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Pines, Evergreens, Cones, and Needles

Tree Field Guides

This week has been full of nature study….the informal kind that happens as we go about our everyday life. My boys are a big part of the experience and they discover things in our world that I miss. Their eyes seem to be open to so much around them, while my head is full of schedules and tasks that need to be done. I really must make a conscious effort to clear my head more when we are outdoors.

Northern Flicker

First of all, before I get into the pines and cones, I have to share a rare visitor to our backyard. This Northern flicker was up on the tree and Mr. A spotted it and brought it to my attention. Not the first time we have ever had a flicker in the yard but it has been a long time since we observed this interesting bird. They eat bugs and insects from the grass below the tree but they are considered woodpeckers. They also have a red flash on their wings when they fly.

Our focus on cones and needles this week was highlighted by two events.

Douglas Fir with Cone
The first happened last week when we had a huge windstorm with lots of gusts. The wind brought down small branches and cones on the trail where we walk and we were able to get a good look at both. These are not from a pine but a fir tree, Douglas fir. I love what it says in our field guide about the Douglas fir cone. It says, “mouse tail bracts grow between scales”. Sure enough…there they are.

The second event was a walk on our walking trail where we were trying to notice something interesting about pines. Here is a spot on the trail where there are two different pines growing side by side.

Two Pines
Notice the two different colors of needles.

They both have bundles of three and are about the same length. We are pretty sure after much study of our field guides and online sources that one is a Gray pine and the other is a Ponderosa pine. We are going to take our field guide back with us later today and see if we can nail the identification down positively.

What a great week we have had looking for cones and pines! I know that many of you are experiencing cold snowy weather but here in our woods we are enjoying abundant sunshine and no precipitation.

First Daffodil 2011

Guess what I spotted yesterday in my garden? The first daffodil of the year is starting to bloom! Crazy, crazy weather for us too!

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Acorn Woodpecker – Visitor to Our Backyard

2 4 11 woodpeckers (7)

Look at that beak! We were surprised when we looked out the window a few days ago and we saw three woodpeckers in our backyard. They were large birds and very colorful. They looked a little different than our “normal” woodpeckers so we had to look them up to identify them for sure.

We decided it is an Acorn woodpecker.

2 4 11 woodpeckers (1)

This beautiful bird is welcome in our yard at any time.

Here is a link to All About Birds for the Acorn Woodpecker.
We found a coloring page that will help us draw this bird in our nature journals.

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Manzanita and Miner’s Lettuce – Adding to the Nature Journal

Walking trail manzanita

We decided that we wanted to do a nature journal entry for the manzanita that grows alongside the walking trail. We did a little research and found that there are 106 species of manzanita in the world. I found a page that shows manzanita for Northern California with beautiful photos and descriptions.

Walking trail manzanita

It will soon be blooming and the buds are all starting to form. I read in my field guide that it is one of the earliest blooming plants in our area. The flowers are a pretty shape and after they start blooming I will make another journal entry to record those. This time I drew the leaf and a very stylized version of the whole plant.

Manzanita nature journal (1)
I couldn’t get the color of the bark just right….in real life they are such a smooth dark red color.

Miner's Lettuce on Walking Trail

We need to record this plant as well…miner’s lettuce. The official name is Claytonia perfoliata but the nickname comes from the Gold Rush days when the gold miner’s would eat this plant to get their vitamin C. It is a great plant that makes a great addition to a salad.

During the winter season the nature study subjects are smaller in number so we thought we should take advantage of the opportunities that we do have to put something new in our journals.

Here is fun short video on Miner’s to identify and harvest.

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2011 Winter Series Outdoor Hour Challenge #5 Pine Trees and Winter Wednesday #5 Evergreens

Pines and Aspens Winter
Evergreens and Aspens

Another week where the challenges match up for you!

Winter Series #5 Pine Trees in Winter
Winter Wednesday #5 Evergreens/Cones

Please feel free to complete one or both of the challenges as you have the opportunity. We would all enjoy seeing your entries and even if it is at a later date, please come back to this entry and add your link.

Pines On The Lake's Edge with Snow
Evergreens on the Lake’s Edge

Don’t forget to check the Winter Wednesday Squidoo page for more information for #4 and #5 challenges to go along with this week’s study.

weather lapbook
I forgot to mention last week with the winter weather challenge that my daughter has a Weather Lapbook Kit that you can purchase if you want to spend some extra time learning about your weather. Check it out on her blog Hearts and Trees.

Winter Winter Wednesday Button

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Weather, Weather, Weather….Nature Study in the Day to Day

We all have weather… doubt about it. Our family seems to notice the weather everyday and we often talk about how cold or how dry or how windy it is in comparison to last year or to the previous season. Sort of related this week, two family members came to me at separate times to tell me that the days are definitely getting longer. I had actually noticed it in the mornings and this morning in particular I realized that I did not need to turn the back lights on when I took the dog outside. The sky was just tinged with blue and the only luminary that I saw was Venus…nice and bright!

Weather Chart First Week of Feb 2011
Weather Chart from the Autumn Series Ebook

We started this week keeping a daily record of our temperatures, sometimes several times a day just to see the variation. We compared this to our autumn study record that we kept in November 2010. There is virtually no difference except for perhaps we had more rain in November. We are going to keep going with our chart and see when we have a change in our weather.

Our tree silhouette study goes pretty much all winter so I had to try to come up with a new aspect to offer to the boys this week. We decided to note tree buds and to bring in some twigs from the forsythia bush to see if we can force some blooms.

1 30 11 Sweet gum tree winter tree
Our sweet gum tree is already making some changes…the buds look like this right now.

Our birch is looking pretty much the same, it is in a shadier and cooler part of the yard.

2 3 11 Forsythia twigs indoors
The forsythia twigs are all gathered in a vase, sitting in the front window. I will let you know when and if they blossom.

Hope you had a great week of winter nature study and are getting outdoors a little each week to discover some interesting things in your part of the world.

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Tweet and See Post January 2011

Tweet and See button

We are so ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count and this month we thought we would join Heather over on her blog Kingdom Arrows for a new bird meme.

  • We live at about 2000 feet in elevation, in North-Central California, foothills of the Sierra Nevada.
  • Our yard has pine and oak trees as the natural habitat, supplemented with a variety of bird attracting features like sheltering bushes near feeders, birdbaths at both ends of the yard, and seed bearing plants.
  • Weather this month has been unusually warm, very little rain, and absolutely no snow.

Here is our list for our yard– I have starred the most common birds at our feeders:

  1. Dark-eyed juncos***
  2. House sparrows***
  3. Spotted towhees
  4. California towhees
  5. Western scrub jays***
  6. White-breasted nuthatches***
  7. Mourning doves
  8. Lesser goldfinches***
  9. Downy woodpeckers
  10. Nuttall’s woodpeckers
  11. American crows
  12. Oak titmouse***
  13. House finches***
  14. Purple finches***
  15. White-crowned sparrows***
  16. Hummingbird—not sure of identification. We are thinking it was migratory.
  17. Northern mockingbird

In our travels-

  1. Mallard ducks
  2. Common mergansers
  3. Red-tail hawks
  4. Cooper’s hawk
  5. Red-breasted nuthatches
  6. Steller’s jays
  7. Red-winged blackbirds
  8. Rock pigeons
  9. Western bluebirds

We have been out looking for bald eagles but so far we have not scored a sighting. Our friend did last week so we are not going to give up!

GBBC button
Don’t forget!!!

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OHC Blog Carnival – Wonders of Nature in Winter Edition

Outdoor Hour button

 January 2011 
Outdoor Hour Challenge
Winter Wednesday 
Blog Carnival
Winter Cattails

Jamie joins the carnival this edition with their Cattails in Winter entry. What a treat to have an entry from their family because she always takes such beautiful photos!

Amy and her children share their Winter Cattail Entry. She writes, “It was a bit snowy and chilly this morning, but that did not hinder us from diving right into today’s winter challenge.” I love this attitude!

Heather submitted their family’s Winter Study of Cattails.  They are really excited about starting this year-long study….great job finding some cattails to observe even in the snow.

Winter tree with bird

World of Color

Tricia contributes this entry for the carnival: Winter World of Color. I love the blue berries!

Monica from Discover Their Gifts writes about their Winter Wednesday Color Walk. She has a clever idea to add to the color activity and don’t miss their journal entry.

Karen and her children write about their Winter Wednesday Color Walk. Even thought she says they didn’t find many colors, I think they had a great time trying!

