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Grand Canyon – Book Review

Grand Canyon The Complete Guide @handbookofnaturestudy

As part of my nature book reading, this month’s book is the Grand Canyon-The Complete Guide

I love planning a family trip, especially one to a national park! Our Grand Canyon trip is coming up fast and in preparation I have been reading the book, Grand Canyon: The Complete Guide
by James Kaiser (this is an affiliate link). Since I have been to the Grand Canyon before with my family I needed some fresh ideas to make our trip memorable. I have a list of things to do and see now after reading this book. If you would like to read my blog entry that features Grand Canyon National Park – Tips and Images, you can click over and take a look at that for some highlights of my last trip.

This book is not just a travel guide but more of a brief overview of many of the unique aspects of this part of the world.


After reading about the new Trail of Time, I am anxious to experience this short walk on the South Rim on this trip with my husband. I love it when I can learn about the geology of a place in a simple way. As much as I love rocks, I have a hard time visualizing the passage of time and I think this display will help make it a little more concrete. The book gives lots of details about the development of the canyon and its red rocks and layers. Many of us will not ever get to hike to the bottom of the canyon to experience this ourselves so it is a joy to read about it in the book and see the images too.


There is nothing like reading the history of a place to help you see it with fresh eyes. So many of the famous spots at the Grand Canyon have interesting backgrounds and now that I have read about them in the book it will be more meaningful to stand at Mather Point, Kolb Studio, and the various lodges. The people who came before us and impacted the way this park has developed over the years are a rather rugged bunch of people.

Ecology and Wildlife

I actually turned to this section  first (of course). The images are amazing and give an overview of what to look for during a visit. It is no way intended to be a field guide so I will be taking along a few of my favorites on the trip to use with my nature journal.

Regions of the Grand Canyon

This book breaks the Grand Canyon down into sections so you can learn about the major features of each one. We will be staying at the South Rim so I concentrated my research on this popular part of the national park and there is plenty of information described in enough detail to answer most of my questions. In the future we will hopefully be able to explore the North Rim so I was eager to read about that too!

There are maps, lists of places to stay and eat, and suggestions for activities. I do wish the maps in the book had a little more detail like distance between major attractions but I will pick up a more detailed map at the visitor center when we arrive at the park.

Grand Canyon Complete Guide flap

Features of the Book I Really Like

  • Fold out flap attached to the front and back covers with a map and a quick index to the main features of the book
  • Lots of colorful maps and images
  • Helpful itineraries – specific ideas to fill your time, depending on amount of time available
  • The visual appeal of this book makes it a wonderful way to anticipate a trip to the Grand Canyon

I purchased my book on and here is the affiliate link to the book:

 Grand Canyon: The Complete Guide

Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

Previous Month’s Books and Reviews

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The Forest Unseen- Book Review

The Forest Unseen Reveiw @handbookofnaturestudy

The Forest Unseen by David Haskell came highly recommended and I was looking forward to digging into it as part of my Nature Book Project for 2015. I wanted to like this book, giving it a chance past the first chapter that left me wondering what all the fuss was about in the reviews I read online. I read the Preface three times because I was having a hard time getting the “mandala” metaphor that he kept referring to in the chapters.

Mandala- Hindu or Buddhist symbol of the universe.

As far as my experience with this book, I will admit that I had favorite chapters. These bright spots kept me going when I was tired of trying to make all the connections he was drawing from his forest observations, philosophy, religion, and history. This book could have been better if it hadn’t tried so hard to weave it all together.

The idea of watching a spot in the forest for a complete year is one that I have long wanted to accomplish in a far larger scope than I have in the past. Our family had a tree in the woods that we observed and documented each season. Taking that idea one step farther, keeping track of the spot on a more frequent basis, appeals to me as a life project. We have loosely made observations weekly on a certain trail near our home in recent years and it has given us a sense of time that only can be experienced by seeing the concrete evidence of the passage of time and the seasons.

My advice? See if you public library has this book for you to check out and read. Dip into a few chapters after reading the preface and see what you can discover of interest to you. Note that this book is written from an evolutionist point of view.

More importantly, let the idea of this book inspire you to find your own “forest unseen” near your home. A place to visit frequently to observe the life and death that takes place there is one that will enrich your family and provide valuable life lessons.

Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

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The Wild Muir – A Sort of Review


The Wild Muir Book Review

The Wild Muir was my first selection in my Nature Book of the Month Project. This book just begged to be read aloud so we did just that. Each chapter is actually a selection from one of John Muir’s many books, chosen to make a wonderful collection in this book The Wild Muir.

We didn’t read the chapters in order because we found it was fun to read the chapter titles and then pick one that sounded interesting to us at the moment. We read first thing in the morning with our coffee, or while riding along on a car ride, or sitting outside in our front yard. I can imagine us reading some of these again on a camping trip while sitting around the campfire. John Muir can spin a tale, drawing you along with his words that sounded like poetry at times. He gave interesting details and shared his thoughts about what he saw and experienced. There were a few chapters that gave us a glimpse into his childhood, his early adulthood, and then long into his career as a conservationist.

Many of us would never dream of attempting the many daring explorations that he set out on or dream of pushing ourselves to the physical limits that Muir did during his life. But, we can experience the thrill of hiking up to mountain peaks, across glaciers, far into the Sierra mountains, and swaying on trees in the middle of a huge winter storm.

His words paint such wonderful pictures…here’s a couple quotes:

“At length, all their plans perfected, tufted flakes and single starry crystals come in sight, solemnly swirling and glinting to their blessed appointed places; and soon the busy throng fills the sky and makes darkness like night.”

“As soon as I got out in Heaven’s light I started on another long excursion, making haste with all my heart to store my mind with the Lord’s beauty and thus be ready for any fate, light or dark. And it was from this time that my long continuous wanderings may be said to have fairly commenced.”

I learned some really interesting stuff from reading his book. Who knew learning about frazil ice would lead to some really awesome YouTube videos? I also never really knew how all those round metal plates got placed on the top of mountains and other spots that we have seen on our hiking expeditions…well, they are there in part due to the Coast and Geodetic Survey which mapped and measured such places. I had to look up dozens of plants and flowers that Muir mentioned in the book to see if I knew what they were or had seen them in my travels. I also looked up lots of geological vocabulary like “moulin“.

Please note this entry includes affiliate links.

I loved this book and highly recommend it as a glimpse into Muir’s life, his writing, and his ideas.

Nature Book Project 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

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Nature Literature and Step Gently Out

Step gently out,
be still,
and watch
a single blade
of grass.

I want to introduce you to another wonderful children’s nature study book, Step Gently Out. This book, written from the ant-eye-view, will inspire you and your children to perhaps look more closely at nature when you are outside together.

Read the pages, examine the images, and let your child tell you what he thinks of each and every page. Use this idea of looking carefully during your next Outdoor Hour (or even a quick minute or two if that is all you have).

In our modern world it might be easy to miss these opportunities to take a good look at our surroundings. This book will serve as a stimulus and a reminder.

This is one you can look for at your public library and then decide if you want it for your personal library.

Step Gently Out • A nature picture book for all ages from Step Gently Out on Vimeo.

I’m an Amazon Affiliate and only recommend products that I personally own (or wish I owned) and think my readers will love as well! This post may contain some links that will take you to these products on Amazon where I receive a small referral fee. I greatly appreciate your support!

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Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow – Literature and Poetry

This post contains affiliate links to a book I highly recommend and have in my own library.

This month I am really encouraging you to look for ways to use literature in your nature study. I want to share a new favorite book, Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadowby Joyce Sidman. This outstanding book is a treat for the eyes and an inspiration for your pens and crayons!

I love it when a book can engage young readers and Butterfly Eyes uses lovely poetry and clever riddles to draw the reader in. The riddles help the children use their imaginations and their knowledge of meadow inhabitants in way that makes learning fun.

So many meadow creatures are featured in this book. I know lots of you may not live near a meadow so this book will introduce many of the animals, insects, and plants you will find there, creating enthusiasm for a future meadow visit with the narratives and illustrations.

The format is poetry riddles that your child will guess to identify the meadow creatures found on the following pages. The poems are on the over-sized pages…sometimes you even have to turn the book sideways to view the whole scene!

The end pages of the book are complete pictures of many of the subjects found in the book and are a great way to review once you are doing with the last page.

