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Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge:American Dipper Nature Study

Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge

American Dipper Nature Study

This week’s bird is one that’s on my personal wish list. I hope to see a dipper in person at some point in my adventures. After completing the nature study for the American dipper, you’ll be prepared to see one too!

Read all about the American dipper on AllAboutBirds: American Dipper.

Outdoor Hour Challenge american dipper

Below you’ll find a few ideas for a dipper study. Make sure to download and use the complete Outdoor Hour Challenge from the Bird Set #1 ebook available in the member’s library.

Here are a few study ideas for you to get started:

  • Choose a resource to use for the American dipper, Cinclus mexicanus. 
  • Make sure to look at the range maps in a field guide or on All About Birds to determine if you live in their range and habitat.
  • Here’s an excellent video to watch: American Dipper.
  • Their diet is mostly aquatic insects and their larvae, dragonflies, small fish, worms, and fish eggs.

Please note that I will not be posting the complete challenge here on the blog, but you will find the detailed challenge in the Bird Nature Study Set #1 ebook that’s available both in the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level memberships. Sign into your account and download the ebook for the details, more links, and notebook page.

 Bird Set ebook cover image

Birds included in this ebook include the pelican, sandhill crane, Clark’s nutcracker, egret, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, swan, and snipe.

Download a sample of the book here: Bird Nature Study Set #1 Sample

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, click on over to the Join Us page at any time.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may wish to also download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy


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Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge: Great Egret Nature Study

Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge

Great Egret Nature Study

The great egret is one of those birds that once you can identify it, you start to see it everywhere! This unique bird is both majestic and interesting.

Make sure to read the entry on AllAboutBirds: Great Egret.

Fun fact: During breeding season, a patch of skin on their face turns neon green.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Great Egret graphic

Below you’ll find a few ideas for an egret study. Make sure to download and use the complete Outdoor Hour Challenge from the Bird Set #1 ebook available in the member’s library.

We see egrets regularly, but I rarely get a good image.
  •  Choose a resource to use for the great egret, ardea alba.
  • Here are some videos for you to watch in preparation: Great Egret Hunting, During Nesting Season, and this one is just plain beautiful with its close up video of the Great Egret.
  • Make a day trip to a habitat where you might see a great egret or other water bird. Take your field guide along and try to identify any bird you spot during your Outdoor Hour. Look for birds hunting along the shore or wading in the water.

Please note that I will not be posting the complete challenge here on the blog, but you will find the detailed challenge in the Bird Nature Study Set #1 ebook that’s available both in the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level memberships. Sign into your account and download the ebook for the details, more links, and notebook page.

Bird Set ebook cover image

Birds included in this ebook include the pelican, sandhill crane, Clark’s nutcracker, egret, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, swan, and snipe.

Download a sample of the book here: Bird Nature Study Set #1 Sample

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, click on over to the Join Us page at any time.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may also wish to download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy

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May 2021 Nature Study Plans – Outdoor Hour Challenge

May 2021 Nature Study Plans – Outdoor Hour Challenge

Our sping bird nature study continues throughout the month of May. We just saw some magpies last weekend during a camping trip and it was super exciting to note their unique shape and sound. Use the challenges each week to prepare for possible sightings in the future!

Please note that all of the birds in this series are ones not found in the Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock. Instead, the challenges will be providing field notes for each birds, as well as online links and videos. If you have access to the ebook, you will also have notebooking pages and coloring pages to print and use as desired.

Bird Set ebook cover image

5/7/2021 –Egret Nature Study

5/14/2021 – American Dipper Nature Study

5/21/2021 – Horned Lark Nature Study

5/28/2021 – Magpie Nature Study

Spring Nature Hunt notebook page

Wildflower Poetry notebook page

New Printables in the Members Library

Wildflower Poetry Notebook Page: Use this notebook page to follow up a wildflower walk in your neighborhood. The suggestions will help your child write a simple poem after making wildflower observations.

