The carnival has rolled around to my neck of the woods again and I am excited to share some great entries for this edition’s theme: Habit Training.
I thought I would start off the carnival with a few of my favorite quotes from Charlotte Mason on habit training. Enjoy the quotes and then enjoy the rest of the carnival!
“Whether habits are planned and created conscientiously, or allowed to be haphazardly filled in by chance, they are habits all the same. Habit rules ninety-nine percent of everything we do.”
volume one, page 110
“Habits of mind become physical reality on brain tissue and that’s why habit is so powerful. It isn’t all in the mind, it’s physical, too.”
volume one, page 114
“It takes a few weeks of work to build a new habit. Once the habit is in place, it must be guarded diligently to prevent a reversion to the old ways, but keeping watch is not stressful or difficult once the new habit is secure.”
volume one, page 121
“One last word about habit–the point of training children to have good habits is so that they’ll do things without being nagged or scolded. Then the mother isn’t constantly chasing them down with a barrage of commands and reminders. She can leave them alone to thrive in their own way once habit has secured a boundary for them to grow in.”
volume 1, page 134
What is a Habit? How do you get started?Princess Momma shares some great beginning ideas for habit training. If you are just starting out with the idea of habit training in your family, you will be interested in reading her entry. She even includes some ideas for habits that toddlers can work on. Charlotte Mason on Habits
Dawn shares with everyone her entry on Habitry (read her entry to see what she means) I enjoyed reading her thoughts on how focusing on one habit also encompasses others at the same time. Cheerfulness, respectfulness, and kindness seem to all go together. Read about her new habit of early rising too.
The Habit of Habits. Isn’t that a great title? Andrea shares her thoughts on getting in the habit of working on habits. Love it.
The Great Habit of Completing Chores
Erin writes in her entry about the practical ways to work on the habit of instilling good habits. She says, “While chores are the physical outworking of the habit, the underlying fruit is unmistakable. Obedience, responsibility, cheerfulness, diligence, attention, just to name a few.”You will want to be sure to read her entry, Smooth and Easy Days.
Keri has some great advice and some practical examples showing how she involves her whole family in habit training. Her entry will explain their system for chores (and a little incentive): Charlotte Mason Habit Training.
This is the third entry that should inspire some great ideas in the habit of completing chores. Shanna shares her flip cards and a chart for all of us to see. Kid’s Chore Chart
Working on Habits as a Family
Rachael share on her blog how her husband has helped her lay the foundation for the habit of reading aloud together as a family. She shares a list of books they have been able to read because they have stuck with this habit for five years. Don’t miss the last photo in this entry, it will warm your heart. The Habit of Reading Aloud
Rachael also shares a very nice poem about habits that you might like to use for copywork or to just share out loud with your children. Who Am I?
Ann at As They Rise Up shares her thoughts on habits. She realizes that good and bad habits start with her. I admire a woman who is honest in her thinking. Here is her entry on habits, Habits Begin at Home.
Working on habits together must be a common thread in homeschooling families, especially with moms. Elisabeth shares her entry, Forming Habits in Ourselves, on her blog, Treasuring the Moments.
Cindy shares her family’s attempts to make occupying yourself a habit. She shares some great ideas and ways to get started if you are interested in developing this habit in your family too.Habit Training-Occupying Yourself
Amanda from Hearts and Trees share her thoughts on the habit of imagining…yes, imagining. I was interested to read what Charlotte Mason had to say about this unusual habit. Here is Amanda’s entry: The Habit of Imagining
Reaping the Rewards of Good Habits
Sonya from Simply Charlotte Mason, shares an entry titled, Discipline Brings Freedom. I can’t think of a better way to keep motivated in our endeavors to create good habits than the experiences she shares in this entry. She shows how putting down a new “habit rail” brings more freedom to your life.
I have a little different situation since my children are older and therefore have spent a lot more time working on good habits. My post, A Season of Reaping, shares my thoughts as I contemplate what sorts of habits older children need to refine. We will be discussing and making goals together as a family.
Shannon’s children are quite a bit younger than mine and she is already seeing the fruits of habit training. Here is her entry, Habit Training, on her blog Song of My Heart. Also in her entry are her family’s current habit training goals.
What a fantastic carnival and we even had a theme! Please leave a comment and let us know how you liked this carnival and if you would like to continue having a specific theme for each carnival in the future.
This is the last Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival that I will be presiding over. I am passing the torch of responsibility over to Jamie at Rose Cottage. She has graciously offered to take the lead in keeping this carnival going for all of us. I have become stretched too thin over the last months and felt the need to take something off my plate. As much as I love leading this carnival, it was something that I could easily pass on to someone without too much trouble. I want to publicly thank Jamie for her excitement and enthusiasm at handling the carnivals in the future.
We hope that it is a smooth transition but if there are any problems, please feel free to email me anytime if you have a question or concern.
The next carnival will be hosted by Sonya at Simply Charlotte Mason. If you would like to submit an entry, wait a few days to see whether there is going to be a theme or not. It will be posted on the carnival website.
Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival Submissions
Thank you to everyone who made this edition of the carnival a success. I hope everyone has gained something from reading the entries. I know that I have been inspired to try some new things with my family.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom