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Nature Study Continues – Winter Nature Study Ebook

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook

Included in the Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues Ebook:
  • 11 new challenges centered on the Handbook of Nature Study 
  • 29+ notebook pages (regular and advanced options) and 13 coloring pages
  • Ten Charlotte Mason style exam questions
  • Full color images for 10 challenges in the ebook (separate pages so you can choose whether to print them or not)
  • Complete instructions for each challenge included additional links, videos, and resources
  • Nature journal suggestions
  • Complete list of supplies needed
  • 72 pages in the ebook!
  • Download and view a sample her: OHC Nature Study Continues Winter Sample

Here is a list of the specific challenges included in this ebook:

  • Rock Study – Feldspar
  • Star Study – Orion
  • Crystals
  • Fungi Study – Scarlet Cup (Saucer)
  • Bird Study – Flicker
  • Mammal Study – Cattle/Deer
  • Wildflower Study – Bloodroot
  • Garden Flower – Violets
  • Wildflower Study – Hepatica
  • Wildflower Study – Dutchman’s Breeches and Squirrel Corn
  • Garden Flowers – Bleeding Hearts

I am happy to announce the release of the long awaited Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook! You are going to love the fresh new challenges to try in your family as you work your way through the weekly topics. I have been eager to start them as I put them together, gathering lots of fun videos and supporting resources to use along with the Handbook of Nature Study lessons.

Which edition of the Handbook of Nature Study do I need?

You will need to have a copy of the Handbook of Nature Study to use with the suggestions in the ebook. You can purchase a copy from or you can use an online version. The version of the Handbook of Nature Study I use is ISBN 0801493846.

Each week I will be sharing one of the challenges here on the blog which means you can follow along without a membership if you subscribe to my blog. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the subscription box at the top right of my website. After you enter your name, you will need to confirm your subscription by responding to the email that will come to your inbox.

Where Can I Get The New Ebook?

This ebook will not be sold separately but will be added to the Ultimate and Journey levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

If you are a member of the Ultimate or Journey levels here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find the ebook listed in your library after you log into your account. The ebook version available to members includes all of the notebook pages, coloring pages, and color images. I highly recommend purchasing a membership for all the added benefits for each and every challenge.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library




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Family Rock Study – Looking for Mica

Mica has been our rock seeking list for the past two years. Remember when I was trying to find, collect, and journal about all the rocks in the book Rocks, Fossils & Arrowheads ?

This was part of my Nature Study Goals in 2013.

Rock study book journal list

I wasn’t completely successful in 2013 and now in 2014 I finally pushed us to get out and find some mica close to home. It is actually muscovite which is abundant in California and in the county where I live. I can’t believe how much time I have spent looking into this rock. I am just not a confident rockhound.

Here is a glimpse into our mica rock study.


So some sources said we have muscovite mica and some say mica schist. I am not completely sure what the difference is between the two (if any). I will just call it mica.

winter cattails

We visited our cattail site and took a look at the changes to the plants during the past few months.  You may wish to start or continue your own year-long cattail study. Make sure to mark your weekly planner for a date coming up soon.

bracket fungi 1

We were able to spy some cool bracket fungi.. a little late for our official bracket fungi study but still so very interesting.

bracket fungi 2

There was water collected in the top that was shaped like a cup.

Well, that was our mica rock walk and study. I am still trying to come up with a better way to identify rocks without taking hours and hours. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Just a note to all my faithful readers.

I will be sharing how my Nature Study Goals for 2014 turned out and posting my 2015 goals soon. Look for a printable for your to use to record you nature study goals here on the blog soon.

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Lassen Volcanic National Park – Tips and Images


Lassen Volcanic National Park Tips and Images @handbookofnaturestudy

Last summer my husband and I were able to visit Lassen Volcanic National Park in Northern California. We were camping at near-by Eagle Lake and this seemed like the perfect day trip for us. We had been to this national park in the past, I am guessing in 1996. This time we were going to take in the highlights and hike a few easy trails.