Spring Nature Hunt Notebook Page: Print this activity out and take it along on a spring nature walk. Use the prompts in the grid to challenge your family to see some signs of spring. Follow up with a sketch!

Printables for Members Button

Click the graphic above to view the complete list of printables available as part of an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.


May 2021 nature planner page

Members also have access to the Nature Planner pages in their library. Print out this month’s page and use it to stimulate your weekly nature study time.


Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020

If you would like to have access to the member’s printables and the newsletter archive, I invite you to join with an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership. Your membership will be valid for one year from the date of purchase. Click the graphic above to see the many benefits of an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.  







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Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge: Clark’s Nutcracker Bird Nature Study

Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge

Clark’s Nutcracker Bird Nature Study

The Clark’s nutcracker is a bird that not many of us will encounter, especially at a backyard feeder. This bird lives high in the mountains and actually is an important part of the forest’s story. As they cache seeds for their food stores, they are actually helping to broadcast the seeds that may end up sprouting into new trees to replenish the forest.

clarks nutcracker nature journal
We see the Clark’s nutcracker every time we visit Crater Lake National Park here in Oregon.

Although the nutcracker is not a common backyard bird, your family will enjoy learning how birds and their unique habits help humans and the earth.

Outdoor Hour Challenge clarks nutcracker

Fun Fact:

The Clark’s nutcracker has a pouch under its tongue to carry seeds long distances. They bury tens of thousands of seeds each summer as winter food caches. The seeds not retrieved play a crucial role in new pine forests.

Please note that I will not be posting the complete challenge here on the blog, but you will find the detailed challenge in the Bird Nature Study Set #1 ebook that’s available both in the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level memberships. Sign into your account and download the ebook for the details, more links, and notebook pages.

Here are some videos for you to watch in preparation:

Bird Set ebook cover image

Birds in this ebook include the pelican, sandhill crane, Clark’s nutcracker, egret, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, swan, and snipe.

Download a sample of the book here: Bird Nature Study Set #1 Sample

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, click on over to the Join Us page at any time.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may wish to also download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy

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Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge: Snipe Nature Study

Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge

Wilson’s Snipe Nature Study

This week’s nature study lesson features the very real and awesome snipe. It wasn’t until we moved to Central Oregon and along the river that we even thought this was a real bird! We spent quite a few evenings chasing the sound of the snipe in an attempt to figure out exactly what bird was making such an unusual sound.

Now it’s your turn!

Learn about the snipe, paying special attention to its preferred habitat and the sound that it makes.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Snipe graphic

Get started with your study of the Wilson’s snipe using the ideas below. As always, remember that the complete nature study lesson is found in the Bird Nature Study Set #1 ebook available to Ultimate and Journey level members.

  • Make sure to look at the range maps in a field guide or on All About Birds to determine if you have the Wilson’s snipe in your area. Wilson’s snipe can be found among the vegetation (especially cattails, willows, sedges, and rushes) along muddy edges of ponds, vernal pools, and other wet habitats.
  • Learn the sound of the snipe and memorize it so you can recognize it in the future.  Here’s a link to YouTube that has the sound of a snipe winnowing: Wilson’s Snipe.
  • Watch this YouTube video: Wilson’s Snipe.  YouTube video of a snipe eating along the shore: Wilson’s Snipe.  You can see in this video why they have a very long bill!


Bird Set ebook cover image

Birds included in this ebook include the pelican, sandhill crane, Clark’s nutcracker, egret, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, swan, and snipe.

Download a sample of the book here: Bird Nature Study Set #1 Sample

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, click on over to the Join Us page at any time. A membership will give you access to all 26 ebooks currently available in the membership library. This includes the Bird Set ebook and the Learning About Birds ebook!