The style of the artwork is another great aspect of this book. Done with scratch art techniques, your children may want to imitate this style to create a beautiful scene for their nature journal or to display on your art wall.

Use the ideas in the November 2013 newsletter in the article I wrote on library books to help you get started reading this amazing piece of nature literature to your children.

Follow Up Ideas:

  • Identify the creatures on the dust jacket of the book.
  • Make up your own nature riddles.
  • Create a piece of artwork using scratch art. (Step by step instructions: Scratch Art.)
  • Memorize one of the poems in the book.
  • Pick one animal or insect from the book and create a nature journal page for it using a field guide

Look for other books by this same author at your library!

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Ultimate Healthy Living Ebook Library!

86 ebooks for $29.97. Savings of 97%!

Readers of my blog know how much I value healthy living and family relationships that are built around being active. Eating healthy foods, working at living a more green lifestyle, and being organized are also aspects of my life that I share on a regular basis. If you share these values, I have an opportunity for you to purchase a huge library of resource ebooks to supplement and encourage your chosen lifestyle.

I am super proud to have been asked to be a part of this new Ultimate Healthy Living Ebook Library! There are 86 ebooks in this bundle which makes the value of this product even more amazing (around 34 cents an ebook!). The library of ebooks themselves are enough to make you want this bundle but don’t miss the opportunity to also receive all the of the bonus items and to be a member of the Coffee Table Conversations which will be a twelve week (one hour per week) long conference with the 40 authors included in this ebook bundle.

As shown in the banner above, there are books in these categories:

  • Green Living- household cleaners, eco-friendly lifestyle
  • Natural Health- essential oils, home remedies
  • Healthy Lifestyle – depression, personal planner, organization, marriage
  • Healthy Kids and Babies-pregnancy journal, cooking with kids, potty training, using cloth diaper, calming your baby, etc
  • Real Food Cookbooks- nourishing, healthy foods
  • Allergy Friendly/Special Diets – gluten free, wheat and egg free
  • Gardening and Sustainability-gardening, herbs, emergency preparedness
  • Fitness- fat proof meals, getting fit
  • Meal Planning/Meal Preparation
  • Natural Skincare – homemade, simple products
  • Special Health Concerns- infertility, juicing, pain, sugar detox
  • Learning About Real Whole Foods
The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is available from November 4-9, 2013
 and is bargain priced at $29.97.

Buy Now
The purchase of this bundle of ebooks will give you a giant library to use in your home with your family for many years to come. The retail value of this bundle with all the extras is worth over $1,000…..a value so amazing that I was convinced to be a part of it right from the start.

Seriously, if you are interested in only a handful of books and would love the bonus items, this bundle is an amazing opportunity to get all of the extras as well.

You will find my Winter Nature Study with Art and Music Appreciation ebook included in this bundle in the Healthy Kids and Babies section.

Please read the FAQ Page for answers to many of your ebook bundle buying questions.

Disclosure: I am an affiliate for this ebook bundle and will make a commission for every bundle I sell. I have not read and cannot endorse every single book in this bundle. 

Get Educated

What’s Included in the eBook Library? ($800+ value)

Healthy Kids & Babies


Healthy Lifestyle

Real Food Cookbooks

Allergy-Friendly/Special Diets

Menu Planning/Meal Prep

Natural Skincare

Natural Health


Green Living

Special Health Concerns

Learning About Real/Whole Foods

Buy Now

What are Coffee Table Conversations? ($67 value)

  • For 12 weeks starting in January 2014, there will be a series of weekly one-hour live conference calls, where you can join in and ask your questions on relevant and timely healthy living topics to a panel of eBook authors.
  • You’ll be able to listen to authors converse with each other on any (or all) of the 12 calls that you choose to take part in, and get answers to your questions in real time!
  • There will be a private Facebook group, where that week’s “mentors” will pop in as often as they can and chat with you on the topics at hand. Talk about up-close and personal learning!

