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Learning About Spiders: Activities For Kids

Spiders. It is the season for spiders! These spiders activities for kids include nature study and so much more.

I’m not a huge spider fan but can tolerate them from a distance. This past week we had a couple unplanned opportunities to study spiders. I capitalized on that and we went on a little bunny er spider trail this week!

“Perhaps no structure made by a creature lower than man is so exquisitely perfect as the orb web of the spider…..There should be an orb web where the pupils can observe it, preferably with the spider in attendance.”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 44

Observing Spiders

This first spider lives right above our dumpster. It’s a pretty big spider which kind of freaks me out. My son and I happened to be outside one afternoon while it was building its web. It was fascinating to see the thin silk come out of the spinneretes. We’ve gone out several days in a row and watched this spider work. We even saw it wrap up a fly!

Observing this spider over the past week allowed me to introduce spider vocabulary words and facts:

  • spinneretes
  • fangs
  • arachnid
  • cephalothorax
  • abdomen
  • pedipalps
  • exoskeleton
  • spiders have 8 legs
  • spiders are not insects
  • spiders have 2 body parts –the cephalothorax and abdomen
  • most spiders have 8 eyes

Nature Study: Spiders and Spider Webs

“The great danger that besets the teacher just beginning nature study is too much teaching, and too many subjects.  In my own work I would rather a child spent one term finding out how one spider builds its orb web than that he should study a dozen different species of spiders.”

Suggestions for Nature Study, Anna Botsford Comstock, 1904.

Homeschool Nature Study members enjoy a detailed spider web nature study!

We are going on a spider web hunt this week! Have some fun and get outside with your kids and look for a spider web or two to observe. Use the suggestions from the Handbook of Nature Study lesson activities (Lessons 110-113) to prepare some specific things to look at and then follow up with a nature journal if your children are interested.

If you have rain or dew, look for droplets of water on a spider web, noting the interesting patterns. Challenge yourself to get a photo of a web! Use all your creativity to make this an enjoyable nature study topic. I guarantee that once you get started hunting for webs, you will start to see them everywhere…including in the corners of your house (speaking from experience).

Spider Web I Spy

On our last nature walk we played Spider Web I spy. We counted how many spider webs we could find on our walk. Did you know that abandoned spider webs are called  cobwebs?

Spiders Activities For Kids

Here are a few spiders activities for kids that we we have done in the past or that I hope to add to our spider learning.

Spider Sort: Use the spider printable in the Preschool course in membership for a sorting activity. For very young children, first have them sort between objects that are easy to distinguish which are spiders and which are not: plastic dog, cow, tooth, flag, spiders etc.  With older preschoolers have them sort spiders from insects. This is harder to do! Most children need to count the legs to be sure.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Story Disks: Print the following Itsy Bitsy Spider printable out on cardstock from the Preschool course in membership. Use while telling the rhyme or for retelling. What came first? Second?

Play-Doh Spiders: Use plastic googley eyes and pipe cleaners and have kids create their own custom spiders!

The Very Busy Spider Activities: A couple years ago we did a special craft to go along with one of our favorite books, The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle.

charlotte's web homeschool art activities

Other Spider and Fall Activities You Can Enjoy In Your Homeschool:

Charlotte’s Web Homeschool Art Lessons and Tea Time Activities – The Spider art lesson is suitable for all ages and looks like Charlotte. Even your littlest of learners can join in on this one. Nana also has a colorful spider web art lesson. You can enjoy this one and even ‘weave’ in ‘SOME PIG’ and more of Charlotte’s words.

How to Draw a Garden Spider with Chalk Pastels – free art lesson!

Folk Tales, Art and History – Learn about Anansi the Spider with Jim Weiss, Nana and Amy Sloan in a special event!

More Spider Web Studies – and a cute t-shirt idea to make!

Cobwebs and how to draw a web – how Tricia’s family enjoyed the spider web nature study membership and followed up with a web art lesson!

What about bats too? Learn about bats in your homeschool: a comprehensive guide.

The fall homeschool – This is always an exciting time of year, full of happy and idealistic plans.

Not So Spooky Spiders from Teach Preschool — several cute spider activities showcased in this post.

Are You A Spider?

We love the Backyard Books (afflink) series for young children! Of course we had to read this book for our impromptu spider unit!

quote about spiders

The Outdoor Hour Challenges Bring The Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool!

For even more homeschool nature study ideas for all seasons, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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How To Create Simple Nature Displays for Fun Homeschool Learning

It took me awhile to be ok with bringing nature inside. I mean, I was a little concerned about little critter hitch-hikers finding their way into my home. But after figuring out how to address that problem, I was all on board for creating a nature display for our nature treasures. And now we keep adding more around our home. Here’s a few things to think about when planning our nature display.

