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New Printables for Members – November 2014

November Members Printables @handbookofnaturestudyNew Printables in the Library for Members!

There are new printables for you to use with your family if you are a member of the Ultimate Naturalist or Journey level memberships. You need to log into your account and then check the “Other Releases” section for brand new printables to enjoy along with the Outdoor Hour Challenges in December 2014.

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Our Attempt at a Fungi Study


Honestly, we have had very little opportunity to view any kind of fungus lately. The weather has just not created conditions needed to allow for much fungal growth. This means our bracket fungus nature study and our stinkhorn nature study will just have to be postponed.


I have looked in all the normal places and still no bracket fungi or stinkhorns to observe for this Outdoor Hour Challenge.


Does that mean we couldn’t learn anything? Not at all. Reading the pages in the Handbook of Nature Study help prepare us for future opportunities to see these amazing structures up close. I am confident that we will find some bracket fungi and some kind of stinkhorn to see in person in the near future.


In the meantime, we enjoyed a great afternoon of hiking on a beautiful autumn day. I am thankful today for being able to see the wonderful and amazing creation around us with open and appreciative eyes.

Have you found any fungi to study yet?


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Nature Study – Realm of Undiscovered

Colorful Autumn leaves

“In nature study any teacher (parent) can with honor say, “I do not know”; for perhaps the question asked is as yet unanswered by the great scientists. But she should not let lack of knowledge be a wet blanket thrown over her pupils’ interest. She should say frankly, “I do not know; let us see if we cannot together find out this mysterious thing….She thus conveys the right impression that only a little about the intricate life of plants and animals is yet known; and at the same time she makes her pupils feel the thrill and zest of investigation. Nor will she lose their respect by doing this, if she does it in the right spirit…..The chief charm of nature study would be taken away if it did not lead us through the border-land of knowledge into the realm of the undiscovered.”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 3-4

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Fall Seed Walk – From Our World

Dave Moore oct 2014 (5)On an absolutely beautiful autumn day, we hiked out to the river to enjoy the sunshine and fall colors. We were on the lookout for some fall seeds and we discovered a new flower!

Dave Moore oct 2014 (14)
I have no idea what this plant is but it was about four feet tall and was swaying in the breeze…waving us over to take a closer look. Aren’t these the prettiest little flowers?
Dave Moore oct 2014 (16)
Each branch ended with these delicate flowers and the stem of the plant was purplish red.

Evening PrimroseWe also discovered a patch of evening primrose dispersed among the big boulders lining the river’s edge.

MulleinWe also spied this massive mullein plant with its soft rosettes of leaves.

We were so distracted by the plants and flowers that we didn’t collect any seeds for our nature journal entry. I am thinking that it will take a change in the weather before I am inspired to collect seeds and sit down long enough to make a page for our fall seeds. Can you blame me?

Dave Moore oct 2014 (22)

Have you collected any seeds yet?

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Meant To Be Naturalists

Jenkinson Lake September 2014 (4)
“It would be well if we all persons in authority, parents and all who act for parents, could make up our minds that there is no sort of knowledge to be got in these early years so valuable to children as that which they get for themselves of the world they live in. Let them once get in touch with Nature, and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life. We were all meant to be naturalists, each in his degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things.”

Charlotte Mason Home Education page 61

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Sweetgum Tree – Our Witch Hazel Family Study

Sweetgum Tree Witch Hazel Family @handbookofnaturestudy

I just stumbled across some information that led me to learn that our sweetgum or liquidambar trees are related to the witch hazel, belonging to the same botanical family. If you are looking for an alternative to the witch hazel study, you might look in your area for a sweetgum tree to observe up close instead. Right now they are very easy to spot with their beautiful autumn colored leaves.

sweetgum tree (9)

Our trees are beginning to form the sticker balls and are bright green. This are actually the fruits of the tree and will dangle down like little tree ornaments, turning brown as the season progresses. The information we found about the fruits says that each prickly point will eventually open up to release two winged seeds. We are going to watch and see if we can find those seeds this year!The leaves have five pointy lobes and a long stem.

sweetgum tree (8)

The leaves of the tree have a nice aroma.

The sweetgum is native to many parts of the United States and you can see a map here on USDA.



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Handbook of Nature Study – November 2014 Newsletter

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter Cover November 2014 Image

November 2014 – Fall Seeds

Please read the following explanation outlining how to get this month’s newsletter.

The newsletter link is not in this email but will come separately.

If you don’t receive the separate email with the download link, you probably aren’t subscribed to the blog yet. This will take less than a minute to do if you follow the steps below.

If you are a subscriber and you haven’t received your newsletter email yet, check your SPAM inbox. Some subscribers have found the email buried in SPAM inbox.

If you need to subscribe:

  • You will need to go to the Handbook of Nature Study, look to the top right corner for the box to type in your preferred email address, and then confirm the email that comes to your email inbox.
  • Once you subscribe, you will receive a thank you email from me with the download link.

This month’s newsletter link will be available only during the month of November so be sure to download it before 11/30/14.

Remember! All of the archived and current newsletters are available as part of the Ultimate Naturalist Library…every level! You may wish to download and use the September 2011 newsletter with additional seed study ideas and printables for your family.

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include:

  • 3 seed related nature activities
  • November planning page printable
  • November Nature Journal Topper and Study Grid
  • Two printable notebook pages
  • December preschool nature table ideas, printables, and coloring page

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – October 2014

OHC Blog Carnival

October is a month of changes and far fewer chances for me to get outdoors..usually. This month we had ample opportunity to spend long days hiking and soaking in sunshine. My usual autumn blues have been kept at bay with activity to fill me up on the inside, gently easing into November and all its autumn-ness.

