Ideas for Relaxed Learning

Here we have included some relaxed preschool nature study using a nature table. Find simple ideas and images to follow up your outdoor time.

Here we have included some relaxed preschool nature study using a nature table. Find simple ideas and images to follow up your outdoor time.

Ideas with The Outdoor Hour Challenges Preschool Curriculum

To make it easy for you, homeschool mom, we gather what you need for each month. Our preschool curriculum includes simple ideas to use with your youngest children, introducing them to one bird, one animal, one flower, and one tree each month.

The accompanying grid will give you ideas to use along with your nature table. Placing items on the table along with the printable photo cards will heighten interest as you work through the month.

Relaxed Preschool Nature Table Ideas and Instructions

Here are some ideas to get you started!

  • You can place all the items on your preschool nature table at the beginning of the month or add one new item each week.
  • Print the images included in the Preschool Curriculum in color, cut them apart, and laminate if you wish.
  • Use the ideas in the grid to enhance your study of each item. Keep it simple and fun.
  • Visit your local library to find books about the month’s topics. Make sure to display the books on your nature table. For more inspiration, check out our Ultimate List of Preschool Nature Study books.
  • Create time to talk with your preschooler about the items throughout the month.
  • Use the items for free play.
  • Some of the activities suggest activities that you can do with your child for more active
    learning like singing, drawing, or tasting.

Just remember you are cultivating curiosity with nature study!

What is a Nature Table? More Inspiration

The Habit of Gathering Things for Your Homeschool Nature Table – Unsure of what a nature table is exactly? Here is a simple definition with some ideas and tips. These will help you begin the habit of gathering things for your homeschool nature table during your Outdoor Hour Challenge time.

How to Create Simple Nature Displays for Fun Homeschool Learning (Maureen shares!) – It took me awhile to be ok with bringing nature inside. I mean, I was a little concerned about little critter hitch-hikers finding their way into my home. But after figuring out how to address that problem, I was all on board for creating a nature display for our nature treasures. And now we keep adding more around our home. Here’s a few things to think about when planning our nature display.

Preschool Nature Study with Homeschool Nature Study Membership!

Enjoy ALL of our preschool nature studies plus access to the Outdoor Hour Challenges curriculum for the whole family in Homeschool Nature Study Membership.

Find out more about our Delightful Preschool Nature Study Plans for Your Homeschool.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get Outdoors!

by Barb McCoy, founder of The Outdoor Hour Challenges

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