Creating simple nature displays is a wonderful way to expose your family to the beauty of the world around us. Nature study made easy!

Types of Nature Display Containers

First you need to decide what kind of nature display container you would like to use. I’ve seen:

  • baskets
  • shadow boxes
  • old printer press drawers
  • miniature display case
  • trays

Find Treasures on a Nature Hike

Next, go find some nature treasures! Go on a nature hike! Many of our nature treasures were found in our own back yard or neighborhood. Things to remember:

  • Know the rules for keeping nature objects. If you’re at a state park, national forest or nature preserve, you can only look– not take anything you find.
  • If you reside in the U.S., there are some rules regarding collecting bird feathers. Because of this, we don’t pick up bird feathers.  We did purchase some feathers at Hobby Lobby (which is where we got the peacock feathers.) See Is it Illegal to Pick up Bird Feathers
  • For objects such as pine cones, nuts and bark– you can put them on a cookie sheet and place in a 200 degree oven for about 20-30 min. Watch items carefully so they don’t burn. This will make sure you don’t have any unwanted critters.
  • For things like seashells, soak them in cold water. Change the water daily for a week. I did use a plant-base cleaner on the last day (adding a very small amount to the soaking water) but that isn’t necessary– especially if you are picking up empty shells.
Creating simple nature displays is a wonderful way to expose your family to the beauty of the world around us. Nature study made easy!

How to Create a Nature Study Wall Display

We decided to create a wall display first. I found our display box at Hobby Lobby, but when I went back to get more, I couldn’t find them there. They might have been a seasonal item.

For bigger items, we placed them directly in the space. But I found that clean, glass spice bottles are awesome for holding smaller items. We have a bottle of sand, shark teeth, tiny shells, crab pinches, and tiny rocks.

How to Create a Simple Nature Table

We quickly ran out of room in our wall display, so we added a small display on top of the bookcase. I love that my kids can pick up and observe objects and have a space to proudly place items they find. (The book on the stand is Nature Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of the Natural World (Julia Rothman) )

Do you have a nature display or nature box? What tips would you add?

More on Nature Tables and Displays for Your Homeschool

Unsure of what a nature table is exactly? Here is simple definition with some ideas and tips. These will help you begin the habit of gathering things for your homeschool nature table during your Outdoor Hour Challenge time.

Nature Table Pinterest Board filled with ideas!

Moss on Our Nature Table and Up Close

The Outdoor Hour Challenges Bring The Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool!

For even more homeschool nature study ideas for all seasons, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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October Nature Study Activities For Children Of All Ages

October can often be the most mild and inviting time to be outdoors! The mornings are cool, the sunshine abundant, and the afternoons offer the perfect invitation to take a walk crunching the leaves under the foot. I hope your month is full of sunshine and outdoor walks too with these engaging October nature studies.

October Nature Study Activities

October can often be the most mild and inviting time to be outdoors! The mornings are cool, the sunshine abundant, and the afternoons offer the perfect invitation to take a walk crunching the leaves under the foot. I hope your month is full of sunshine and nature walks too.

photo by Amy Law

Outdoor Nature Study Plans with the Outdoor Hour Challenges

  • Autumn Favorites Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum
  • Autumn Curriculum
  • Fall leaf study grid
  • Signs of autumn study
  • Under the fallen leaves autumn fun
  • Fall color walk with printable color cards
  • Swallows and swifts and learning about bird migration
  • Goose

  • Turkeys
  • Horses
  • Salmon and trout
  • Seasonal tree study
  • Apples and how they grow
  • How to start a field notebook
  • Autumn weather and changes in your own backyard

The October Outdoor Mom

Anne reveled in the world of color about her. What is this? “Oh Marilla”, she exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn’t it”?

Anne of Green Gables

Your Outdoor Hour Challenge hostess, Shirley Vels, shares lovely prompts just for mom in The Outdoor Mom course for annual members: I’m sure most of us resonate with Anne and her love for October. There is no doubt in my mind that October is my favourite time of the year!

The smell of woodsmoke in the air, the gentle mists that gather each morning as the sun pops its face over the horizon, the chill that makes soft clouds form as you speak, the splendour of the autumnal trees and the golden light that seems unique to this time of the year filtering through the golden tree tops and painting beautiful dappled shadows on the ground is all simply quite heavenly!

