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Year-Long Nature Study Reminders – Spring

Seasonal Topics – Spring Reminders

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

You may wish to start a new year-long study this spring using some of the ideas above. If you have a continuing year-long nature study project, don’t forget to put it on your calendar or you may forget to make your spring observations.

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Year-Long Milkweed Study – Complete!

Our last trip to Yosemite completed our four seasons visits and our year-long milkweed study. I was able to find some winter milkweed and capture a few images to share here on the blog.

winter milkweed yosemite
winter milkweed yosemite
winter milkweed yosemite

If you are interested in seeing our Yosemite milkweed in the other seasons, click the links below.

If you would like to complete your own year-long milkweed study, you can see the original challenge with a free printable notebook page:
Seasonal Milkweed Study


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Year-Long Nature Study Reminders – Winter

Seasonal Topics Reminders – Winter

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

Make sure to add your year-long study to your January or February nature study plans so you don’t forget!!!

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Seasonal Milkweed – Autumn Observations

Our our recent camping trip to Yosemite National Park, we made a special effort to really observe the milkweed. This was made lots easier by the fact that there was lots of milkweed in the meadow near the campground.

The real story of the Showy milkweed in the autumn is the way the pods burst open to expose all of the seeds with their silky white hairs. The brown part is the seed and the white part helps the seeds fly away from the plant.

Milkweed pods open to expose seeds

They remind me of dandelions because when you blow on the seeds they scatter to the wind. There are lots and lots of seeds in each pod. The information I read online said that the seeds are very viable and will grow in dry habitats including fields and road sides.

I think the milkweed silky haired seeds are very beautiful…look at them shimmer in the sunshine.

Original Challenge: Year Long Milkweed Study plus free printable notebook page
Our Spring Entry: Milkweed Nature Study  
Summer 2013 – Milkweed Observations

We have one more season to observe before we have seen the complete cycle of this wonderful butterfly attractive plant. I am looking forward to seeing what winter brings.


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Seasonal Nature Study Reminders & Links

Autumn is here and we can start planning some of our autumn year-long nature study observations. There are so many that you can choose from but the trick is to pick one and remember to complete a study in each season.

Have you picked your topics yet?

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

We already had a seasonal cattail and a seasonal tree study. There will be a year-long weather study later this month.

Make sure to add your year-long study to your October nature study plans so you don’t forget!!!

OHC Blog Carnival

You can submit any of your year-long nature study project entries from this month to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival.

Nature Study Bundle Button

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Seasonal Milkweed: Summer Observations

We started a Year Long Milkweed study back in the spring while on our trip to Yosemite.

Original Challenge: Year Long Milkweed Study plus free printable notebook page
Our Spring Entry: Milkweed Nature Study 

We returned to our milkweed observation spot at Yosemite Valley….and it was full of maturing milkweed! I have included lots of photos below so enjoy our summertime observations, complete with Monarch butterflies!

Depending on where the milkweed was, it would have blossoms or pods and blossoms. Above you can see the growing seed pods with a few old flower blossoms.

Here is some Showy Milkweed in blossom. I can even see some buds still waiting to bloom near the top.

We saw many Monarchs over the few days we were there but this one was willing to pose for us right on the milkweed. What fun to watch these beautiful insects doing there thing!

This plant had the leaf broken off and you can see the milky sap dripping down the plant. You can also see if you look closely a Cobalt Milkweed Beetle, a shiny blue metallic insect that is common on the milkweed.

We found this sign out in the meadow where our milkweed is growing which shows the complete life cycle of the Monarch butterfly. What a great sign…hope more people stop and read it and learn how fascinating the life of a Monarch is and what part the milkweed plays even there at Yosemite Valley.

We will be updating our study in the autumn and of course I will share.

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Milkweed Nature Study- Start a Year Long Study

Showy Milkweed May 2013 Yosemite National Park

The beginning of our seasonal milkweed study started actually back in May when we visited Yosemite National Park. This would have been our official spring observation and it was just starting to grow and be recognizable. The soft long leaves of the Showy Milkweed were a grey-green color and we did actually see some flower buds forming.

Showy Milkweed Information on CalFlora.
Showy Milkweed on USDA Plants – pdf

Here is the link to the challenge and printable notebook page: Seasonal Milkweed Study.

Showy Milkweed at Yosemite National Park – Half Dome

I couldn’t resist stopping during our bike ride to capture some milkweed with Half Dome in the background. No better spot to observe milkweed could there be in the entire world.

We didn’t observe any insects on the milkweed yet but I anticipate seeing some Milkweed beetles when we visit in a few weeks. If there are blossoms there may even be some monarch butterflies fluttering by.

In our local area I only know of one spot where there is milkweed naturally. I did attempt to grow some milkweed last year again but the roofers knocked my pot off the deck when they were replacing our roof. I almost cried. I need to get some more seeds and try again!

Milkweed Seeds from – I have purchased from them before and have been very happy with the quality of the seeds.
Live Monarch – Free seeds (pay postage)

I need to start a nature journal page to record my seasonal milkweed study. For now, I have the photos printed and will add them before we complete our summer observations.

Have you found some milkweed in your area?

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Outdoor Hour Challenge- Seasonal Milkweed Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge:
We are going to revisit a challenge from the archives this week. 
Milkweed (from the More Nature Study Autumn Ebook)
Use the information in this challenge to get you started looking for milkweed in your own area. 

Need help in finding milkweed? Here are a couple of links: Showy Milkweed and Common Milkweed

Seasonal Milkweed Notebook Page Printable

Use this printable page to record your seasonal milkweed study in each season. Start with your summer milkweed and then revisit it each season to observe the changes. 

Milkweed Seasonal Study Notebook Page 


Getting Started Suggestion:
If you already own the Getting Started ebook, completeOutdoor Hour Challenge #8. Take along your magnifying lens when you observe your milkweed. Use it to get a really good look at the milkweed’s leaves, flowers, stem, and any insects you see on the milkweed. Record your observations on the notebook page in the ebook.

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