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Outdoor Hour Challenge #5 Summer List


Outdoor Hour Challenge #5 – Making a Summer List

Revisited Summer 2018


From the Archives and from the Getting Started Ebook

In Outdoor Hour Challenge #4, you picked a focus area for your nature study by examining your child’s interests. This week in Challenge #5 you can create a list of potential topics to look for and investigate within your focus area. Click the archive link above for more information.

Once a Month Nature Journal Project Make a List @handbookofnaturestudy

Your nature journal page this week can simply be a list of things you see during your outdoor time that fit your focus area. Or, see this entry: Once a Month Nature Journal Project: Make a List for additional ideas and inspiration.

Summer Nature Study Tip:

Use the summer months to focus on one area of nature study as a family. Be creative and think of as many ways as you can to learn more about your chosen topic. Brainstorm a list of ideas to put into your nature journal and then check them off as you accomplish them.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Time

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

If you have access to the Getting Started ebook, there’s a custom notebook page that you can use alongside Outdoor Hour Challenge #5 if you wish, or a number of blank pages you can print and use instead.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

The Getting Started ebook is included in all levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, including the Discover Level.


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Nature Observer – July 2018

Nature Observer – Nature Journal Project

July 2018


We’re experiencing a glorious summer weather pattern where it’s hot in the afternoons and very cool at night. It gives us a window of time in the mornings to get out and enjoy a good hike, go for a bike ride, or get things done in the garden before it’s too hot to enjoy it. If it gets too hot, we drag the kayak down to the river and enjoy a good float in the cool river water.

Get outside each day to explore a little nature before the temperatures heat up!

Nature journaling is a perfect indoor activity during the summer months. Pull out the journals along with a few art supplies to record your summer nature study discoveries. Give it a try!

Here are my pages from the past few weeks.


hummingbird nature journal

We have two different kinds of hummingbirds visiting our feeders. They are very different and easy to spot. The rufous hummingbird has such a mechanical sound to its wings that you can hear them coming from far away. The calliope hummingbird is very tiny and not as aggressive as the rufous. My page captures both of these amazing creatures.

Bird Nest Nature Journal page

It’s been quite a summer for bird’s nests in our yard. We’ve been curious and eager to see who would inhabit our nesting boxes. Well, we had two boxes filled with swallows, one box had mountain bluebirds, another box had chickadees, and the most interesting nest was built in a crack in a pine tree by a pair of pygmy nuthatches. Of course, I wanted to document all of this in my nature journal.

South Sister nature journal pages

I’ve started to carry a small sketch book with me along with a pen to capture the random moments that inspire me. This page was done while kayaking at Sparks Lake with my daughter as we paddled towards the South Sister Peak. Love it!

Getting Started with Nature Journals

Do you want some more specific nature journal ideas? Click over to my nature journal page and scroll down for the Once a Month Nature Journal Project idea buttons. There’s a lot there to keep you busy!

Once a Month Nature Journal Project @handbookofnaturestudy

Don’t forget that I’m sharing a nature journal page each week on my Instagram account if you want to see the pages as they unfold. Follow me here: Instagram – outdoorhourchallenge. And, if you want to create a page and share it on your Instagram for me to see, use the hashtag #OHCnaturejournal.

Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge small


Posted on Leave a comment Back To School Sale

Notebooking Pages Back-to-School Membership Sale is having their last ever discount on Lifetime Memberships and later this fall you will no longer be able to purchase a Lifetime Membership.

Wow! That is BIG news!

So, my friends, this is the time to pull the trigger and if you have been thinking about purchasing a membership to this amazing resource, NOW is the time.  For the next few days, the Lifetime Membership will be sold at a huge discount of $25. This means for $72 you will have a complete library of 100’s of notebooking pages right at your fingertips….FOREVER!

You can even make 3 easy payments to help fit this resource into your homeschooling budget!

I have had a Lifetime Membership for many years, both during and post homeschooling. My boys benefitted from having a membership both from the pre-printed pages and the Notebooking Web App program where they could custom make their own pages and actually type onto the page and then print them out for their notebooks.

Our Favorite Pages

Nature Study Notebooking Pages

Modern Times Notebooking PagesHistory Timeline Book of Centuries Notebooking Pages

Basic Lined Notebooking Pages

Notebooking Pages Back-to-School Membership Sale

 This sale starts today and will end at midnight on July 27th! You need to act fast to catch this soon to be gone membership to

In addition to receiving a Lifetime Membership during this sale, you will also receive a Lifetime Membership to I have used my membership to MomsToolBelt to create my own custom calendars and planners for probably a decade. I love using the flexibility of this program to make my own planner that fit my household needs. You will too!