Angie from Petra School (Pebblekeeper) shares their family’s Winter Color Scavenger Hunt.  If you want some winter color, check out their dazzling entry.

Makita shares their Winter Nature Scavenger Hunt with carnival readers. You may be able to adapt her idea to your local area.

child in the snow

Winter Night Sky

Amy from The Teachable Heart writes about their Winter Night Sky and she includes ten things her children found interesting. If you have preschoolers, Amy always shares some great ideas for adapting the challenges to younger children.

Angie from Petra School shares their Winter Wednesday January Recap post with many of their activities. I want you to make sure to see her sky photos and see how she took some images through her telescope. Great entry Angie.

Nicole submits a beautiful entry, God was in the mood to brag.  I am glad her eyes were open to the opportunity!

Winter House and tree

Winter Tree and Tree Silhouettes

Angie in GA shares their Tree Silhouettes entry for the carnival. Her boys found some extra treasures to observe during their hike.

DorinaLouise from Out Side Blue shares their very special birch tree study as part of this challenge. Please note that they live in a big city and they are finding opportunities for nature study. 

Jessy from Our Side of the Mountain submits their Winter Wednesday-Conifers entry for you all to read. They did an excellent study and she shares some great resources that might help you in your pine tree studies.

Heather shares on her blog Kingdom Arrows about their Winter Tree Study. They picked one of my favorite trees to start their year-long tree study. 

children shoveling snow and snowman

Winter Snow

Lorus and her kids completed the snow observations and they share their great photos and story on Because of Our Children.

Amy from The Teachable Heart shows their family’s experiences with Winter Snow . Another wonderful, resourceful entry from their family.

Snow in Georgia! Tricia and her entire family got out to some Winter Nature Study: Snow!

Amy and her family were able to take a snow day walk and she shares their wonderful experiences on her blog Hope is the Word. Here girls saw lots of colors too!

More Georgia snow in Angie’s entry: Outdoor Hour Nature Close to Home: Snow.  Wonderful snow activity images and I think they had fun and learned something too!

Other Challenges

Quinn’s Family has an on-going study of Moths. They share their entry, Outdoor Hour Moths Part 2. From the expressions on her children’s faces, I think they are really enjoying their study!

Outdoor Hour Challenge #5 Focus Study – Nicole from Journey to Excellence shares one of their series of entries on their focus area of birds. I linked to their owl study and if you are looking for some ideas for your own bird study, I recommend that you take a look.

Bethany from Little Homeschool Blessings submitted their delightful Winter Squirrel Study.  She includes a some extra resources and ideas.

That completes this edition of the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. I wanted to mention that if you would like to be on the OHC Blog Carnival email reminder list, I will add your name if you send me an email to let me know you wish to be reminded near the end of the month to send in your carnival submissions. I have been keeping a running list of those that are participating but if you would like me to add your name, just send an email to

Thank you to all who participated in the challenges in January and a special thank you to those that then sent in entries for the carnival.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

You can submit an entry to the next carnival here:

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Snowshoe Adventures…Tramping Through the Woods


I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines.

~Henry David Thoreau

By now you are more than likely tired of seeing my snowshoe photos but since the season is full of opportunities to hike out there in the snowy goodness, I will continue to share some of the best shots and stories from our wanderings.

This trip was a sisters trip and my big sis and I spent part of our weekend out in the sunshine hiking/wandering, taking photos, talking, sharing aches and pains, and nourishing our love of beautiful landscapes. We heard Steller’s jays and nuthatches as we “tramped” through the woods.The creek sounds were always in the background and every now and then the quack of a mallard was heard over the crunching of our shoes.

This particular place is known for being a bear and eagle habitat. Although I have seen bears here in the summer and fall, I have never seen an actual bear or signs of bear in the winter. There are plenty of other animal tracks around but never any bear tracks. My sister was still a little uneasy but we did not see a bear on this trip, thank goodness, or she would have never let me forget about it.

There has been no fresh snow in awhile but there were places where we really did need the snowshoes. The weather was warm and I ended up just with a fleece jacket, no gloves, and my light knit hat. My sister was trying out a new set of snowshoes which were much smaller and lighter than mine. She said they were very easy to get used to and we felt good about being out for a long walk….not totally by ourselves in the woods but still alone enough to feel peaceful and refreshed.