Autumn Fern Nature Journal Entry

Nature Journaling Video on Ferns: Nature Crafts

Your nature illustrator, Victoria Vels, shares a beautiful fern nature journal entry. Follow along as she shares her process in a step-by-step video in the Nature Crafts course for annual Homeschool Nature Study members. Autumn is here with all its vibrant colour changes, so it’s time to document the beauty with this fern themed autumn nature journal entry. Follow along with me as I create this autumnal spread, experimenting with colours and painting techniques. Gather up your specimens, literature and facts and lets get started!

Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenges for Pumpkins and Apples

All the apples and pumpkins for nature study fun! When the air turns cooler and the leaves start to change color, it is always fun to learn more about apples and pumpkins! Enjoy this ultimate guide of fun apple and pumpkin nature study ideas for your homeschool.

New for Homeschool Nature Study members: apple printables, apple observations, apple taste test plus visiting a pumpkin farm and more!

Fall Leaf Study

There are leaf nature studies to fill an entire week! Go on a fall leaf tour!

Fall Color for Preschoolers

A really great thing about fall is that it is a great time to get outdoors with the kids and explore nature. With that being said, here are some great fall nature study ideas for toddlers and preschoolers that I hope you (and your little ones) will enjoy.

Autumn Outdoor Hour Curriculum

More Fall Nature Study for Your Homeschool

Homeschool Nature Study Activities for Every Month of the Year!

Check out all we have for our members for each month:

October can often be the most mild and inviting time to be outdoors! The mornings are cool, the sunshine abundant, and the afternoons offer the perfect invitation to take a walk crunching the leaves under the foot. I hope your month is full of sunshine and nature walks too.

The Outdoor Hour Challenges Bring The Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool!

For even more homeschool nature study ideas for all seasons, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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Fall Nature Study Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers

A really great thing about fall is that it is a great time to get outdoors with the kids and explore nature. With that being said, here are some great fall nature study ideas for toddlers and preschoolers that I hope you (and your little ones) will enjoy.

A really great thing about fall is that it is a great time to get outdoors with the kids and explore nature. With that being said, here are some great fall nature study ideas for toddlers and preschoolers that I hope you (and your little ones) will enjoy.

Fall Nature Study Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers

I don’t know about you, but fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love the crisp, cool weather that is not too hot and not too cold. I love the radiant beauty associated with the changing of the leaves, when everything around you sports varying hues of golds, reds, yellows, and browns. I love the attire associated with the weather as well – cozy sweaters, sassy boots, and cute scarves. Everything about it is wonderful.

A really great thing about fall is that it is a great time to get outdoors with the kids and explore nature. With that being said, here are some great fall nature study ideas for toddlers and preschoolers that I hope you (and your little ones) will enjoy.

Go for Nature Walks

Fall is the perfect time to go for a walk around your community or even go for a hike in the woods. As you are walking around, teach your kids how to keep an eye (and ear) out for various aspects of nature. Tell them to listen to the birds chirping and the sound of gurgling streams. Take opportunities to point out squirrels collecting nuts and explain how they are preparing for hibernation. There is almost always something of interest going on around you – you just have to take the time to pay attention.

Check out Neighborhood Nature Walks With Young Children

Create a Nature Box or Scrapbook

If your child is the type to enjoy keeping mementos of their experiences, you could help them decorate a box or scrapbook for them to store and display the things that they find during your nature walks. Many kids love collecting things like nuts, uniquely shaped rocks, feathers, leaves, and flowers that they find. It would also be a great way for you to come home and do some research about each of the items to teach them more about their little treasures. Here’s a great video tutorial on making a paper bag nature journal for toddlers and preschoolers.

Keep an Art Journal

If your child is more in the camp of ‘observing and not disturbing’, a great alternative to a nature box or scrapbook is an art journal. You can help them to create one by drawing pictures of what they observe (or even snapping a picture) and jotting down little notes about them. This enables them to have a keepsake of their own without actually taking bits and pieces of nature home with them.

A really great thing about fall is that it is a great time to get outdoors with the kids and explore nature. With that being said, here are some great fall nature study ideas for toddlers and preschoolers that I hope you (and your little ones) will enjoy.

Identify Trees and Leaves

Grab a tree guide and help your child learn about and identify the various types of trees that grow in your area. Talk about how some trees produce flowers, nuts, or fruit. Which trees are the tallest or oldest trees in your area? Are there any trees that are indigenous to your area? Point them out and discuss why those trees might only be found in your region (a great way to talk about habitats and climate.) As Fall progresses, and more leaves fall to the ground, you could even help them identify which trees the different leaves come from.

leaf rubbing

Do Leaf Rubbings

Another fun activity to do while you are out and about is to collect different types of leaves and then bring them home to do leaf rubbings. Not sure what this is? Check out Barb’s how to post and video plus this wonderful tutorial.

This craft is suitable for most kids no matter their age as it’s just simple knots and some foraged autumnal specimens. So wrap up in your biggest scarf and head outside to collect seed heads, acorns and anything else that symbolised the change of the seasons.

Make a Leaf Garland

Nature study illustrator and artist, Victoria Vels shares, “This craft is suitable for most kids no matter their age as it’s just simple knots and some foraged autumnal specimens. So wrap up in your biggest scarf and head outside to collect seed heads, acorns and anything else that symbolised the change of the seasons.”

Go Bird-watching

Have a lot of birds in your area? Take some time to sit out in your yard and have fun observing and identifying the different types of birds that come to visit. You could even try to entice more birds to stop by with one of these DIY bird feeders. For even more bird-themed activities, check out our Bird Study for Different Learning Styles post.

Toddler and Preschool Nature Study Printables

Do you like the idea of involving young children in nature study but not sure how to start? Do you need a little help being intentional with your nature studies? Nature Study Printables is full of printable tools for you to use to get young children observing and talking about nature!

Preschool Nature Study with Homeschool Nature Study Membership!

Enjoy ALL of our preschool nature studies plus access to the Outdoor Hour Challenges curriculum for the whole family in Homeschool Nature Study Membership. Find out more about our Delightful Preschool Nature Study Plans for Your Homeschool.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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Fascinating Fireflies and Moths Summer Nature Study

Fireflies are fascinating! In this study, learn if there is a pattern to the light flashing. Enjoy an up close fireflies and moths summer nature study.

Train Your Senses for Night Time Nature Study

  • Sight: In the evenings, look for moths around outdoor lights. Look for the feathery antennae, the wings, and the eyes of the moth. Look for fireflies if they live in your area, noting their flight patterns and their light flashes.
  • Touch: If you have the opportunity, carefully feel the wings of a moth.

Inside Nature Study Preparation:

1. Read in the Handbook of Nature Study pages 367 to 369 (Lesson 90) for fireflies and pages 310 to 329 (Lessons 72-76) for information about moths.
2. Read in Discover Nature at Sundown pages 93 to 114 for lots of wonderful information and suggestions for activities to study your local moths. Also, read pages 116 to 127 to learn more about fireflies and suggestions for their study.

Fireflies Homeschool Nature Study Outdoor Hour Time

“After the outdoor observations have been made, collect some of these beetles in the evening with a sweep net; place them under a glass jar or tumbler, so that their light can be studied at close range.”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 368

For the full fireflies homeschool nature study, log in to your member area and go to your Summer Course. Includes Outdoor Hour suggestions, notebooking pages and a poem by Robert Frost!

Moths Homeschool Nature Study Outdoor Hour Time

Looking for moths to observe will mean another evening time study. Turn on a light outside or use a flashlight or lantern. Most moths are attracted to light so you should have some success if you are patient. Make sure to look on walls and plants near the light for moths. Moths are also night flower pollinators so look in your garden as well.

Here is a website for further tips: How to Start Mothing.
You can collect a few moths in a jar and look at them with a hand lens before releasing them.

Follow-Up Fireflies and Moths Activity:

The Handbook of Nature Study suggests making watercolor drawings of moths. If you have a real life specimen it will be a great way to encourage close observation. You can also use reference photos for moths you observed in your Outdoor Hour Time (do a quick Google image search).

More Night Time Homeschool Nature Study

The Ultimate Guide to Night Time Nature Study – Try an Outdoor Hour Challenge at night! With the warmer evening temperatures and longer twilight hours of summer, your family can enjoy a few nighttime nature study activities. The list below is just a taste of the opportunities you can create for learning about the natural world right in your own backyard.

Wondering about the summer nature study book, Discover Nature at Sundown? This helpful review includes a fantastic idea (and free printable!) for families to take a nature walk in the evenings. Find out more about Discover Nature at Sundown.

Take some time this next week to get outside at night and enjoy a beautiful night sky homeschool nature study. Allow plenty of time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness and just enjoy gazing up at the heavens. Use some of these suggestions to get started with some simple night sky observations. Get your free Night Observations Printable HERE!

Year Round Nature Based Homeschooling

We invite you to check out membership here at Homeschool Nature Study and Bring the Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool. The benefits of a membership are numerous including 26+ courses, printable curriculum and dozens of printable nature journal pages and activities.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

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Homeschool Learning Styles with Astronomy: Nature Study at Night

Nature study is most successful when you allow your children to make connections that are meaningful and fit their style of learning. I invite you to think about the ways you can adapt a night sky study to embrace the ways your child learns the best.