Get Equipped

What are the Healthy Living Bonus Offers? ($150+ value)

  1. My Dizolve Dizolve—A FREE 128 Load Twin-Pack of Dizolve Natural Laundry Detergent. Dizolve laundry detergent strips are an innovative, phosphate-free way to clean your clothes. ($25.98 Value. Standard shipping rates apply. Limited to the first 5,000.)
  2. Bulk Herb Store—An instant download of their instructional video Making Herbs Simple Volume 1 for only 1 cent. ($14.95 Value. No shipping restrictions.)
  3. Wise Choice Market—A FREE $15 store credit to be used at Wise Choice Market on the Finest Real Food around, including traditionally-made bone broths, organic fermented vegetables, wild salmon, sprouted breads, and many more. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates and restrictions apply.)
  4. Fit2Be Studio—A FREE Two-Month Membership to Fit2B Studio (for new members) where their wholesome workouts for the whole family are TummySafe™and particularly target Diastasis Recti. Current members may apply the coupon code for $20 off a 1-year membership. ($19.98 value. No shipping restrictions.)
  5. Jenuinely Pure Jenuinely Pure—A FREE $15 store credit to be used at Jenuinely Pure on the beautifully-crafted natural skincare products. Make the switch to natural skincare with Jenuinely Pure. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates apply.)
  6. Plan to Eat - Meal Planning SimplifiedPlan To Eat—A FREE 4-Month subscription. Plan to Eat is an online menu planner that uses your recipes scheduled when you want them — and they make your grocery list! ($19.80 value. No shipping restrictions. New accounts only. Offer expires Dec.15)
  7. TrilLight HealthFREE $15 store credit to be used toward Trilight Health‘s Fast-Acting, Great Tasting Liquid Herbal Formulas, or anything else in their store. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates apply.)
  8. List Planit—Your choice of 3 FREE ePlanners OR a 3-Month FREE Trial Membership to ListPlanIt, where you can organize your life with hundreds of lists that you can create and manage at home or on the go. ($15.00 value. No shipping restrictions.)
  9. Cultures for Health—A FREE sourdough or kombucha starter from Cultures For Health PLUS a $5 credit to put toward anything else in store. (up to a $17.95 Value. Both the starter and the $5 credit can be used in the same order! Standard shipping rates apply.)

Buy Now

Important stuff you might want to know

  • Ultimate Healthy Living Ebook Library $29.97
  • Read the fine print. The details matter!
  • Check out our Frequently Asked Question page, particularly to learn about file types, how downloading works, transferring to eReader devices, redeeming bonus offers, and all that good stuff.
  • Remember, this bundle is available for 6 days, from 8 a.m. (EST) on Monday, November 4th to 11:59pm (EST) on Saturday, November 9th.
  • Affiliate disclaimer:I am an affiliate for this ebook bundle and will make a commission for every bundle I sell. I have not read or cannot endorse every single book in this bundle.

Want to know my picks?

  • Meals ePlanner from List Plan It (plus their bonus offer for 3 month free trial membership!)
  • UnWired Mom by Sarah Mae
  • Green Your Life by Emily
  • One Bite at a Time by Tsh
  • 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal (Moneysaving Mom)
  • Fresh Nourishing Salads for All Seasons by Kimberly
  • A Practical Guide to Real Food by Kayla
  • The Essential Oiler’s Handbook

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Handbook of Nature Study – Using Older Editions

Which edition of the Handbook of Nature Study??? 

I use the edition with the copyright date of 1967 (paperback edition ISBN 0-8014-9384-6) for page numbers and lesson numbers. (Shown above in my affiliate link.) If you have a different version of the Handbook of Nature Study, you can easily find the corresponding pages by using the following suggestions.

1. Topic – almost every Outdoor Hour Challenge is a focused on a specific topic found in the Handbook of Nature Study. Use the Table of Contents to find that topic by looking for the appropriate category.

2. Lesson Number- almost every Outdoor Hour Challenge points you to a lesson in the Handbook of Nature Study. In the older editions those lessons are given in Roman Numerals. Many of the lesson numbers are the same but unfortunately not all…your best bet is to use the Table of Contents.

Special instructions
1. If you are using digital copies that came in a number of downloads, you will need to print the table of contents from the first download and use it as a guide to which pdf to use for your Outdoor Hour Challenge. (Homeschool Freebie of the Day offers the Handbook of Nature Study as a free download from time to time.)
2. For the challenges that give you a few pages to read in the introduction of the Handbook of Nature Study, I have given you the section names so you can find them in your edition of the book. (I edited the first ten Outdoor Hour Challenges to include section names.)

