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Botany in a Day – Book Review


Botany in a Day Review Nature Book Project @handbookofnaturestudy

This month I read and pondered over the Botany in a Day book, thinking about the suggestions given in this book for learning more deeply about the plants in my own habitat. Since it has been on my shelf for a few years, I am reviewing the fifth edition of the book. With the sixth edition, he added full color illustrations! (ISBN 978-1892784353)

It has turned my world upside down by showing me that there is more wisdom to using the patterns in the different plant families to identify a plant rather than by using the color and shape of the flowers. Most field guides organize their flowers by color and then by flower type. The Botany in a Day method uses the distinct attributes of a plant family to get you close in identifying a flower.

The author explains that by learning the most common and unique patterns found in plant families you will learn more about the plant…more than just a name.

There are a few pages at the beginning of the book that deal with plant names and classifications that I found rather interesting. There is a rather long section on the evolution of plants that I skimmed through quickly since it doesn’t interest me much.

Then the meat of the book helps you learn how to key out a plant using specific observations for every plant/flower. I think this is where the “botany in a day” title comes from…the method is easily understood in a day, not the learning of everything there is to know about plants. I can see how focusing first on the most common plant families first will help you get started with applying the method of identification, building your confidence to learn more families after that. The most common families are highlighted in the index and the author suggests you start with those.

I love that you are to learn about a plant family and then go out and look for plants that fit the pattern right in your own yard and neighborhood. The author also suggests paging through field guides to train your eye to see the patterns.

Botany in a Day Mustard Family Journal Page @handbookofnaturestudy

You will be seeing me work through this book in the months to come. I hope to learn one family at a time (starting with the mustard family) and then apply what I learn in my day to day observations of plants both in my yard and along the trails of California.

Additional Information


This book is part of my Nature Book Project for 2016. I purchased this book with my own money and am providing my honest opinions about the book.

Nature Book Project 2016 @handbookofnaturestudy

Note some of the links below are affiliate links.

January- Discover Nature Close to Home

February-A Place for Birds and A Place for Butterflies

March- A Crow Doesn’t Need A Shadow

April- The Practical Naturalist

May- Break month.

June-Botany in a Day

July- Rockhounding Nevada (postponed)

August- Break month.

September- The 10 Best of Everything National Parks

October- The Nature Handbook

November- Bringing Nature Home (postponed)

December- Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling



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Year Long Study Winter Season Reminders

Seasonal Topics Reminders – Winter

Winter Season Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

Make sure to add your year-long study to your January or February nature study plans so you don’t forget!!!

Looking for more winter nature study ideas? Check the Winter tab at the top of the website.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

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Weir Farm National Historic Site – Tips and Images

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut Tips and Images @handbookofnaturestudyWhat a surprise it was to find Weir Farm National Historic Site so near to where we were staying in Connecticut! My daughter was on a quest to find something for us all to enjoy one morning during our trip and she happened upon Weir Farm while searching the internet. At first we thought it were all a little skeptical because we weren’t sure about making time for a “farm” but in the end…it was a perfect fit for our family because it combined a beautiful setting with some art history.

Make sure to check the website before your visit for hours of operation and events: Weir Farm National Historic Site.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (4)Weir Farm belonged to Julian Alden Weir, a foremost American Impressionist painter. In the Visitor’s Center you can view many paintings that have been done right on the property. (Yes, that is my son with his hoodie on, taking in the paintings at the farm.) Originally the farm was the painting retreat for Weir and many of his family and friends. Weir Farm is the only national historic site specifically dedicated to the history of American painting. He used the farm’s simple domestic scenes as the subject of his artwork.