“When I say that life should be full of living, I mean that we should be in touch and able to relate with some genuine interest no matter where we are, what we hear, or what we see. This kind of interest isn’t something we give to children…. The question isn’t how much a student knows after he’s completed his education, but how much he cares, and how many categories of things he cares about.”

Charlotte Mason

Nature Study At Night: Learning Styles Printable

I’ve prepared a helpful printable for our members to download that shares some ideas for night sky study by learning style. No one fits neatly into one category so consider combining suggested activities from several sections. (Members, find this in your Planning Resources course when logged in).

The Learning Styles printable includes information for these type of learners:

  • auditory/musical
  • verbal/linguistic
  • mathematical/logic
  • visual/spatial
  • kinesthetic
  • interpersonal
  • intrapersonal
  • naturalist
  • existential/spiritual

With just a little preparation, you can get your family started with meaningful and fun night time nature study.

Eclipse Nature Study Activities and More Night Time Studies

A solar eclipse is a great learning opportunity. Use these fun solar eclipse activities for your homeschool and make memories for lifetime with your family. Find ideas and a free art lesson, here.

Spectacular Night Sky Nature Study Ideas with a Free Printable

Take some time this next week to get outside at night and enjoy a beautiful night sky homeschool nature study. Allow plenty of time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness and just enjoy gazing up at the heavens. Use some of these suggestions to get started with some simple night sky observations. Find more ideas here.

Stargazing: Perseids Meteor Shower Homeschool Ideas

If you aren’t familiar with the Perseid Meteor Shower, it is one of the brightest and longest-lasting meteor showers. And, it happens in August, so it’s usually easy to view because the weather is warm, and the sky is likely to be reasonably clear.  Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges, shares some Perseids Meteor Shower encouragement and a journal page in the Spectacular Night Sky Study post.

Nature study is most successful when you allow your children to make connections that are meaningful and fit their style of learning. I invite you to think about the ways you can adapt a night sky study to embrace the ways your child learns the best.

More Nature Study for Different Learning Styles

You will want to also check out a Homeschool Bird Study for Different Learning Styles.

Nature Study Crafts for Kids: Easy Activities for Learning and Fun!

Plant Life Study: Learning the Parts of a Flower

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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Neighborhood Nature Walks With Young Children

One of my favorite ways to introduce science to my children is through nature walks. Nature walks allow for hands-on learning, observation, and conversation. Not only that, it allows my children to appreciate and have a love for their natural surroundings.

One of my favorite ways to introduce science to my children is through nature walks. Nature walks allow for hands-on learning, observation, and conversation. Not only that, it allows my children to appreciate and have a love for their natural surroundings.

Neighborhood Nature Walks With Young Children

Nature walks do not need to be complicated. As a mom with four young children, I need to be close to home. In order for my family to plan nature walks in our week, it has to be easy or it just won’t happen. Many times all my family does is step outside! Our own neighborhood has its own natural treasures to find.

Nature Study And Toddlers

One very windy day, a small evergreen tree caught the attention of my 1yr. old. It was swaying in the wind, almost inviting her to come over and inspect it. She stood there for awhile, just touching the pine needles and smiling. Nature observation happened right in our own backyard (Of course not everything in nature can be touched! Watch small children closely.)

In our area, maple seeds blanket the area in the fall. Since these seeds are everywhere we look, I had my daughter grab a handful so that we could observe them. What were these things? Why do you think they have the long “tail”? What happens when we throw one up in the air?

Then we removed the covering to find the seed. What color is the seed? What do you think will grow from this seed? What does a seed need in order to grow? These were some of the questions that were asked as we observed maple seeds right in our own backyard.

When we were cleaning up our backyard, I lifted a flower pot and found a slug. I called my 3-year old over to see. What is this? Which end is the head? What are those two pointy-things at the top? (optic tentacles) What do you think they are used for?

My daughters have their own paper bag nature journal. The inside pages have a place where they can draw what they have observed on their walk. They can also glue nature items, or collect items and place them in the bag. There are so many ways to use paper bag books and they are the perfect size for preschoolers.

Children Engaging With Nature Can Be Effortless

Sometimes though, I need to step away and just let my children enjoy nature on their own without the purposeful direction and questions. When I do this, I find they usually come up with questions on their own that we talk about and take time to study later.

Enjoy ALL of our preschool nature studies plus access to the Outdoor Hour Challenges curriculum for the whole family in Homeschool Nature Study Membership.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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September Nature Study Activities: Signs Of Fall

Are you looking for ideas for some simple fall nature study ideas? Enjoy these ideas and pick those that get you excited to be outdoors this season with your children.

Enjoy these activities for your September nature study. Get excited to be outdoors this fall with your children!

photo by Amy Law

Signs of Fall September Nature Study Activities

You may wish to make a note in your planner to accomplish several of these ideas for the next few months.