You can read my review of MomsToolBelt here: Moms Tool Belt Planning

Please note I am affiliate for and have owned and used their products for a very long time in my family!

Getting Started with Nature Journals

You can also read my page on how to create nature journals and notebooking pages on this page.





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Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 – Summer Edition


Outdoor Hour Challenge #4

Revisited Summer 2018


From the Archives and from the Getting Started Ebook

Now that we’re rolling with our summer nature study, I’m sure you’ve started to see your child’s interest in particular aspects of nature. Perhaps they’re fascinated with insects or they enjoy spotting new birds in your yard. Build on their interest by focusing a little more closely on those specific topics as you follow the suggestions in this week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge.

Use the Handbook of Nature Study website to enhance your nature study after you choose a focus. Look for the topic tabs at the top of the page for the corresponding nature topic. On each of the tabbed pages you will find listed all of the Outdoor Hour Challenges and other activities related to that topic. This will make it easier for you to find information on the website to use in your focus area. For instance, if your child wants to focus on a study of birds, click the bird tab, and scroll down to view the topics to choose from. There are also listed book suggestions, available free printables, archived newsletters, and additional activity ideas.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

Note: Archived newsletters, ebooks, and some of the printables are available to members of the Handbook of Nature Study. See the Join Us page for more information.

Nature Study books

Summer Nature Study Tip: In addition to your nature time, take advantage of a hot afternoon to visit your (air conditioned) local public library to explore their shelves for books on your focus area. The information they glean from a well presented book on their field of interest will feed their enthusiasm for learning about nature.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Time

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

If you have access to the Getting Started ebook, there’s a custom notebook page that you can use alongside Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 if you wish, or a number of blank pages you can print and use instead. Click the cover above to view a sample of this ebook.

Ultimate Ebook Library @handbookofnaturestudy

The Getting Started ebook is included in all levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, including the Discover Level.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge #3 – Summer Edition


Outdoor Hour Challenge #3

Revisited Summer 2018


From the Archives and from the Getting Started Ebook

If this is your third week following along with the Getting Started series this summer, you’ve already accomplished some important steps in your nature study journey. OHC #1 helped you get outside with your children. OHC #2 showed you how easy it is to follow up with a discussion and words. Now, it’s time to take a few minutes after your outdoor time to put something on paper.

Getting Started with Nature Journals

I’ve written at length here on my blog about nature journals. If you click over to my nature journal tab, you’ll find lots of information to inspire and encourage you and your children in your efforts to record the fascinating things you discover during your Outdoor Hour time.

It may make it more fun if you start a nature journal alongside your children, leading by example, writing your words down on a page. Don’t worry about sketching if you’re intimidated by the thought of drawing in your nature journal. (You can read my journey with my nature journal here: Drawing and Your Nature Journal.)


Summer Nature Study Tip: Use the hot afternoon hours to pull out the nature journaling supplies and work together to create a page or two using items you collected on a nature walk or you can work from photos you took during your Outdoor Hour.

It’s okay if they don’t want to create a nature journal every time you have your

Outdoor Hour Challenge time.

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

If you have access to the Getting Started ebook, there’s a custom notebook page that you can use alongside Outdoor Hour Challenge #3 if you wish, or a number of blank pages you can print and use instead.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

The Getting Started ebook is included in all levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, including the Discover Level.


Overwhelmed with the thought of getting started with nature study? You may wish to read my entry: Nature Study the Gentle Way. In this entry, I share a simple idea that you could try in your family.

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Outdoor Mom and Goal Update July 2018

Outdoor Mom – July 2018


And an Update of My Nature Study Goals 2018 for the Second Quarter


Columbia river


We’re finally doing a summertime dance as the temperatures climb and the skies are clear. It’s been a struggle for me personally because my husband and I made a commitment to each other to get the yard done during June and July. Making it a priority has meant we have to pass on some recreational opportunities.


kayaking little deschutes with boys

We still try to fit in our daily river walks and a few short kayak excursions when we can.


Fort Stevens Beach

Plus, we did take a week and go camping on the northern coast of Oregon. The beaches there are either rugged or sand dunes. The weather was pretty good and we found a couple of places to kayak, including Lake Coffinbury, where we saw bald eagles!


sea stars oregon

We took advantage of the negative tide and did some tide pooling. I spotted a purple sea star, the most colorful one I’ve ever seen. There were loads of anemones and barnacles.


coyote pup oregon


We’ve had an abundance of wildlife right in our backyard. My son saw this coyote pup strolling through the back fence and I was able to capture an image or too.


June 2018 swallow birds nest nesting box  (7) babies

We have 5 birds nesting in our yard- 2 tree swallows, a chickadee, a Pygmy nuthatch, and a mountain bluebird! What a fantastic thing for this bird loving girl! My husband built the nesting boxes last year, a little too late in the season so we weren’t sure what to expect this year. Happy surprises!


cavity nest nuthatches

The nuthatch nest is in this crack in the pine tree, believe it or not. Amazing!


cattle oregon

The cattle are back in the pasture behind our house and we’ve so enjoyed seeing all the newborn calves. They sure are curious little things!


June bird list chalkboard

Here is my June list of birds seen from our back window. I love keeping track and now my friends come over and check the board every time they visit to see what new birds have been added.


Life is good here in my little part of the world.


Now here’s an update on my nature study goals as a way of keeping me accountable.


2018 Nature Study Goals @handbookofnaturestudy


Nature Study Goals 2018 – 2nd Quarter Update


Nature Observer page June


1. Nature Observer journal – I’ve continued to journal my observations almost every day. I find if I don’t take a minute to note what happened during the day that I forget the little things; the things that when I look back mean the most.

Nature Observer monthly recap

There are very few prompts I haven’t filled in from the many nature-related page ideas. I adapt the ones that really don’t fit my style. I’m trying not to make excuses and just do my best to keep the journal full of thoughts and observations that show the picture of what it’s like living here in Central Oregon.

I’m still highly recommending this journal!

Nature Observer Guided Journal


Edit to add an affiliate link: Nature Observer.


wildflower list Nature Observer


2. Keep a record of the wildflowers that grow in my local habitat. I narrowed this goal to include my yard and the grassland between my house and the river. I keep my list in my Nature Observer journal.


3. Visit the High Desert Museum each month. I have failed at this! They have a new exhibit featuring rocks and the history of rock climbing that I really want to see, so I’ve now put it on the plan. Plus, I want to go see the raptors again.


4. Visit Sunriver Nature Center and see the garden. We ended up going to the Sunriver Observatory instead with some friends. It was awe inspiring as always, to look up at the stars and the planets Venus and Jupiter.


5. Take 3 new hikes. Twin Lake hike, Smith Rock – not new.


6. Get the kayaks out in a new local spot. My oldest son bought a canoe and my middle son bought a kayak so we’re all able to get on the water and explore the local area. So far, we’ve kept to our familiar stretches of river but we have plans next week to go exploring.


Additional Goal Related Items

Fort Clatsop


We purchased our National Parks pass and visited Lewis & Clark National Park, which is really a group of places centered around Astoria, Oregon. Visiting these places and then kayaking on the Lewis & Clark River were a highlight of our camping trip last month.


new butterfly garden oregon

Our backyard landscape is coming together. We’ve discovered that we can transplant many grasses and wildflowers and even an aspen tree to fill in our garden spaces. It’s a very big learning process and we need to keep reminding ourselves that it will take many years to accomplish what we want to in this space.
Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge

Follow me here: Instagram – outdoorhourchallenge. If you would like me to take a look at one of your images on Instagram, use the hashtag #outdoorhourchallenge.

Want to join in the Outdoor Mom post?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this month we went…
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting…
  • I added nature journal pages about…
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • One last image…

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Outdoor Hour Challenge #2 – Summer Edition



Outdoor Hour Challenge #2 – Using Your Words

Revisited Summer 2018

Don’t forget to read the suggested pages in the Handbook of Nature Study as noted in the original challenge!

From the Archives and from the Getting Started Ebook

This week we’re going to be getting back to basics. Keep it simple by taking your 15 minute outdoor time, looking for something of interest with your child, and then follow up with a short discussion of what you experienced. Use the prompts in the original challenge to inspire your child’s thinking about what they experienced during their time outside. Share what you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy about your nature time with your children.


“In nature-study the work begins with any plant or creature which chances to interest the pupil.”