Make sure to pick up a brochure as you leave the Visitor’s Center: Park Brochures.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (5)This is a place of such beauty, with winding stone walls and several different developed gardens. We visited in October so we had an autumn color palette but I imagine that in the summer this garden is alive with a vibrant blossoming flower garden.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (6)There are nice pathways going between the Visitor’s Center, the buildings, the gardens, barns, and art studios. We enjoyed the atmosphere and practically had the place to ourselves on this weekday morning.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (8)My youngest son was very interested in the construction of the stone walls at the farm. He is currently working in the masonry field so I can see he was appreciating the skills involved in creating this functional but beautiful barrier here at the farm.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (9)Each day at the farm, they provide art supplies to borrow so you can actually create some art during your visit. The day we were there the featured art supplies were colored pencils and pastels. Use the supplies and then bring them back at the end of your day. Yes please!

Harmony-Art-Mom-October-Creative-Mom-1We wished we could stay longer….the colors of the trees and the landscape were truly inspiring.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (12)The day we were at the farm there were docents in every building. Because we were the only ones there, we were treated to extra special tours of the two artist studios. This was the painting studio and you could really imagine standing at the windows and being inspired to paint. The other studio was the sculpture studio of Mahonri Young (related to Brigham Young).

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (17)This is the Secret Garden and we spent a bit of time here sketching and enjoying the autumn Connecticut sunshine.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (18)I had to include this one of my two boys…I don’t get to see them together very often and this image makes me smile.

Weir Farm National Historic Site Connecticut  (19)Weir Pond was constructed as a place for fishing, painting, boating, swimming, and picnics. It was also used to harvest ice in the winter. This day it was a picture perfect scene and we walked all the way around it.

IMG_0109If you visit Weir Farm, take the extra time to visit the pond. So pretty!

IMG_0119Our family enjoyed our morning at Weir Farm and had planned to eat a picnic lunch right there. But, someone forgot to actually put the picnic bag in the car and left it on the kitchen table..oops. No worries. We just went into town and found a place to grab a bite to eat. We combined our day with a trip to the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, CT. This was a huge success as well and I highly recommend it if you are in the area.

More Tips

  • There is no fee for parking or entrance to this historic site.
  • There is a small parking lot and it does not accommodate RVs or trailers.
  • Allow at least a few hours for your visit.
  • This is a place that will appeal to children if they enjoy creating artwork or are learning about Impressionism.
  • There is a tour of the Weir House during the months of May through October.
  • The Visitor’s Center and buildings are open May through October. In the off season you can pick up a brochure for a self-guided tour of the grounds on the porch of the Visitor’s Center.
  • There is a Junior Ranger program offered.
  • There is an artist-in-residence program at this historic site.
  • Located about 60 miles from New York City…not an easy drive. It was about 15 miles from where we were staying in Danbury, CT.

You can read more of my national park entries by following these links:


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Catfish


Outdoor Hour Challenge Catfish Study @handbookofnaturestudy. Fish nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study.

Outdoor Hour Challenge


Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages 148-151 in the Handbook of Nature Study (Lesson #37).
  • You may wish to read this page: Best Way to Catch a Bullhead Catfish.
  • Youtube video: Brown Bullhead and Bullhead Nest (great video, crazy music so you might want to turn the sound down).
  • More in-depth information for kids about bullhead catfish: BioKids. (Check out the section, “Who eats them and how do they avoid being eaten?”)
  • Learn about the barbels (whiskers) of this fish: Barbels.

“The bullhead lives in mud bottoms of streams and ponds and is particularly adapted for life in such locations.”

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Spend your outdoor time at a stream or pond. If you are able, do some fishing! Or, you can wade in and use a net to try to catch any fish to observe.
  • Create a nature journal while outdoors as you take advantage of the early autumn weather. Use watercolors to paint a bullhead or any other fish you find during your outdoor time.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • If you didn’t complete a nature journal page during your outdoor time, do so as a follow up activity. There is a notebook page in the ebook for you to use if you desire.
  • Advanced Study: Follow the suggestion in the Handbook of Nature Study to write an account of the nest-making habits of the bullhead. Insert your work into your nature journal.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library
If you want to purchase the Autumn Nature Study 2015 ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Autumn Nature Study 2015 announcement page for more details.