Some fall signs to look for:

  • Dry grass and weeds
  • Seeds
  • Wildflowers-thistles, goldenrod
  • Birds eating at feeders or flying overhead to migrate
  • Chilly morning temperatures or dew on the grass
  • Fruit ripe on trees
  • Insects or webs
  • Nuts, acorns, or berries
  • Clouds and wind

“The free open air is the best background for all work in nature study. The conventionalities of the schoolroom fall away. The artificial distance between teacher and pupil disappears, and as friend to friend the group talks. It is this that makes work in nature study at its best so delightful.

The wealth of material is very great, and the suggestions that come from things in their proper places are much more abounding than those that arise in the artificial conditions of the school room.”

Excerpt from The Study of Nature – by Samuel Christian Schmucker. 1908.
September nature study activities with The Handbook of Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenges

September Nature Study Plans with the Outdoor Hour Challenges

Each year we have a new focus with The Handbook of Nature Study curriculum plans. Here is a sampling of topics from this year and others:

Enjoy Fall Outdoor Hour Challenges with The Handbook of Nature Study

  • Autumn Favorites Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum
  • Autumn Curriculum
  • Fall leaf study grid
  • Signs of autumn study
  • Under the fallen leaves autumn fun
  • Fall color walk with printable color cards
  • Swallows and swifts and learning about bird migration
  • Goose
  • Apples and how they grow
  • How to start a field notebook
  • Autumn weather and changes in your own backyard
Fall Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum with The Handbook of Nature Study
  • Pumpkin farm notebook page
  • Bat study
  • The hawk
  • Autumn night sky studies
  • Pigs
  • Bracket fungi and stinkhorns
  • Squirrels
  • Horses
  • Turkey
  • Maple, ash, hemlock, staghorn sumac and oak trees
  • Belted Kingfisher bird study
  • Lizards, anoles and geckos
  • Autumn flowers

and SO much more!

Fall Nature Crafts for Homeschool Families

Autumn is finally upon us with all its rust, orange and golden glory, so it’s the best time to make these pumpkin pixie houses. With yellowing leaves, ripening apples and pumpkins galore, what better way to celebrate the new season than with an adorable new nature craft.

Enjoy this fabulous new craft for our annual members – led by Victoria Vels! Join Homeschool Nature Study membership today!

Start a Year Long Nature Study

For families that are completing yearlong studies as part of their nature study plan, you’ll find ideas for subjects in out Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum as well. You can start now in fall and make observations over the next year of your chosen topic. Our family has greatly benefited from following a subject over the course of a complete year, making seasonal observations as we go.

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we’ve done in the past:

  • Year-Long Big Dipper Study
  • Seasonal Cattail Study
  • Seasonal Milkweed Study
  • Year-Long Pond Study
  • Year-Long Queen Anne’s Lace Study
  • Seasonal Autumn Tree Study
  • Year-Long Tree Study – something different
  • Year-Long Thistle Study
  • Teasel Study – start a year-long teasel study
  • Autumn Weather Study – printable notebook page in membership
  • Year-Long Burdock Study
fall nature studies

The Joys of Fall Homeschool Nature Study Activities

Fall in love with nature study in your homeschool! Here are more ideas for you and your family to enjoy this season.

We have Outdoor Hour Challenge Homeschool Nature Study Curriculum filled with weeks of fall nature study plans! You can also take a look at this sampling of the resources we have for you to enjoy simple, fall homeschool nature study in your own backyard.

  • Seasonal Tree Observations Outdoor Hour Challenge
  • Fall Color Walk with Printable Color Cards in membership (great for your youngest adventurers)
  • How to Make Leaf Rubbings (video)
  • Tips for Drawing Leaves
  • Learn Why Leaves Change Color
  • Preschool fall nature studies
  • Advanced studies on the chemistry of leaves
  • Seasonal Favorites: apples, pumpkins, bats, turkeys and more!
Enjoy these activities for your September nature study. Get excited to be outdoors this fall with your children!

The Outdoor Hour Challenges Bring The Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool!

For even more homeschool nature study ideas for all seasons, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Find Nature Study Activities for each month of the year!

Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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The 5 Best Outdoor Games For Kids

Imagine making unforgettable memories with your children through outdoor play. Laughter, smiles, and a time of  connecting as a family are only a few virtues of simply getting outside. Immersing ourselves outdoors with our children also cultivates relationships, encourages bonding, and nurtures our mental health. These 5 outdoor games are the very best to encourage a love of the outdoors and have fun!

These 5 outdoor games are the very best to encourage a love of the outdoors and have fun! Includes games for the entire family.