Lassen National Park 2014 (5)

Of course, stopping at the visitor center was a must since we needed to get some suggestions for hiking and to see the exhibits. We spent a few minutes talking to the ranger at the information desk about how to make the best use of our time. Equipped with some ideas, we set off on the road through the park, traveling south to north. The entire road through the park is about 29 miles.

Lassen National Park 2014 (6)

The first place we stopped was the Sulphur Works. The signs were very helpful and told both about the geology of the area and the history.

Lassen National Park 2014 (8)It is pretty impressive to see the mud pots bubbling and steaming with stinking vapors. The yellowish parts are where the sulphur is exposed.

Lassen National Park 2014 (10)

Here is another view of the Sulphur Works area. The hydrothermal features of Lassen are not as extensive or impressive as the ones found at Yellowstone National Park but still very interesting.

Lassen National Park 2014 (20)

From the same parking lot, you can take off on a hike up to Ridge Lakes. If we had more time, we would have hiked the two mile round trip trail to see the lakes. The first section of the trail was beautifully bordered by ferns and wildflowers galore. Gorgeous!

The next major stop on the road is the parking lot and trailhead to Bumpass Hell. We have done this trail before and would be a MUST SEE for any first time visitors. We took our very young children on this hike so I know it is possible to do this as a family. The reward is a view that is rare and unique. You need to note that this trail is only open for part of the year so check the national park website for opening and closing dates.

You must watch this video on YouTube: Lassen Volcanic National Park – Bumpass Hell.

We chose instead to have a picnic lunch at Lake Helen.

Lassen National Park 2014 (29)Lassen National Park 2014 (29)

This is an amazingly blue lake with crystal clear water. We sat in the sunshine on this day and marveled at all the geological history surrounding us.

Lassen National Park 2014 (27)

Here is another view of the lake. Believe it or not, there were some people who came and jumped in this lake for a swim. The water was ice cold making it hard to understand the attraction but we enjoyed watching them swim across the lake and back.

Lassen National Park 2014 (40)Lassen National Park 2014 (40)

The drive through the park included some amazing vistas. We took our time and explored this meadow a bit and then headed to the devastated area.

Lassen National Park 2014 (42)

We walked the nature trail here at the devastated area, reading the signs and imagining the volcano’s eruption last century. This is a perfect place to learn about this particular volcano and see some rocks and other geological features up close.

Lassen National Park 2014 (43)You can see the actual volcano in the distance from here. On this bright sunny peaceful summer day it was hard to imagine the violent eruption that happened so recently.

Lassen National Park 2014 (44)

The nature lover in me thoroughly soaked in the information about the rocks and geology shared on the interpretive signs. This is the perfect place for families to visit before, during, or after a study of the earth’s rock cycle.

Lassen National Park 2014 (52)

Near the entrance station, there is a wonderful lake to stop at and walk around. Manzanita Lake was a busy place on this particular day with picnickers, fishermen, and walkers.

Lassen National Park 2014 (1)

We sat at the lake’s edge long enough for me to sketch the scene in my nature journal. What a perfect way to end our day!

Lassen National Park 2014 (16)

I hope you get to visit this national park sometime with your children…put it on your list!

Things You Probably Want to Know

You can read more of my national park tips in these entries:





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Nature Study Continues-Winter Nature Study Topics

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook
Get ready for the soon to be released Winter Nature Study Continues ebook!

Want a sneak peek at the topcis? These are all completely new topics and will help your family with your winter nature study activities.

  • Rock Study – Feldspar
  • Star Study – Orion
  • Crystals
  • Fungi Study – Scarlet Cup (Saucer)
  • Bird Study – Flicker
  • Mammal Study – Cattle/Deer
  • Wildflower Study – Bloodroot
  • Garden Flower – Violets
  • Wildflower Study – Hepatica
  • Wildflower Study – Dutchman’s Breeches and Squirrel Corn
  • Garden Flowers – Bleeding Hearts

This new ebook will be loaded into the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level memberships soon!

If you aren’t a member yet, you still have time to join and have immediate access as soon as it publishes.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Membership

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study continues Coming Soon

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Handbook of Nature Study – December 2014 Newsletter

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter December 2014 @handbookofnaturestudy

December 2014 – Transition to Winter

Please read the following explanation outlining how to get this month’s newsletter.