Handbook of Nature Study Autumn Nature Study 2015 Cover Image




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Outdoor Mom’s Journal – Early Fall Thoughts

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

“But he learns naturally at his own pace, never tiring, and slowly learning just what he needs to know about the world around him. And this is exactly what a child should be doing for the first few years. He should be getting familiar with the real things in his own environment. Some day he will read about things he can’t see; how will he conceive of them without the knowledge of common objects in his experience to relate them to? Some day he will reflect, contemplate, reason. What will he have to think about without a file of knowledge collected and stored in his memory?”

Charlotte Mason in Modern English, volume 1 page 66

Renee’s Garden Seeds – Just Look at My Garden!

If you have been following the blog in the past few years, you are aware that Renee’s Garden Seeds has been a sponsor and valued part of my summer gardening experience. Not only have I enjoyed her seeds in my garden, but I have shared seeds with my dad. He has a beautiful garden and each year he tenderly nurtures his vegetables through the hot California summer. This year his pond went dry but he still kept his garden green with his well water.

Renees Garden Collage @handbookofnaturestudy

Here in town I did not have that option…we are on city water and have been restricted not only in the number of days we can water but we were asked to reduce our usage by using less than last year. I took the challenge and created a container garden on my back deck and watered using only a drip system and water that I caught from our shower warm up time that I collected in a five gallon bucket.  This garden has brought such joy to me over the summer. I could look out and see the insects buzzing around the blossoms and the hummingbirds stopping by for some nectar.

Sunflower Renees Garden

Hello Mr. Sunflower! So glad you joined us….the bees have spent many hours hovering and gathering at my container sunflowers.

Each morning I would check my plants for something to harvest. It could be a handful of cherry tomatoes, a zucchini to pick, or some herbs to include in my dinner plans.

morning glory renees aug 2015 (1)
I would talk to my morning glory vines and coach them to stop growing so tall and to start blooming. The first morning that I looked out my window and saw these gorgeous flowers made all the waiting worth it. They now greet me every morning with a few blue flowers…happy, happy, happy.

zucchini renees 2
The zucchini at the beginning of the season were small but more of a traditional shape. As the summer has worn on, they have started to change into this interesting shape, still tasty and summery on the table at dinner.

Granny Smith @handbookofnaturestudy

Apple Time!

We are looking forward to apple time in the coming weeks. Not only our local orchard but our very own apple tree in our backyard! This is the first year we really have an apple “harvest” on our young tree and it surprises me that even in our drought that we have apples to eat from our own tree. We will be visiting our local apple farm to purchase apples for various treats including applesauce. The taste of autumn around here is apple!

Apple Study @handbookofnaturestudy

You can do your own apple study using the Outdoor Hour Challenge: Autumn Apples Nature Study.

Join Jami over on An Oregon Cottage for her Tuesday Garden Party!

 Sugar Pine Point State Park Aug 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

 August was a great month of being outdoors for this nature loving mama. I accomplished one of my nature study goals for the year by visiting a new state park, Sugar Pine Point State Park! I will share that in an up-coming post here on the Handbook of Nature Study. The season is about to change here and that means even more time outside hiking with the cooler temperatures.

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world. I hope you have enjoyed your August.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…

I will be posting my Outdoor Mom’s Journal entry once a month. Look for it during the first week of the month each month.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Caddis Fly

Outdoor Hour Challenge  Caddis Fly @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge


Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages 408-411 (Lesson #104) in the Handbook of Nature Study. There is a lot of information in this lesson so make sure to highlight a few interesting facts to share with your family.
  • Note: The caddisfly larvae (caddisworms) will be found in creeks, ponds, and streams. Adult caddisflies are moth-like creatures that will be attracted to light in the evenings.
  • Links to information about the caddisfly: Bug Guide and Northern Caddis Fly.
  • This is an awesome video on Youtube: Caddis Fly.
  • Alternate study: Water striders are common insects found “walking” on the water: Water Striders.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Visit a pond or shallow stream, looking for caddisworms (larva) in their cases. Use a dipping net to try to catch a caddisworm to observe. Use some of the activity ideas from the lesson to make careful observations of your caddisfly larva.
  • In addition, sit out under your porch light in the evening and watch for caddisflies to visit. Look at its wings, eyes, and antennae.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create a nature journal entry showing both the caddisfly larva and the caddisfly. You can draw the life cycle of the caddis fly on the back of your nature journal page if you wish.
  • Advanced study: Research the insect order trichoptera. Use a field guide and complete two additional nature journal entries for insects in this order.
  • Alternate study: Create a nature journal entry for the water strider using the notebook page included in this ebook or in your nature journal.
  • Alternate Advanced study: Research the insect order hemiptera and create a nature journal entry with information on two insects from this order.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library
If you want to purchase the Summer Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Summer Nature Study Continues – New Ebook announcement page for more details.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Continues ebook