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may wish to also download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Sample: Print your ebook sample here: Learning About Birds from the Outdoor Hour Challenge.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy


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Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge: Trumpeter Swan Nature Study

Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge

Trumpeter Swan Nature Study

Watching swans on a pond is a favorite memory of mine from growing up. The park in our neighborhood had swans, geese, and ducks but there was always something magical about watching a swan move across the water. Maybe it’s their large size or the fairytale connection, but I was always excited to visit the pond and watch these large, graceful birds.

This week you can use the Outdoor Hour Challenge to learn more about the trumpeter swan. As always, remember that the complete nature study lesson is found in the Bird Nature Study Set #1 ebook available to Ultimate and Journey level members.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Trumpeter Swan graphic

Here are a couple of suggestions from the challenge:

  • Learn the sound of the trumpeter swan and discuss how it sounds like a trumpet or horn. Here’s a link to YouTube that has the sound of a trumpeter swan: Trumpeter Swans Taking Off and Trumpeter Swans Landing.
  • Trumpeter swans are the largest native waterfowl in North America. Here’s a YouTube video that shows a group of trumpeters: Trumpeter Swan.
  • Visit a nearby pond or river to look for water birds. The trumpeter swan is the largest native water bird in North America so it will be easy to spot. Make sure to listen for the trumpeter swan!

Alternate study: Make careful observations and notes for any water birds you observe during your outdoor time.

Bird Set ebook cover image

Birds included in this ebook include the pelican, sandhill crane, Clark’s nutcracker, egret, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, swan, and snipe.

Download a sample of the book here: Bird Nature Study Set #1 Sample

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, click on over to the Join Us page at anytime.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may wish to also download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy


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Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge: American White Pelican Nature Study

Brand New! Outdoor Hour Challenge

American White Pelican Nature Study

Note: If you download the sample from the Bird Nature Study Set #1, you’ll have the Outdoor Hour Challenge for the pelican to use this week. See the link below.

This week we start with a brand new series of bird studies. These birds are not covered in the Handbook of Nature Study but are rather interesting birds that you may wish to share with your family. I’ll give you a few links to introduce the bird and then Members will be able to go to the ebook for a more complete lesson on the pelican.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Pelican graphic

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Choose a resource to use for the American white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos.
  • Make sure to look at the range maps in a field guide or on All About Birds. Take note of the location of their breeding area and migration route.
  • Here are a couple YouTube videos: Pelicans and More Advanced Video for Pelicans.

An alternate study can be made of the Brown Pelican.


brown pelican bird outdoor hour challenge

Please note that I will not be posting the complete challenge here on the blog, but you will find the detailed challenge in the Bird Nature Study Set #1 ebook that’s available both in the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level memberships. Sign into your account and download the ebook for the details, more links, and notebook pages.

Bird Set ebook cover image

Birds included in this ebook include the pelican, sandhill crane, Clark’s nutcracker, egret, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, swan, and snipe.

Download a sample of the book here: Bird Nature Study Set #1 Sample

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, you can click on over to the Join Us page at any time.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may wish to also download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy

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April Nature Study Plans and Printable

April Nature Study Plans – Outdoor Hour Challenge

This month we’ll be starting to use the new Outdoor Hour Challenge Bird Set #1 ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library. I’m anxious to get started with this set of bird nature study challenges right alongside you and your family. I birdwatch just about every day but slowing down to take in information about one particular bird is very rewarding. Even if I’m not able to observe the bird in person, learning all about a bird ahead of time prepares me for the time when the opportunity does arise.

Just last week we spotted four killdeer in our back pasture. I easily identified this pretty bird from the details I had read in a field guide and online.

Spotting a new bird is always a thrill!

Please note that all of the birds in this series are ones not found in the Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock. Instead, the challenges will be providing field notes for each bird, as well as online links and videos. If you have access to the ebook, you’ll also have notebooking pages and coloring pages to print and use as desired.