The newsletter link is not in this email but will come separately.

If you don’t receive the separate email with the download link, you probably aren’t subscribed to the blog yet. This will take less than a minute to do if you follow the steps below.

If you are a subscriber and you haven’t received your newsletter email yet, check your SPAM inbox. Some subscribers have found the email buried in SPAM inbox.

If you need to subscribe:

  • You will need to go to the Handbook of Nature Study, look to the top right corner for the box to type in your preferred email address, and then confirm the email that comes to your email inbox.
  • Once you subscribe, you will receive a thank you email from me with the download link.

This month’s newsletter link will be available only during the month of December so be sure to download it before 12/31/14.

Remember! All of the archived and current newsletters are available as part of the Ultimate Naturalist Library…every level! 

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include:

  • 5 awesome articles that will give you some ideas for winter time nature study: tree phenology, hemlock trees, winter nature study ideas, animal adaptations, and bear hibernation.
  • December planning page printable
  • December Nature Journal Toppers
  • January preschool nature table ideas, printables, and coloring page

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – November 2014

OHC Blog Carnival

November!!! I have had a great time this month enjoying a great tropical trip and then a return to my autumn California world. What a world of change…how about your natural world?
Our family’s November entries from this month’s study (in case you missed one):

1. Sweetgum Tree – Our Witch Hazel Study
2. Fall Seed Walk – From Our World
3. Our Attempt at a Fungi Study

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Finches in the sweetgum
Click the image and make it larger. See how many birds you can see in this photo!


Michelle from Following Footprints submits their Nature Study – Birds entry with the carnival. Their family has done an amazing job with finding so many resources and bird-related activities. Take a look and be inspired.

Janet from Pursuing Joy in the Journey shares their entries with the carnival this month: More Mammal Recording and Owl Pellets.

OHC Blog Carnival

Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in December are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 12/30/14 and you can send them directly to me:



This is my affiliate link to a product I highly recommend! Cyber Week Membership Sale

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Rock Study Mica

Rock Study Mica @handbookofnaturestudy

Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read about mica in the Handbook of Nature Study on pages 758-759 (Lesson 215). There is not a lot of information in the book so use the links below to learn more and mica, what it looks like, its uses, and where to find it.
  • You can read all about mica here: Rocks for Kids.
  • For more detailed information about mica’s properties: Rocks and Minerals-Mica.
  • Video of Mica Rock.
  • Advanced Study: Rocks vs. Minerals study. You can read the explanation in this article and view the diagram to really understand the differences.

Two Kinds of Mica:

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Time for a rock hunt. If you can go outdoors, look for some mica or any rock you have on hand. (You can purchase mica for this challenge here: Biotite sample from MiniMe or Muscovite sample from MiniMe. Or you can buy a bundle of 30 pieces from ScienceBob.)
  • You can use the printable activity in the ebook to make your rock hunt a little more fun. Print the page and use the grid to observe some rocks. If you have cold weather, you can use rocks from your rock collection indoors if you need to. If you don’t have the ebook, you can use the printable found at this link: Rock Observation.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Use your follow-up time to create nature journal pages for mica or any rocks you have on hand. Use the information in the links above to create a description of mica, biotite, and/or muscovite. There are two notebook pages included in the ebook for you to choose from.
  • Advanced Study: Use the notebook page provided in the ebook to do a careful study of a mica sample.

Free Notebooking Pages Sampler
Note this is an affiliate link to a product I love.


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Photo Recap – November 2014


Nature Photo of The Week
We had a great month getting outside and enjoying our autumn color. This year in our neighborhood we had blazing colors…more than any other year in our memory.

Please feel free to join us over on the Nature Photo of the Week Pinterest Board.

Here are my entries for the month of November…

1 Hawaii Nov 14  (42)

Fish: A classic fish found in ponds all over the place but these had some beautiful water lilies blooming in their water. I also love the reflection of the palm trees in the water’s surface.