 This is the last of the summer challenges! We will be starting the Autumn Nature Study 2015 ebook challenges starting on September 4, 2015!

Handbook of Nature Study Autumn Nature Study 2015 Cover Image

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Back to School Gift Basket Giveaway!

Handbook of Nature Study Back to School Basket Giveaway @handbookofnaturestudy

Today is a special opportunity for the Handbook of Nature Study readers and new visitors!

Because I love the Handbook of Nature Study so much and think that every home should have one, I am creating a gift basket with this awesome nature study reference as the featured item. You can enter below to win this gift basket which includes the Handbook of Nature Study*** and an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study blog.

Details of this Giveaway

  • Use the Rafflecopter gadget below to enter to win one gift basket that contains the following items:

1. Handbook of Nature Study paperback edition (***I will send you an Amazon gift card for $25 to purchase the Handbook of Nature Study or anything else you would like if you already own the book)

2. Ultimate Naturalist Library Membership – one year as a member here on the Handbook of Nature Study site. ($45 value!) Each membership includes 16 current ebooks, the 50+ archived newsletters, and a library of nature printables. Please note this is a digital library and you will gain access to the files to download, save, and print as you wish during your year’s membership. You can find all the details for a membership here: Join Us! 

  • Receive multiple entries by following the options on the Rafflecopter below.
  • One Winner will be picked at random on 8/24/15. Please note winners must live in the United States and respond within 48 hours to claim their prize.

Special Discount for Everyone for the Ultimate Naturalist Library!

Use the discount code BACK2NATURE at check out to receive $10 off the Ultimate Naturalist Library – this includes every single ebook that has been published for the Outdoor Hour Challenge and the soon to be released Autumn 2015 ebook! Coupon expires on 8/25/15.

Monthly Nature Study Newsletter

Subscribe to the Handbook of Nature Study blog and you will receive my free monthly newsletter on the first of every month: Subscription Entry!


Download your free sample newsletter here:

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter October 2013 Nature Walk Ideas

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Don’t miss all the basket giveaways with iHomeschool Network! Click over to enter the other basket giveaways!


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Summer Seasonal Nature Study Reminders

Year Long Nature Study Summer Reminders

Seasonal Topics – Summer Reminders

It is that time of year again! Time to plan a few seasonal observations….and get outdoors with your family! I make it easy with the printable notebook pages that go along with these year long nature study ideas. Pick one and get started or take a few minutes to make the summer observations happen before we run out of summer.

If you have a continuing year-long nature study project, don’t forget to put it on your calendar or you may forget to make your autumn observations.

Enjoy your summer activities and share your comments or links in this post and I will come over and check it out.

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Spring Season Reminders

Seasonal Topics – Spring Reminders

It is time to plan some spring nature study and I hope you add some of the spring seasonal ideas to your nature study planners.

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

NOTE: You may wish to start a new year-long study this spring using some of the ideas above. Spring is a wonderful beginning so take advantage of the opportunity and season.


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Year Long Nature Study Reminders – Winter

Seasonal Topics Reminders – Winter

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

Make sure to add your year-long study to your January or February nature study plans so you don’t forget!!!


Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook

If you are a member of the Ultimate or Journey levels here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find this ebook listed in your library after you log into your account. The ebook version available to members includes all of the notebook pages, coloring pages, and color images. I highly recommend purchasing a membership for all the added benefits for each and every challenge.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library