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Spring Cattail Observations and Journal Page

Spring Cattail Observations and Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Our challenge from last week was to find and observe some spring cattails: Springtime Cattail Observations. We headed over to our local park where we had observed some fabulous cattails last year. Because of the drought, there are not as many as we had noticed during the summer of 2013 and they were much smaller than expected. We are going to mark our calendar to make some summer observations and compare our results.

April 2014 Spring Cattail Observations

There was enough water in the pond to see a beautiful reflection of the clouds and there were insects making little ripples and bubbles in the water. We estimated that the cattails were about three feet high and we will compare the height when we return this summer.

Cattail Fluff spring observations

When we took a closer look at the water’s edge, we saw an old cattail that had disintegrated into a soft pile of fluff. What a great find!

Spring Cattails Nature Topper Journal Page @handbookofnaturestudy

Using the Nature Journal Topper from the April 2014 newsletter, I created a nature journal page with some of my observations and a simple sketch.

Hopefully, your family will get a chance to find a place with cattails for your springtime observations. If you started a year-long study already, return to your cattail spot to make some comparisons for your nature journal.

Do you know where there are cattails in your area?


Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Spring Cattail Observations

Outdoor Hour Challenge Spring Cattail Observations @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge:

This is a classic springtime study here on the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Take a few minutes this week to think about where you might find some cattails to observe. If nothing else, take a walk at a local stream or pond to explore the springtime weather with your children.

Spring Cattail Observations: This challenge has some simple cattail observations to try with your family.

Spring Cattail Observations: You will find a free printable notebook page in this challenge.

Special Activity:Watercolor Activity

Take some time this week to pull out the watercolors to record your springtime cattail in your nature journal. Fun Suggestion: Use the water from your stream or pond to watercolor!

I searched on Pinterest for “watercolor cattails” and I found loads of inspiration to get started: Pinterest – Watercolor Cattails.

Getting Started Suggestion:

If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #2.   Take a walk and then discuss with your children what they enjoyed during their outdoor time. Help them find words to record in their nature journal or you can follow up with the accompanying notebook page from the ebook. Additional idea: While you are out during your outdoor time, find a wildflower, weed, or leaf to put into your flower press.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

Note: You can find the Getting Started ebook in all levels of membership here at the Handbook of Nature Study.

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Year-Long Nature Study Reminders – Spring

Seasonal Topics – Spring Reminders

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

You may wish to start a new year-long study this spring using some of the ideas above. If you have a continuing year-long nature study project, don’t forget to put it on your calendar or you may forget to make your spring observations.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – February 2014

OHC Blog Carnival

I want to thank all the participants this month for sharing your February nature study entries with the carnival. I so enjoy reading your entries and sharing all the wonderful insights your family’s have along the way. You inspire me…really!

Our family’s February entries from this month’s study (in case you missed one):

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Image credit: Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek

Tree Silhouettes
Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek shares their Winter Trees entry with carnival readers. They did an amazing job on their maple tree study. Don’t miss the journals!

Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordishs has submitted their Tree Silhouette entry for you to enjoy. They have picked a plum tree to watch throughout the seasons. Excellent!

Angie from Petra School shows us their Winter Tree Silhouettes in the Pacific Northwest. I especially like the images where the trees are reflected in the lake water. Take a look!

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie has put together their Updates and Trees entry for this edition of the carnival. Take a look at all their lovely tree silhouettes!

Janet from Pursing Joy in the Journey joins the carnival this month with her entry Winter Tree Study. They completed a winter tree observation and drew the silhouettes on their notebooking page.

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island submits their Window Nature Study – February entry for you to view. She shares their view and a wonderful tree silhouette…love the lighting in this image.

Winter Cone Study
Cristy from Cristy’s Nature Journal would love for you to click over and read all about their Pine Tree, Pine Cone, and Winter Tree Study. She was encouraged to get outdoors with her children and take a walk in the woods to find some pines to study. They followed up with a pine cone study.

Winter Weeds
Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordishs has put together a full and enjoyable entry of their Nature Study in February. Take a look at their winter weeds and more.