1 Hawaii Nov 14  (84)

Feather: These are such amazing birds that we saw on our trip. Look at those feathers on their heads! They are some variety of African crane.

Here’s what I have left….

Crystals, cold, refreshing, energy, bubbly, sparkle, self-portrait, Just do it!

I am really going to need to get myself motivated to get these images done before the end of the year!



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Yosemite Half Dome Hike

Half Dome 1

In October I wrote about our autumn trip to Yosemite National Park with my three sons. I gave you a bit of information about their hike but I wanted to share some of their amazing and gorgeous photos from that Half Dome hike that they accomplished on a sparkling blue sky day.

Some links you might find useful:

Yosemite National Park Half Dome Hike – official website information

Half Dome Permits for Day Hikers – information on getting a permit. We had to put their names in for a lottery and they were able to get permits that way.

Hiking Half Dome – YouTube video from the National Park Service. I found this super helpful! You may just wish to watch this to see what it would be like if you could hike this trail to the top.


Half Dome 2

My two youngest sons have been cooking up this hike for awhile. It took some planning because one of my sons lives in New York now and has limited time to visit us here in California. Hiking the trail in October before the cables are down, they found the trail was pretty much empty and there were only half a dozen people up there when they arrived at the summit.

Half Dome 3They started out before sunrise in the dark with flashlights, making their way along the trail from Curry Village to the base of Vernal Falls. Then as the sun rose, they summited the top of Nevada Falls. I have never done this hike because of my fear of heights. Obviously, my boys have not inherited my fear and they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Nevada Falls

These boys hiked fast and were up to the top in a few hours. These two boys have inherited my love for the outdoors and spent lots of time telling me afterwards about the many highlights of the day.

Half Dome Top I am so proud of these two boys for reaching their goal of hiking together to the top of Half Dome. They are such good friends and are so supportive of each other even though they are very different people with very different talents. What a blessing to have perfect weather for this hike! I hope they make new goals to hike something else in the near future.

Gertrudes Nose NY

They are both now living in New York so maybe we will summit something in the Adirondacks next year when I visit. My daughter just recently hike to the top of Gertrude’s Nose in New York and I am up for trying that hike maybe next spring. No matter what, I am enjoying my children’s adventures and views of the world.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Night Sky Cassiopeia

Night Sky Star cassiopeia and cepheus @handbookofnaturestudy

Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read the Handbook of Nature Study pages 821-822 (Lesson 225).  Try to share the story of these three constellations with your children either before you go out to view the night sky or if you have a really good memory, while you are looking for the constellations.
  • Here are links to the three constellations you will be looking for this week: Cassiopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon.
  • Autumn Constellations—scroll down to the “facing NE” chart and you will see what Cassiopeia and Cepheus will look like in your autumn sky.
  • Advanced Study: Print this chart out and see how many of the constellations you can see in the autumn sky: Autumn Star Chart.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Take your outdoor challenge time this week during the evening hours. The aim is to get outside and view the night sky, hoping to see the stars if weather permits.
  • Use the information, charts, and links both in the Handbook of Nature Study and in the links in the section above to find the Polestar, Cassiopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon. Even if you have trouble finding the exact constellations, this activity can be enjoyable for the whole family. Remember to dress warmly or you won’t last too long outdoors!

Follow-Up Activities:

  • The Handbook of Nature Study suggests in the lesson to draw Cassiopeia’s Chair (#1), Cepheus (#5), and the Dragon (#7). These can be done using the chart on page 821 of the Handbook of Nature Study if needed. There is a notebook page included in the ebook for you to use for your sketches if you would like. There is also a checklist on this notebook page you can use as part of the follow-up.
  • Advanced Study: Challenge yourself to learn the story of these three constellations as related in the Handbook of Nature Study.
  • Advanced Study: Sketch these stars from memory: Polestar, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Cassiopeia’s Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon. There is a notebook page in the ebook you might like to use as part of this activity.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

Join us for this series of challenges every week here on the Handbook of Nature Study. If you want to purchase the Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Autumn Nature Study Continues content list on the announcement page.

OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover Button