I hope that helps you use whatever edition of the Handbook of Nature Study you have on your shelf.

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Top Picks For Field Guides for Homeschool Nature Study

Building a library of field guides for your reference shelves is something that you can do as you work through the Outdoor Hour Challenges or as part of creating a homeschool library. You don’t need to invest a lot of money all at one time but choose a topic of interest and search out a good field guide as you can afford it. It is an investment in your family’s growing interest in nature study that will enrich your life for many years to come.

What is a Field Guide?

First of all, what is a field guide? A field guide is a book that helps you identify wildlife like plants and animals or other objects you find in nature like rocks or weather phenomena. It is usually created to cover a specific region or area of the world. The guide usually has photos or illustrations of the object along with descriptions of the subject that help the reader identify it. Field guides are usually arranged to group subjects by color, shape, or habitat. Each guide will have introductory pages to explain how that particular field guide is organized.

Our collection of field guides has grown year by year. I will share three choices that there are for field guides to use alongside the Handbook of Nature Study: Audubon Society Field Guides, Peterson Field Guides, and Golden Guides.

Audubon Society Field Guides (This link will take you to a list of all the guides available)

  • Actual photographs-glossy and in color
  • Separate section with thorough descriptions for identification
  • Vinyl cover for more durable wear or carrying in your day pack
  • Some topics available in Western or Eastern North American editions
  • My favorite: Birds

Peterson Field Guides (This link will take you to a list of all the series available.)

  • Illustrations of typical specimens
  • Field marks for birds
  • Leaves, nuts, cones, needles shown for identification in the tree guide
  • My favorite: Trees

Golden Guides (This link will take you to the list of guides available.)

  • Compact size and interesting to look at
  • Illustrations in color
  • More than a field guide with help in getting the most out of each study
  • My favorite: Pond Life

Which field guide would I recommend you start with?
If you are looking for a field guide to purchase as a starter and to go along with the autumn nature study series we are currently using, I would recommend a tree field guide. For the next three weeks, there is the opportunity to learn more about our autumn trees.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – Night Sky Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

Make sure to scroll to the end of this entry for a fantastic giveaway opportunity for a new Nature Study for Toddlers and Preschoolers ebook plan from Maureen Spell from Spell Outloud!

Preschool Nature Study 300x250
Check out this new ebook from Maureen at Spell Outloud! Because I highly recommend this ebook I am using my affiliate link.


This marks the last of the year as far as rotating through the nature study topics here on the Outdoor Hour Challenge. The night sky has been a thought-provoking study here in our home and one that is always enjoyed by lounging out on the deck after dark and just gazing up to notice the things going on up there at night. We spotted lots of interesting things to talk about even with friends, learning new things and sharing the information.

Our family’s night sky entries from this month’s study (in case you missed one):
Stargazing- Study Grid and Perseid Meteor Shower

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Night Sky Grid Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their Telescope Viewing, Sunset and Night Sky at the Beach entry with all of you to read and enjoy. She has included a link to an iPad link called Stellarium which looks great!

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana has contributed their Night Skies! entry to this edition of the carnival. She shares their experiences and some tips too!

Cristy from Cristy’s Nature Journal writes about their night sky/moon study in her entry to the carnival: Night Sky Challenge for the Outdoor Hour Challenge.  They even got to see the space station streak across the sky!

Jennifer from Royal Little Lambs submits her Antelope Island Camping entry which is jam packed with night sky study and lots of wildlife too! She captured a great night sky image for you to enjoy.

Nadene from Practical Pages has put together their South African entry for the carnival: Stars and Night Sky.  She shares their experiences and some additional resources with carnival readers.

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana shares their night sky entry: ETHOS:Science Sneak Peak Space. What a lot of great things going on this month related to the sky and night sky too!

Big Dipper Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island writes about their Summer Constellation Study for this edition of the carnival. She shares another great iPad app (Star Walk) along with screenshots that help you get more out of your night sky study.
Photo Credit: Mountain Man from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie

Moon and Craters Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares her entry: The Full Moon – August Study with carnival readers.  She captured a beautiful image of the moon and its craters.