Angie from Petra School submits their entry, Winter Weeds and Seeds , for you to read and enjoy.  She has a new camera and has taken some wonderful images as part of this entry.

Studying Moss and Lichen
Image Credit: Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs

Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs has submitted their Bird Study entry for you to enjoy. Their family has been busy studying birds and they would love for you to see their images, journals, and a birdfeeder. Jennifer also shares their Winter Nature Hike.

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island would love for you to pop over and see their Great Backyard Bird Count 2014 results.

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie shares their Winter Wish List Continued entry with the carnival. She has some wonderful images of their table top garden. Be inspired.

Eva Varga shares an exciting story of life and death in their entry, Our Local Bald Eagles. Pop over to read all about the on-going story of an eagle.

Colleen from Sola Gratia Mom shares their The Physics of a Snow Day entry with the carnival for this edition.  Also, she has written, Nature, Creating an Eye to See Him.

Janet from Pursing Joy in the Journey would love for you to read their entries, Constellations! and Big Garden Birdwatch. They look like they enjoyed both activities.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in March are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 3/30/14 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

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Year-Long Nature Study Reminders – Winter

Seasonal Topics Reminders – Winter

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

Make sure to add your year-long study to your January or February nature study plans so you don’t forget!!!

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Seasonal Nature Study Reminders & Links

Autumn is here and we can start planning some of our autumn year-long nature study observations. There are so many that you can choose from but the trick is to pick one and remember to complete a study in each season.

Have you picked your topics yet?

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

We already had a seasonal cattail and a seasonal tree study. There will be a year-long weather study later this month.

Make sure to add your year-long study to your October nature study plans so you don’t forget!!!

OHC Blog Carnival

You can submit any of your year-long nature study project entries from this month to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival.

Nature Study Bundle Button

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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – September Fall Fun Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

The change of the season always renews my nature study spirit! With the cooler air and still abundant sunshine, our family has taken back the evening hours for hikes in the woods and at the river. The sunset is coming  a few minutes earlier each week so we are not getting in a long walk but there is still time to end our day with some fresh air and some exploring. I know that will end soon so I am savoring each walk.
Thank you to all the participants for this edition of the blog carnival. 

Our family’s entry from this month’s study (in case you missed it):
Autumn Flower Study- Asters of All Kinds

Be Inspired! Be Encouraged! Get Outdoors!

Fall Fun Grid

  • Alex from Life On A Canadian Island has submitted her entry: Apple Picking-PEI Open Farm Day. This looks like fall has really arrived and is in full swing on Prince Edward Island. 
  • Michelle shares their Fall Fun Grid with you to enjoy.  Don’t miss this entry showing how they completed many of the grid activities…and some wonderful nature journal entries too.  
  • Umm Safiya shares their Artsy Fall Page with Pastels, inspired by the OHC Fall Fun Grid to make a fall themed notebook page. Nicely done!
Photo credit: Alex from Life On A Canadian Island

Autumn Flowers – Goldenrod, Aster, and Chrysanthemums

  • Alex from Life On A Canadian Island shares her Asters and Goldenrod entry with the carnival.  What a treat to find two different flowers to study this month.
  • Shirley-Ann from Under An English Sky has put together her Aster Study for you to enjoy. They did a thorough job studying these interesting flowers and then completing a nature journal too.

Fall Cattail Study

  • Desiree from Our Homeschool Notebook has written up and submitted their Cattails Update and Pond Study observations for this edition of the carnival. Thanks for sharing such great cattail images.
Nature Study11
Photo Credit: Michelle at Following Footprints

Signs of Autumn

  • Michelle from Following Footprints has submitted their entry: A Walk in the Park in the Fall. This so encouraged me to see how simple and lovely their day was just exploring and enjoying nature and each other’s company. I hope it encourages you too!
  • Umm Safiya has submitted her Whatcha Doing Wednesday entry showing their signs of autumn.  Lots of great autumn discoveries to be seen in her neighborhood.
Photo Credit: Cristy’s Nature Journal