Handbook of Nature Study

For now, be content to just talk about what you saw while outside. Aim to keep your nature study time a pleasurable adventure, building a lifelong habit of getting outside and being refreshed by noting the amazing things happening right outside your own door or in your very own neighborhood.

garden renees sunflower august 2016 (5)

Was it too hot? Be creative about when you go outside for your nature time. Mid-afternoon might not be the best time. We always enjoyed getting out early during the summer to beat the heat. Your family may enjoy going out in the evenings. Pick a time when you are most relaxed and can enjoy getting outside with your children.


Here’s the link to the challenge for this week: Outdoor Hour Challenge – Getting Started #2 Using Your Words.

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

If you have access to the Getting Started ebook, there’s a custom notebook page that you can use if you wish or a number of blank pages you can print and use instead.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

The Getting Started ebook is included in all levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, including the Discover Level.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge #1 – Summer Edition

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

Nature Study in the Summer – Getting Started

Outdoor Hour Challenge #1

Revisited Summer 2018

From the Archives and from the Getting Started Ebook


This is the easiest of all nature study challenges because it really is just getting outside with your children for 15 minutes to enjoy your time together. Take a walk in your neighborhood, a park, or even just your own backyard. Keep it simple and make sure to use the suggestions for following up on any interest found during your outdoor time.

I realize for many families it is very hot during the afternoons at this time of year, but this challenge can be done at any time of the day. It might be fun to take an early morning walk or an evening walk.

Check out these entries:

Discover Nature at Sundown

Nature Study When it is Hot Outside

Great Backyard Campout



Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

If you have access to the Getting Started ebook, there is a custom notebook page that you can use if you wish or a number of blank pages you can print and use instead.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

The Getting Started ebook is included in all levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, including the Discover Level.

Getting Started Ebook New Edition button 3

Need some inspiration to get started? I invite you to read this entry: How Our Family Got Started with Nature Study

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July Planner Page and Printables

July 2018 Nature Study Planning Page

July 2018 Nature Planning Page

Download your copy here: July 2018 Planning Page


The month of July is typically hot, sometimes too hot for a lengthy nature study session during the afternoon hours. But, using the ideas linked on the planner page, you may find a perfect summer time routine that includes fifteen minutes of nature study using the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Keep it simple and carve out the time to be with your children as you explore your yard and neighborhood during July.

Tree Set imageNut Study Notebook Page image

In addition, I’ve created a few new printables for you to use this month as well. These are available to Ultimate and Journey level members.

  • Tree Study Notebook Pages: These beautiful pages are perfect for using after your study of the sequoia, aspen, birch, and spruce trees.

Note: I will be creating more tree pages in the future. If you have a particular tree you would like featured on a notebooking page, let me know in an email or comment and I will add it to my “to do list”.

  • Nut Study Notebook Page: This is a simple and fun way to pull some nature study into your daily life. Take the time to research your favorite nuts and then make a record of it for your nature journal.

Printables for Members Button

Print a complete list of printables available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by clicking the button above

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

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Nature Observer – June

Nature Observer – Nature Journal Project

June 2018

June was packed with lots of outdoor time here in Central Oregon. Most days we were close to home, observing and loving what we discovered in our own yard. But, we also did a bit of traveling to enjoy a completely different habitat. All in all, June has been an excellent month for nature exploring and journaling.

The ocean is a refresher and we were completely delighted with the change of scenery. The ocean waves, the sandy beaches, the tide pools, and the coastal forests made a perfect backdrop for all of our exploring.

Here are my pages for your inspiration:

rock garden nature journal

This is the time of year for new plantings and creating new garden spaces. We got a load of free rocks and used them to begin a new section of our rock garden. I found some plants to transplant and purchased a bit of yarrow to fill in the spaces.

purple iris nature journal

We walk in our meadow just about every day and the purple iris were all blooming the first few weeks of June. I love seeing them as we walk the trail.

Penstemon nature journal

Also from our meadow walks, we noted a “new to us” flower, Rydberg’s penstemon.  It’s always exciting to discover a new plant to add to our nature journal!

Oregon Coast nature journal

This page is the first of our pages from our coastal trip. I wanted to make some quick notes about a multitude of things we saw during our hikes. I love a good recap page!

Beach observations nature journal

I did my best to create a few sketches with colored pencils that represent a few of the highlights from our trip to the tide pool. I love combining sketches and words on a page.


Getting Started with Nature Journals

Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge small

Don’t forget that I’m sharing a nature journal page each week on my Instagram account if you want to see the pages as they unfold. Follow me here: Instagram – outdoorhourchallenge. And, if you want to create a page and share it on your Instagram for me to see, use the hashtag #OHCnaturejournal.