Thanks for sharing all your entries with the blog carnival this month since it is always fun to glimpse into your world too!

Our family’s October entries from this month’s study (in case you missed one):

Photo Credit: Barbara from Schoolhouse on the Prairie

Ash Tree, Witch Hazel, and Sumac Studies

Barbara from Schoolhouse on the Prairie has submitted their entry: October Challenges. They had some hawk observations, sumac study, and more.

Shirley from Under an English Sky also would love for you to pop over and see their OHC Sumac Shrub entry. They were able to find and identify this subject because of the OHC! Check out their lovely journals too.


Nature Journal from Michelle
Photo Credit: Michelle from Following Footprints


Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordishes has submitted their Hemlock Nature Study entry for you to enjoy. Lovely images! They also have another tree entry for you to look at: Elm Tree.  You will enjoy seeing their Fall Color Walk images.

Michelle from Following Footprints shares their Walking Among The Autumn Trees entry (their Fall Tree Grid) to this edition of the carnival.

Teasel Journal from Angie
Photo Credit: Angie from Petra School

Angie from Petra School shares their OHC Teasel Study this month. They completed their study with observations and journals…two different styles. Take a look!

Janet from Pursuing Joy in the Journey would love for you to hop over and read their two entries this month: Chillis and Nature Journals and also Wildflowers in the Park. So many pretty flowers and some elderberries too!

Carol from Journey and Destination shares a beautiful and interesting entry with the carnival: Outdoor Hour-Nature Study at the Beach. What a wonderful glimpse into their world.

Anne from Harvest Moon By Hand would love for you to view their nature study entries from October: Poison Ivy, Burdock, and Thistle. My favorite? The Burdock entry!

Janet from Pursuing Joy in the Journey has submitted their interesting entry: Recording Local Wildlife.

Angie from Petra School has submitted the entry First Heavy Rain – Mushroom Hunt for you to view and enjoy. I thoroughly enjoyed this amazing entry with all its great fungi! Wishing I had been along with them.


Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

OHC Blog Carnival

Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in November are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 11/29/14 and you can send them directly to me:

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Autumn Tree Study – California Style

Here in California we do not have a witch hazel to study up close. We decided to do a more general tree study and take a trip to the U.C. Davis Arboretum since it is just an hour drive from our home.  For those that are not familiar with arboretums, they are botanical gardens devoted to trees. This particular arboretum has a three and half mile loop you can walk adjacent to Putah Creek.

Just a note: In doing some researching even after I wrote the Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook, I discovered that the sweetgum tree is in the same family as the witch hazel (Hamamelidaceae). Although it isn’t a late fall bloomer like witch hazel, we do enjoy our sweetgum trees and their autumn color. I will be creating a page in my nature journal for this tree instead of the witch hazel.

Back to our arboretum visit…

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (2)

In several sections there are walkways on both sides of the creek with picturesque bridges connecting the two sides. On the afternoon we visited, there were few people and it was calming to stroll along taking in the beautiful surroundings.

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (8)

Each section of the arboretum has a theme, a collection of trees from various parts of the world like Australia or South America. My favorite area was the Redwood Grove where there were many coast redwoods and sequoia trees planted like a small forest. There were benches and picnic tables at which there were people sitting and enjoying a quiet afternoon. I wish I could share with you the delightful aroma of the warm redwoods in the sun.

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (9)

Many of the trees had small signs that gave you their name, family, and native habitat. I always like to know what I am looking at so this added to my enjoyment of the walk. The valley oaks are plentiful in this area and there were some majestic specimens to enjoy with their large sometimes colorful leaves and acorns scattered all around the trunks.

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (10)

This made a perfect habitat for lots and lots of squirrels. Watch out for squirrels darting across the trail or sitting in trees above and chattering at you as you walk.


Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (11)

Here’s an image looking up at the valley oak…we wondered how old these trees were.

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (18)

We truly enjoyed this afternoon at the arboretum. Not only the trees, but the ducks and turtles in the water. From the bridges you could get a clear view of the many Western pond turtles that were swimming and basking on this particular day.

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (34)

I always find it interesting to take a few close ups of the ground in different places. Here are two of my images from our walk.

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (35)

Can you tell it is autumn?  Look at all those acorns!

Davis Arboretum Oct 2014 (45)

Finally, I collected a few leaves to sketch into my nature journal….love the colors all together!

We continue to have warm sunny weather and we are trying to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy walks to note the autumn trees.

Have you taken an autumn tree walk yet?

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Chinese Pistache – Sumac Family Study

Chinese Pistache Tree Sumac Family @handbookofnaturestudy
I was excited to learn that our Chinese Pistache tree is related to the Staghorn sumac tree, giving us a tree to observe and learn about as part of the Sumac Nature Study from last week.
Chinese Pistache tree (3)
This is a gorgeous tree in the autumn with its blazing red-orange leaves and bright red pea-sized fruits. We learned that only the female trees have fruit. Many of the resources we read about this tree said that it is not attractive to wildlife but we have found that we have birds visiting from autumn and on through winter that come and eat the fruit of this tree. Even in the winter when the limbs are bare and only the fruits are left, we see robins, starlings, and cedar waxwings visiting and feasting.

Chinese Pistache tree (4)

This is not a native tree to California but is a tree from China. We see them growing all over our part of California so they are a popular nursery tree that is commonly used for its autumn color. The red fruit is pretty this time of year and any left over the winter will turn a dark blue in color.

In comparing our Chinese pistache to the staghorn sumac, I see a similarity in the leaves and arrangement of leaves. Also, the color of the leaves is very similar.

Chinese Pistache nature journal sumac

We are always learning about the creation around us and this study helped us to take a deeper look at a tree we enjoy right in our own yard!

Have you found a sumac to study?