Aspens with Snow and a Trail
We wandered through the woods and only once did we need to take our snowshoes off and jump across the creek. Yes, I said jump.  I didn’t feel very graceful as I made the leap across into the snowbank but there was no one else around to see me….

The aspens make such a visual treat with their beautiful trunks.

Taylor Creek with winter Bushes Red

Yes, the limbs of the bare bushes are that pinky-red in real life. Amazing color along the creek for a winter scene. I was so surprised that my point and shoot was able to capture the exact look of this winter creek.

Mountains and Taylor Creek Reflection
Does it get any better than this? With a little effort my sister and I made it out to the end of the creek where it spills into the lake. The snow had all melted on this side of the water and we took off our snowshoes and stood in awe of the mountains, the snow, the reflections, the sky, the peacefulness of this place. I felt like I was in some beautiful outdoor cathedral and I sent my thanks to our Grand Creator for the gift of this afternoon.

Outdoor Photographer Sister

There is my sister taking some photos of her own. We share a love for the outdoors and photography and she is an amazing nature photographer. All too soon we realized the day was coming to a close and we needed to make the hike back to the car. We were tired but it was a good kind of tired.

I hope to get up to the snow at least one more time, probably with my boys if we can fit in the time.

I am not the only one that has snowshoes.  Don’t miss reading another mom’s experience with her snowshoes…it will warm your heart: Pink Snowshoes by Richelle at Educating Mother.

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2011 Winter Series Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 Winter Weather and Winter Wednesday #4 Tree Silhouettes

Fallen Leaf Lake with Snow and Trees
Fallen Leaf Lake Snowshoe Hike

Here are this week’s challenges:

Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 Winter Weather Study 
Winter Wednesday #4 Tree Silhouettes -More ideas for this study can be found on Squidoo.

These two challenges can easily be combined into one outdoor excursion. Both challenges can also be done from the comfort of your own window if it is bitterly cold outdoors. Observations can be made and then recorded in your nature journal or if you have the ebooks you can record your findings on the accompanying notebook pages.

Tracks in the Snow with Trees
Snowshoe Tracks with Aspen Silhouettes

Even if you don’t do anything else this week, try to get outside for some fresh air and a good walk with your children.

Winter Winter Wednesday Button

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Our Winter Sky Studies

Sunset with Pink and Purple
Beautiful Pink and Lavender Sunset

We have been out a few nights in the past week to gaze at stars even if it was for just a minute or two. The moon was very bright and we even saw it early in the morning a couple of times, peeking out from between the pines on the horizon. I think the moon impressed us more than the stars. We have been focusing on stars all this school year so I just went with what the boys were interested in learning about.  The next full moon is on February 18, 2011 and is know as the Full Snow Moon.

I ordered a new book for them because of their interest in learning more about the Apollo landings on the moon and the Apollo program in general. I know it doesn’t look like a very deep book but it gets builds their interest and helps them to know what they can research more on their own. It is another one of those books that I will keep on the coffee table for a few months and let them browse it at their leisure.

The other interesting subject that came our way was a bat! We were out at sunset and here was a bat flying and swooping around our backyard. We were surprised to see him but it was fun to watch as he flew around and around putting on an acrobatic show.

1 14 11 Purple sunrise
Purple Sunrise…Looking West

My son pointed out this purple sunrise sky…this is facing west so the sunrise is behind us. It is the same spot that the very top photo was taken at sunset. I had a hard time getting the color right and had to take about twenty images on different settings to get it to come out. It was really this purple.

If you are looking for a journal to use over long periods of time for star gazing (or moon gazing), we found a perfect one that my son has been using all year.

Stargazing journal
It is called Stargazing Journal and it has pre-printed pages for you to record each night time session you have. There is even a place on the page for a sketch of your observations. I like that it is hardbound and has an elastic closure.

I have really enjoyed reading other family’s star entries and I encourage you all to give it a try. It doesn’t even need to be a long session but just calling attention to the winter sky’s beauty is even enough if that is all you can fit in. Do a sunset or a sunrise study if you can manage that for this challenge. I guarantee if you put in the effort, you will be rewarded.

Have a great week and I will post up the next challenge tomorrow.

Don’t forget to submit your January Outdoor Hour Challenge and Winter Wednesday entries to the OHC Blog Carnival. The deadline is this coming Monday, January 31st.