Bird Set ebook cover image

4/2/2021 – Pelican Nature Study

4/9/2021 – Swan Nature Study

4/16/2021 – Snipe Nature Study

4/23/2021 – Sandhill Crane Nature Study

4/30/2021 – Clark’s Nutcracker Nature Study

Bird Egg Nature Study notebook

New Printables in the Members Library

Bird’s Egg Study notebook page: One aspect of learning about birds is to learn that each bird has a unique egg. Learning the size, color, and other distinguishing features of a bird’s egg can be followed up with this notebook page.

Printables for Members Button

Click the graphic above to view the complete list of printables available as part of an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.


April 2021 nature planner page

Members also have access to the Nature Planner pages in their library. Print out this month’s page and use it to stimulate your weekly nature study time.


Join us graphic

If you’d like to have access to the member’s printables and the newsletter archive, I invite you to join with an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership. Your membership will be valid for one year from the date of purchase. Click the graphic above to see the many benefits of an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.


Bird Set ebook cover image

I highly recommend using the ebook for these challenges. I’ll be sharing just a small portion of the challenge each week here on the blog but members will have access to all of the resources for each bird.


Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020


Please note that you can opt to use the Learning About Birds ebook with your family if you feel it’s more practical. I realize not everyone will have access to the birds we study each week and the Learning About Birds ebook could supplement your bird study with information from the Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock.

Learning About Birds 3D cover





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Great Backyard Bird Count 2021 Coming Soon!

What? The Great Backyard Bird Count
When? February 12-15, 2021.
Who? Anyone around the world!
How? Count birds in your yard and at your feeders. Report the data to the Great Backyard Bird Count.


Need some more information?
Great Backyard Bird Count

Video: Great Backyard Bird Count

Get prepared with printable checklists for your area…by zip code or town name.

The list below includes the top ten birds counted in the Great Backyard Bird Count in 2020. I would suggest taking a look at the list and use the links to decide if you have any of these particular birds in your local area.

Several of the birds are found on the east coast so make sure to scroll down to “similar species” if you live in other areas to determine if there is a similar bird for you to watch out for in your backyard count.

Top Ten Birds Reported in the Great Backyard Bird Count 2020

1. Northern Cardinal

2. Dark Eyed Junco

3.  Mourning Dove

4.  Downy Woodpecker

5.  Blue Jay

6.  House Sparrow

7. House Finch

8. American Crow

9. Black Capped Chickadee

10. Red-bellied Woodpecker

If you want to start keeping a list of birds you observe, you may wish to visit this entry on:

10 Ideas for a Bird Life List.

Cornell Bird Coloring Book Dove
Download the Cornell Feeder Bird coloring book. The image above is an example that I completed for the mourning dove.

Download and save the Cornell Feeder Bird coloring book. This book has many of the most common birds you’ll see in your backyard and it makes a perfect complement to your family’s bird nature study.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudyDon‘t forget about the Learning About Birds ebook in the Member’s Library.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge: Flicker Bird Nature Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Flicker Bird Nature Study

Since writing this challenge years ago, we’ve moved to Central Oregon where we have an abundance of Norther flickers. I observe them every day at my bird feeder right outside my window. They’re such beautifully colored birds and I never get tired of watching them cling to our tree and then swoop down to the suet feeder. Their large size makes them easy to identify but we often hear them long before we see them. You may also see them land on the ground so don’t be surprised about that behavior.

I hope that you can use the links in the original challenge to look at and hear the sounds of the Northern flicker. If you would rather study another tree clinging bird, you’ll find several links in the challenge to get you started.

Flicker Bird Study @handbookofnaturestudy

View the original challenge here: Outdoor Hour Challenge – Flicker.

Flicker page 1

flicker 2

If you have access to the Winter Nature Study Continues ebook, there are two notebook pages to choose from for your nature journal.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020

To purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership, click on over to the Join Us page at any time.

You can use the discount code NATURE5 to receive $5 off your Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.

Learning About Birds 3D cover

You may wish to download and use the Learning About Birds ebook available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library. There are lots of birds included in this ebook, including tree clinging birds like the woodpecker and the nuthatch.

Learning About Birds ebook Bird List @handbookofnaturestudy