  • Alex from Life On A Canadian Island has submitted her entry, The Magic of The Forest. Take a visual nature walk with her family…a feast for the eyes!
  • Cristy from Cristy’s Nature Journal writes about their At The Beach experience using the beach newsletter ideas from last year. They added three new birds to their life list. Wahoo!
  • Umm Safiya shares their Outdoor Hour Challenge – Nature Study #4 with the carnival. They were on a quest for oaks and they share their discoveries and nature journals too.
  • Heidi from Home Schoolroom has submitted their Moon Nature Study entry for all to read. I especially love their journals.
  • Michelle from Following Footprints has submitted their entry Fall Fun Day with Apples. Their family studied apples, made apple crisp, and did some chalk pastel apples. Awesome fun!
  • Claire shares an update on her One Year Pond Study-Week 27 Midway Reflections. Lots of things going on at her pond..and lovely reflections from Claire.
  • Kris from On The Eighth Day has put together and shared her entry: A Natural Surprise. Go over and take a peek at their surprise in the garden.
  • Eva Varga has submitted their entry showing their nature study while traveling: Nature Study in China: Phylum Mollusca.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in December are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 10/30/13 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

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Top Picks For Field Guides for Homeschool Nature Study

Building a library of field guides for your reference shelves is something that you can do as you work through the Outdoor Hour Challenges or as part of creating a homeschool library. You don’t need to invest a lot of money all at one time but choose a topic of interest and search out a good field guide as you can afford it. It is an investment in your family’s growing interest in nature study that will enrich your life for many years to come.

What is a Field Guide?

First of all, what is a field guide? A field guide is a book that helps you identify wildlife like plants and animals or other objects you find in nature like rocks or weather phenomena. It is usually created to cover a specific region or area of the world. The guide usually has photos or illustrations of the object along with descriptions of the subject that help the reader identify it. Field guides are usually arranged to group subjects by color, shape, or habitat. Each guide will have introductory pages to explain how that particular field guide is organized.

Our collection of field guides has grown year by year. I will share three choices that there are for field guides to use alongside the Handbook of Nature Study: Audubon Society Field Guides, Peterson Field Guides, and Golden Guides.

Audubon Society Field Guides (This link will take you to a list of all the guides available)

  • Actual photographs-glossy and in color
  • Separate section with thorough descriptions for identification
  • Vinyl cover for more durable wear or carrying in your day pack
  • Some topics available in Western or Eastern North American editions
  • My favorite: Birds

Peterson Field Guides (This link will take you to a list of all the series available.)

  • Illustrations of typical specimens
  • Field marks for birds
  • Leaves, nuts, cones, needles shown for identification in the tree guide
  • My favorite: Trees

Golden Guides (This link will take you to the list of guides available.)

  • Compact size and interesting to look at
  • Illustrations in color
  • More than a field guide with help in getting the most out of each study
  • My favorite: Pond Life

Which field guide would I recommend you start with?
If you are looking for a field guide to purchase as a starter and to go along with the autumn nature study series we are currently using, I would recommend a tree field guide. For the next three weeks, there is the opportunity to learn more about our autumn trees.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Autumn Cattail and Small Square Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Autumn Cattail Study with a Small Square Study Too!

Additional Activity – Cattail Acrostic Poetry Activity 

Just for fun, I have created an acrostic poetry notebook page for you to use to go along with your cattail study. For each letter in the word “cattail”, have your child write a word or phrase that describes the cattail. Use the box on the page for a sketch, a rubbing, or a photo. This is meant to be a fun way to extend your cattail study so you might offer to help your child or you can skip it until a future date.

Cattail Acrostic Poetry Printable Activity

Getting Started Suggestion:
If you already own the Getting Started Ebook, you may wish to completeGetting Started – Challenge #9 Small Square Study. You can use the ideas in this challenge to complete a small square study at your cattail habitat. Use the accompanying notebook page to record your results.

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Ultimate Ebook Library @handbookofnaturestudy


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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – Night Sky Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

Make sure to scroll to the end of this entry for a fantastic giveaway opportunity for a new Nature Study for Toddlers and Preschoolers ebook plan from Maureen Spell from Spell Outloud!

Preschool Nature Study 300x250
Check out this new ebook from Maureen at Spell Outloud! Because I highly recommend this ebook I am using my affiliate link.