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie has submitted their The Night Sky on the Prairie and Beyond entry for you to enjoy.

Last Days of Summer
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their Night Sky and Last Days of Summer Study with the carnival.  Alex shares some of her night sky plans and their progress in the Last Days of Summer activity.

Photo Credit: Robin from Academia

Robin from Academia shares their 10 Days At The Pond entry with you to enjoy.  She records many of their pond finds in images and words…also some drawings too!

Shirley Ann from Under An English Sky has submitted their OHC Butterflies entry. She says,”There is just no way that we could not spend a little time learning about and appreciating these insects.” I totally agree! She shares some amazing images and then their journal entries. Be inspired!

Rebecca from Down a Rabbit Trail shares her first entry with the carnival: Tadpole Hunger Games. She says, “We just put in our own little backyard tadpole pond this past month and have been very surprised by all the life that’s finding it way there.” Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Claire from Angelic Scalliwags

Claire from Angelic Scalliwags gives us an update on her One Year Pond Study: Week 23 had some new visitors to the pond and Week 25 is all about the Atmospheric Changes at the pond. These are some of the best nature study examples I have seen in awhile…each child experiencing the pond in their own way.

Eva Varga has submitted their South Slough Estuary entry to the carnival. She told me about this place years ago and I took my boys there to learn more about this interesting habitat. Read her entry for my information.  She also would love for you to read her entry: National Moth Week-Our First Experience where she tells about their try at participating in this Citizen Science project.

Eva shares on last entry to the carnival for this edition: Apples, Pears, and Bears, Oh My! With a title like that, don’t you just want to click over and read? Don’t miss her entry.

If you need help getting started with the Outdoor Hour Challenge, you can read this page and find everything you need to know.
How to Use the Outdoor Hour Challenge 2013-2014.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in September are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 9/29/13 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

Nature Study Printables for Preschoolers and Toddlers

I am excited to share a brand new ebook from Maureen Spell – Nature Study for Toddlers and Preschoolers! This is an area that I have not addressed much here on the Outdoor Hour Challenge and I love that she has filled that need with this wonderful ebook with loads of printables and activity ideas for families that have younger children. Take a look at the ebook and then enter to win one of two copies I will be giving away. Enter now because the giveaway will end on Tuesday, September 4th, 2013 at Midnight. See the Rafflecopter gadget below (you may need to click over to the blog if you receive this entry in an email) for all the details. At $3.99 you can’t go wrong!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Omnibus Ebook Bundle Sale – Fantastic Deal

Gigantic Ebook Bundle – 
My More Nature Study Autumn Outdoor Hour Challenge Ebook!
(Also includes 3 of my Harmony Fine Arts Mini-Units.)

This is a fantastic deal for all parents who want an ebook library of resources for all kinds of learning and fun. This ebook Omnibus bundle includes over $590 worth of ebooks for just $25. Act fast because this Omnibus is only going to be available until August 25, 2013…that is next Sunday.

Don’t miss the other nature study related ebooks included in this ebook bundle!

Here are all the ebooks you get with this bundle for $25!

Additional Resources: Codes and Links Provided After Purchase

  • From Fortuigence: Get kids ready for writing! Grab access to a short online course that supports you in setting a powerful setting for your kids to become strong writers. A $79 value — yours free!
  • From A Plan in Place: 10% off entire order.
  • From Heritage History: download one free book of your choice, worth $1.99.
  • From WriteShop: 15% off storewide.
  • From A+ TutorSoft: 20% off your entire order.
  • Also from A+ TutorSoft: download a free ($21.99 value) math supplement that helps to build a strong foundation and close learning gaps for struggling students.
  • From Bright Ideas Press: Free media shipping with an order of $30 or more.
  • From Real Life Press: 15% off entire purchase in the store.
  • From Shining Dawn Books: Get 30% off ANY order through the end of August, 2013.
  • From Kirsten Joy Awake: Download a free copy of Bible Writer: Volume 1, an all in one Bible Memory and Copywork curriculum.

Buy Now
Deal ends Sunday, August 25, 2013.
$590 value for only $25!

Buy Now
Deal ends Sunday, August 25, 2013.
$590 value for only $25! 

This blog promotion includes my affiliate links for the Omnibus.