The Importance Of Outdoor Play

“Years of research have revealed how vital being out in nature is to our mental health: from listening to water trickle, smelling the forest air, or staring at fractals and cobwebs, it all counts as healing, soul-stirring endeavor that we’d do well to invest time in as much as we can. All children benefit from being outside whether homeschooled or otherwise.”

Leah Boden, Modern Miss Mason p. 111

Spending time outside is also essential to a child’s development. From the early years nature facilitates vocabulary, stirs the senses, and unwraps curiosity. It’s like a schoolroom teeming with multi-sensory and interdisciplinary learning for all ages. Rocking and Rolling – Fresh Air, Fun and Exploration: Why Outdoor Play Is Essential For Healthy Development

In her book, Modern Miss Mason, Ms. Boden asserts,

“When we step outdoors, we find the seeds of science, biology, physics, history, mathematics, and more.”

Ms. Boden (p. 107)

In a recent outdoor time of exploring the beaches, my toddler was captivated by all the ladybugs congregating on an old log. He observed with interest and admired the ladybug’s arrangement: from her little legs, her coloring, and her black dots. My smitten toddler added four new words to his vocabulary, “babybug” (ladybug),  “bots” (dots), “bwack” (black), and “wed” (red).  We added a bit of mathematics as he counted Ms. Babybug’s legs and her little black dots. This time outside encouraged bonding, self-education, communication skills, and unfolded multiple subjects in a natural way.

When we create time to step into nature, a realm of gentle learning happens that is beneficial to a child’s development:

  • patience
  • teamwork
  • observation skills
  • fine and gross motor skills
  • and so much more!

So, how do we reap the all the benefits of outdoor time? And how do we involve our children outside more? Let’s take a look at a few ways we can facilitate this special time in nature with our loved ones.

The 5 Best Outdoor Games For Kids

Are you interested in spending valuable time outdoors with your children? Do you desire to hear a lot of giggles, build gross and fine motor skills, shape social skills, practice teamwork, and foster family connections?  Try the five best outdoor games for kids. We have included games that are perfect for all ages. Beware! When you’re all done, you may hear your children eagerly exclaiming,  “Mom, let’s play that again!”

sack races are easy and fun!

Sack Races

This game is extremely easy and fun. Sack races also help with getting those wriggles out. Start your players with boundaries by creating a “start” line and a “finish” line. Each player places both feet in a sac or pillow. When they hear a “START!” or “GO!”, all players hop to the finish line. The first one to the finish line wins!

sharks and minnows

Sharks and Minnows

Sharks and Minnows is among one of our favorites. I love it because you don’t need any equipment, just a space large enough to run back and forth. There are several versions of Sharks and Minnows, but if this is your first time playing, I suggest beginning with the most basic rules.

Begin by setting your boundaries and safe zones; one safe zone on one end of the field and another on the other end. Pick one player to be the Shark, the rest are minnows. The minnows place themselves on the safe zone. The Shark places himself in the middle of the field. When he is ready, he calls the minnows out.

how to play sharks and minnows

The goal of the minnows is to get safely to the other side of the field into the safe zone without getting tagged. Once they arrive at the safe zone, they are safe. If they are tagged by the shark, the minnows then turn into a shark and help tag the remaining minnows. When there is only one minnow left, it is time for the next round. The last standing minnow is the shark in the next round.


This colorful game involves stakes, wickets, mallets, balls, and two to six players. Each player picks a colorful ball and a mallet to match. Players take turns hitting the ball through the wickets. The key is to make sure that the balls pass through the wickets and stakes in the correct order. The player who scores all fourteen wickets and two stakes wins!

These 5 outdoor games are the very best to encourage a love of the outdoors and have fun! Includes games for the entire family.

Water Balloon Fight

You can play so many games with water balloons! We love to simply fill up a lot of water balloons and throw them at one another. Although this game is a blast, we find it helpful to create boundaries before the fun begins. Each family is different and may need to tailor boundaries to fit their family size and dynamics.

how to play On a Roll - These 5 outdoor games are the very best to encourage a love of the outdoors and have fun! Includes games for the entire family.

On a Roll

Homeschool Nature Study provides a link to this enjoyable game titled, On a Roll. It’s easy to create and is wonderful for fine and gross motor skills.  Using a shovel (we used a plastic shovel that came with our beach toys), dig holes big enough to fit a tennis ball. We formed the holes very similar to the way bowling pins are set up; in a triangular pattern. Then roll the tennis ball and try to land it in the holes!