This marks the last of the year as far as rotating through the nature study topics here on the Outdoor Hour Challenge. The night sky has been a thought-provoking study here in our home and one that is always enjoyed by lounging out on the deck after dark and just gazing up to notice the things going on up there at night. We spotted lots of interesting things to talk about even with friends, learning new things and sharing the information.

Our family’s night sky entries from this month’s study (in case you missed one):
Stargazing- Study Grid and Perseid Meteor Shower

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Night Sky Grid Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their Telescope Viewing, Sunset and Night Sky at the Beach entry with all of you to read and enjoy. She has included a link to an iPad link called Stellarium which looks great!

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana has contributed their Night Skies! entry to this edition of the carnival. She shares their experiences and some tips too!

Cristy from Cristy’s Nature Journal writes about their night sky/moon study in her entry to the carnival: Night Sky Challenge for the Outdoor Hour Challenge.  They even got to see the space station streak across the sky!

Jennifer from Royal Little Lambs submits her Antelope Island Camping entry which is jam packed with night sky study and lots of wildlife too! She captured a great night sky image for you to enjoy.

Nadene from Practical Pages has put together their South African entry for the carnival: Stars and Night Sky.  She shares their experiences and some additional resources with carnival readers.

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana shares their night sky entry: ETHOS:Science Sneak Peak Space. What a lot of great things going on this month related to the sky and night sky too!

Big Dipper Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island writes about their Summer Constellation Study for this edition of the carnival. She shares another great iPad app (Star Walk) along with screenshots that help you get more out of your night sky study.
Photo Credit: Mountain Man from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie

Moon and Craters Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares her entry: The Full Moon – August Study with carnival readers.  She captured a beautiful image of the moon and its craters.

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie has submitted their The Night Sky on the Prairie and Beyond entry for you to enjoy.

Last Days of Summer
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their Night Sky and Last Days of Summer Study with the carnival.  Alex shares some of her night sky plans and their progress in the Last Days of Summer activity.

Photo Credit: Robin from Academia

Robin from Academia shares their 10 Days At The Pond entry with you to enjoy.  She records many of their pond finds in images and words…also some drawings too!

Shirley Ann from Under An English Sky has submitted their OHC Butterflies entry. She says,”There is just no way that we could not spend a little time learning about and appreciating these insects.” I totally agree! She shares some amazing images and then their journal entries. Be inspired!

Rebecca from Down a Rabbit Trail shares her first entry with the carnival: Tadpole Hunger Games. She says, “We just put in our own little backyard tadpole pond this past month and have been very surprised by all the life that’s finding it way there.” Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Claire from Angelic Scalliwags

Claire from Angelic Scalliwags gives us an update on her One Year Pond Study: Week 23 had some new visitors to the pond and Week 25 is all about the Atmospheric Changes at the pond. These are some of the best nature study examples I have seen in awhile…each child experiencing the pond in their own way.

Eva Varga has submitted their South Slough Estuary entry to the carnival. She told me about this place years ago and I took my boys there to learn more about this interesting habitat. Read her entry for my information.  She also would love for you to read her entry: National Moth Week-Our First Experience where she tells about their try at participating in this Citizen Science project.

Eva shares on last entry to the carnival for this edition: Apples, Pears, and Bears, Oh My! With a title like that, don’t you just want to click over and read? Don’t miss her entry.

If you need help getting started with the Outdoor Hour Challenge, you can read this page and find everything you need to know.
How to Use the Outdoor Hour Challenge 2013-2014.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in September are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 9/29/13 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

Nature Study Printables for Preschoolers and Toddlers

I am excited to share a brand new ebook from Maureen Spell – Nature Study for Toddlers and Preschoolers! This is an area that I have not addressed much here on the Outdoor Hour Challenge and I love that she has filled that need with this wonderful ebook with loads of printables and activity ideas for families that have younger children. Take a look at the ebook and then enter to win one of two copies I will be giving away. Enter now because the giveaway will end on Tuesday, September 4th, 2013 at Midnight. See the Rafflecopter gadget below (you may need to click over to the blog if you receive this entry in an email) for all the details. At $3.99 you can’t go wrong!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