More Fun Outdoor Game Ideas

  • Tug of War
  • Hide and Seek
  • Eye Spy
  • Three Flies Up
  • Wiffle Ball
These 5 outdoor games are the very best to encourage a love of the outdoors and have fun! Includes games for the entire family.

Homeschool Nature Study And Outdoor Play

Nature simply promotes outdoor play. When a child embarks on a journey outside, he has the freedom to explore, use his imagination, run in the grass, jump in a puddle, build a fort, touch a friendly frog, create. It’s delightful to watch a child engage in activities that are pure and lovely and learn at the very same time. Would you like to spend more time in nature with your children? Do you have a desire to make outdoor time a habit whether it’s participating in outdoor activities or simply taking a walk?

Unearth the benefits of spending outside time with your children and watch dynamic learning unfold with the Homeschool Nature Study membership. Homeschool Nature Study is designed to support your child’s healthy development, encourage outdoor time with your family, and nurture relationships. It’s equipped with endless outdoor hour challenges, courses, nature crafts, and an interactive nature calendar that keep children involved and engaged.

Not sure where to start? Homeschool Nature Study offers free lessons for you to try and tips to get started.

That’s not all! Getting outdoors isn’t beneficial just for children! It’s essential for us moms too. Homeschool Nature Study offers the Outdoor Mom Series just for mothers. Shirley Vels writes monthly devotionals that stir a time of quietness in our hearts, reflection, and the desire to slow down…even if it is for five minutes. Included are ideas for outdoor time for mom and nature journal prompts! You don’t want to miss it.

Be Inspired. Be Encouraged. Get Outdoors!

Jamie is the author of A Brown Bear’s Language Arts Study, a literature-inspired homeschool mom of eight, and a former educator. She enjoys a bookshelf bursting with colorful picture books  and children’s stories of all genres. Indulging in a read aloud with all of her children around her is one of Jamie’s favorite moments of her days. Be sure to find Jamie on Instagram and visit her blog, Treasuring the Tiny Moments Homeschool, to be encouraged by all her learning adventures with her wonderful family.

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A Fun Insect Study From a Bug’s Eye View: Activities and Resources

Sometimes the attention of our children during our nature study time is short-lived and they get distracted from making careful observations. There is nothing wrong with letting them explore on their own. But, I also would like to encourage you to come up with a few “tricks” to keeping them interested in nature study. This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool.

This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool. Includes activities and resources.

One of the ideas I am sharing this week is to allow your child to use a digital camera or the camera on your phone to take photos of things they find of interest. In particular, try to get them to see things from a different perspective.

Activities and Resources For a Fun Insect Study

Take a photo from a bug’s perspective and then complete the notebook page for your nature journal.

Download Your FREE Bug’s Eye View Printable

Get your free bug’s eye view printable with fun prompts, below:

Get Your FREE Bug’s Eye View Notebook Page!

Subscribe to get your free bug’s eye view notebook page.

    We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    You can find even more solid reasons for including digital photography with nature study in Nature Study and Digital Photography: Would Anna Comstock Approve?

    This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool. Includes activities and resources.

    Enjoy an Insect Nature Study: How to Identify an Insect

    Even if you or your children are squirmy about insects, there is so much to discover and learn! In this insect nature study, learn how to identify an insect with simple steps!

    “Insects are among the most interesting and available of all living creatures for nature study. The lives of many of them afford more interesting stories than are found in fairy lore; many of them show exquisite colors; and, most important of all, they are small and are, therefore, easily confined for observation.”

    Handbook of Nature Study, page 294

    Make a Butterfly Puddle to Learn More About Butterflies

    If your child is more interested in butterflies, you can do the same Bug’s Eye View study of butterflies. Here are some great ideas for making a butterfly puddle for closer observation of these favorite insects.

    You might also like these ideas for studying bees and buzzy insects.

    More Insect Learning for Homeschool Nature Study Members

    Our members can also enjoy these great resources!

    • Insect studies for each season included in these courses: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
    • Insect and Invertebrates Nature Study Grid (fun prompts for your insect study)
    • Butterfly Journal Page
    • Insect Photo Hunt Printable

    Suggestions Getting Started in Homeschool Nature Study

    If you already own this ebook, this week’s challenge would be a great addition. You can get your FREE copy, HERE. The Getting Started ebook has a complete selection of generic nature journal pages at the back for you to print and use with any challenge.

    It would be great fun to have a picnic for your nature study! (Picnic ideas HERE!) Have your meal outdoors and then take a few minutes to take your Bug’s Eye View photos.

    This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool. Includes activities and resources.

    More Resources For Homeschool Nature Study

    For even more homeschool nature study ideas, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

    Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get Outdoors!

    Handbook of Nature Study for your homeschool

    by Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges