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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Mammal Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge Mammal Study Summer 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Mammal Study – Your Choice!

From the Archives

Use the link in this post or the mammal tab at the top of the Handbook of Nature Study website for the list of mammal study options to choose from for this week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge. We have been observing lots of mammals this summer and I’m anxious to do my own mammal study using the Handbook of Nature Study.

Many of the Outdoor Hour Challenges listed on the mammal study page include resource links, videos, and printables.

Do you have a pet dog, cat, mouse, or rat? Do you have a neighbor that has a dog or cat they will let you observe? How about a relative? How about visiting a pet store? Be creative.


Outdoor Hour Challenge Mammal Nature Study Index @handbookofnaturestudyIf you are a Charlotte Mason homeschooler, please make a note of the mammal nature study page here on the Handbook of Nature Study. The Ambleside Online nature study topic for the upcoming winter season is mammals and you may want to refer to this list when you plan your winter mammal study!

Ambleside Online Approved @handbookofnaturestudy


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Outdoor Mom – July Part 3

Outdoor Mom July: Part 3 – Travels

This is Part 3 of my Outdoor Mom entry. You can read Part 1 here: Outdoor Mom Part 1 – My Own Backyard  and Part 2 here: Outdoor Mom Part 2-Wildlife Sightings


I keep reminding myself that the perfect summer weather is only here for a few short months in Central Oregon. It could get cold and wet as soon as September or early October so we need to be outdoors as much as we can right now. We made lots of time for kayaking and exploring in July, both close to home and during a trip to New York. Here are a few of the highlights.


Hosmer Lake

Our youngest son was home for a few days at the beginning of the month so that gave us an opportunity to get out on the lake in the kayaks. We were there fairly early and it was fantastic weather for exploring this crystal clear lake up on the Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway. We paddled across the lake, through a canal of sorts, and then over to the other part of the lake. We had the dog with us and she is such a good passenger, even if she gets excited when we see ducks and geese. The yellow water lilies were blooming and the damselflies were out in force, landing on our arms and legs if we stopped paddling.

Sparks Lake

We had some young people come and stay with us for a week and one thing we did was kayak up on Sparks Lake. I love this lake! The view of the mountains, the relaxed paddling around the lake’s edge, and the beautiful wildflowers all contributed to the enjoyment of the day.

Kayak LIttle Deschutes

One of the most amazing parts of living where we do now is the ability to drag our kayaks straight from the backyard down to the river. We had left the truck down at the pull-out earlier in the day so all we had to do was jump on the water and go. We went further than normal and it ended up being a four hour paddle/float down the Little Deschutes. The girls were really good sports about the unexpected length of the trip. My husband made up for it with a delicious dinner when we got back home.

Niagara Falls

I had the opportunity to spend some time in New York and Ontario with my kids during July. We were driving right through Niagara Falls so we made the stop and took the Hornblower cruise from the Canada side. All I can say is that it was WAY better than I expected and it was overwhelmingly beautiful. The power of the falls is awe inspiring.

We took one day while the girls were here to make the trip to Crater Lake National Park. We stopped and viewed the lake from two different viewing points, hiked the Castle Crest trail to see the wildflowers, and then hiked to Plaikni Falls. I will be writing up our entire trip in a separate entry.

Paulina Peak

This is a peak in our area that you can actually drive up to in a car. Let’s just say we’ll be driving up there probably every summer to take in the splendid view atop a volcanic mountain. It is breathtaking!

Paulina Lakes

I hope you enjoyed seeing a glimpse into our July travels and adventures. It was fun to have some young people to share the experiences with us.


This is Part 3 of my Outdoor Mom entry. You can read Part 1 here: Outdoor Mom Part 1 – My Own Backyard and Part 2 – Wildlife Viewings


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Chicory Flower Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge chicory @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Chicory Nature Study (from the Wildflower Set #2)


Inside Preparation:

  • Check to see if you have chicory (cichorium intybus) in your area by looking at this range map: USDA.
  • Use this website to get to know a little about chicory and what it looks like: Chicory.
  • Advanced study: Research how the roots of this plant have been historically used as a substitute for coffee! Here is a website to get you started: What is Chicory?
  • Use the chart in the ebook to look up chicory in the suggested resources.

Outdoor Hour Time:

Look for chicory in the full sun and in a dry habitat. They prefer to be near hot rocks or other debris in soil like at a roadside. They can also grow in pastures and other unmowed grassy areas. Often times chicory grows alongside Queen Anne’s Lace. Look for this pretty blue flower from early summer to early fall.

  • Use the suggested observations in the ebook to make a careful study of this interesting plant.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create a nature journal page featuring chicory, noting any observations you have made using the suggestions in this challenge. There is a notebook page for you to use in the ebook. There is also a coloring page for chicory in the ebook.
  • Start or continue an aster family plant page by listing the pattern of the aster family and then create a list of aster flowers you have seen in real life. Add to your page as needed.


OHC Wildflower Set 2 @handbookofnaturestudy

How do you get the new Wildflower Nature Study ebook?

Members of the Ultimate Naturalist and Journey levels have access to the new ebook in their library. You need to click the “Members Area” button at the top of the website, sign into your account, and the ebook is there to download and save for your family to use when desired. If you don’t have a membership yet, I am offering a $5 off discount code that will be good towards your Ultimate Naturalist membership.

Discount Code: Wildflower5


Wildflowers, Weeds, & Garden Flowers Notebooking Pages

If you are looking for a variety of wildflower, weed, and garden flower notebooking pages to use in your nature journal, I highly recommend this set from I have used them with my own family in the past and love them. Please note I am an affiliate for and I will receive a small commission if you eventually purchase any of their products after clicking the link above.

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Crater Lake National Park – July 2017

Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake National Park

Revisited in July 2017

We took the short drive from our new home down to Crater Lake bright and early on a Monday. We were hoping this would be a good time to see the park without the crowds. It worked out! We arrived at the North entrance and headed straight to Watchman Overlook. They were working on the parking lot but we were able to park alongside the road.

Crater Lake

The view was spectacular! There were still patches of snow along the road, on the edge of the lake, and in shady spots in among the trees throughout the park. The water was a deep aqua blue as it shimmered in the morning sunshine.

Lichen on rocks at Crater Lake
Such beautiful lichen on the rocks

We then went over to the Sinnott Memorial Overlook right behind the Rim Village Visitor Center. There were a few more people here but still very enjoyable to take the walk out to the overlook and see the lake in all its glory.

After that, we drove down to the Steel Visitor Center so we could watch the movie about Crater Lake and how it was formed. We all really enjoyed this and learned a lot about the natural history of this amazing spot on Earth.

Columbine at Crater Lake

Wildflowers were next on the list of things to see in the park and we headed to the Castle Crest Wildflower Trail which was a short drive from the visitor center. Overwhelmingly beautiful!

Wildflowers Castle Crest Crater Lake

There were so many flowers in bloom of all shapes and colors. There is a creek running down the hillside which provided the background soundtrack of babbling and rushing water. There were many, many insects including a hummingbird moth that we observed for some time.

White bog orchid Crater Lake

I was super excited to discover a “new to me” wildflower growing in abundance along the trail. The White Bog Orchid was so delicate and beautiful! I’m hoping to add it to my nature journal soon.

Plaikni Falls Crater Lake

Our last stop before heading back home was Plaikni Falls. This is on the east side of the lake and it’s a very easy two mile round trip hike on a fairly flat trail. The falls themselves are a cascading series of falls that you can hike to the base of and then look up to the top. We sat on some rocks and let the cooling mist get us a bit damp. People were taking off their boots and soaking their feet in the icy water. I was glad we had saved this for the rather hot afternoon.

I know we’ll be making more trips here in the future since it is an easy hour’s drive from home.

You can read my previous entry for Crater Lake Here: Crater Lake National Park Tips and Images

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Outdoor Mom – July Part 2 Wildlife Viewings

Outdoor Mom July: Part 2 – Wildlife Viewings

This is Part 2 of my Outdoor Mom entry. You can read Part 1 here: Outdoor Mom Part 1 – My Own Backyard

I saw my first ever badger in real life! I was driving and it was crossing the road in front of me. At first my mind was trying to figure out what it was; too big to be a possum and not quite like a raccoon. As I approached, I saw the face and realized it was indeed a badger! Here is a link to what he looked like: American badger.

Raccoon in a tree

We have seen two adult raccoons in our yard (and trees) plus two adorable and entertaining young raccoons.

Young raccoons

One evening they were playing in our front yard and were just as curious about us as we were about them.

My husband has been telling me about the river otters that live right near our house but I didn’t see them until this past week. They are really good swimmers so I didn’t get to see them for very long because they swam upstream from where we were kayaking.

Doe and 2 fawns

We regularly have deer and fawns in our yard. There was a mama and two little ones that made an appearance at my birdfeeders. I’m sure they’re the ones that keep tipping the seed out.

Or, it may be one of the many squirrels that scurry around from tree to tree. We have several kinds of squirrels here but the most prominent one is the gray squirrel.


We have lots and lots of little frogs in our yard! Every time I go out to water I have to be careful not to squish them when walking in the grass.

California Tortoiseshell

The most interesting insect sighting has been the hundreds of California tortoiseshell butterflies that made an appearance all at once in our area. They’ve been seen flying in mass over the roads. We felt bad as we ran into so many of them on our way to a hike. Then, the next few days they were all over our yard. I definitely need to do more research into their lifecycle.

This nature loving mama is having a fantastic summer of wildlife viewing right in my own yard and then my neighborhood.

You may be interested in reading the other parts in this series:

Part 1 – My Own Backyard

Part 3 – Travels



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Outdoor Mom – July Part 1 My Backyard

Outdoor Mom July: Part 1 – My Own Backyard

There is so much to relate that I am splitting my entry into three parts!

July Outdoor Mom

Picture postcard perfect! That pretty much sums up July in Central Oregon…at least that has been my experience. Longtime residents here say that July and August are the short summer season so we have tried to soak in as much outdoor time as we can before it passes.

I can’t help but compare living here to my California home. It doesn’t get as hot in the afternoons and it’s MUCH cooler at night. My new house is perfectly situated to view the sunrise each morning because there is a large pasture sloping down to the river. This makes a perfect vantage point to watch the sunrise each morning up over the distant mountains and peaks.

Oregon Sunrise

Each new day I wake up to open the blinds to see the colors and clouds….the Grand Creator’s morning artwork. Many times I try to take a photo, but each time I am disappointed in the results. My iPhone camera just doesn’t capture the magnificence I see with my eye so most days I am content with enjoying it in the moment.

Oregon cows

The wildlife show starts early around here. I don’t even need to get out of bed because the view from my bedroom window allows me to see a great sweep of landscape behind our home.

The arrival of the black cattle to the pasture down by the river was on July 8th. I woke up one morning and there were, not exaggerating, two dozen cows who appeared overnight right behind my back fence. There are some pine trees and tall grass that they seem to enjoy both in the early morning and then later in the day. Seriously, they have 108 acres back there and many times they are right at my back door, looking at us with big, wide cow eyes. Their curiosity was at first with our big black Labrador dog and then the Woody wind twirly. They stand and watch the wheels go round. So very funny!

I have come to love the sound of a distant cow moo and the sight of adorable young calves that follow their mothers around the pasture. I will not think about the time they’ll be absent from my back pasture and what that will mean for them. For now, they are a welcome addition to my animal viewing.


Summer so far has brought a different set of birds to the feeders and surroundings. Many of the birds that were here in May and June have moved on and they have been replaced by some new birds. I’m still working on learning all their names but there is such joy in the discovery.

Hanging basket of flowers

My new friends here have realized I’m a bird nerd, sort of an oddity. What they see as common, I many times get super excited about seeing. I’m spending a lot of time filling feeders and birdbaths. The more plentiful the food and water, the more birds come to visit. I have a hanging pot of flowers outside my bedroom window and the hummingbirds come a visiting each morning.

Sometimes one and many times two hummingbirds are busy sipping nectar from the colorful flowers in the pot. We had a switch in hummingbird species early in July, from rufous hummingbirds to calliope hummingbirds. The gorgeous rufous colored birds are all gone, migrating further north I’m suspecting. This is something I want to research further because it fascinates me that they can fly so far over a wide migration route.

I’m keeping lots of notes and taking lots of photos to help me start to learn the patterns of flora and fauna here in Central Oregon. I purchased a new field guide that is more specific to this area to help me know what things to expect and to look for as I’m outdoors exploring. Summer is a time for being outside and I’m really taking that to heart.

I’m going to split this really long entry into three parts so you’re not overwhelmed with reading it all in one sitting.

Look for Part 2 – Wildlife Viewings

Look for Part 3 – Travels

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…


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Outdoor Hour Challenges – Plans for October 2017 to August 2018

1 Outdoor Hour Challenge Oct 17 to Aug 18 Plans

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Plans for October 2017 to August 2018


The academic school year is drawing ever closer and with it will be some changes here on the Handbook of Nature Study. Since my move to Oregon last spring, I have barely kept my head above water as far as writing new challenges, keeping up with blog posts, and creating a monthly newsletter.  It is not a good feeling.

I want to bring some joy and passion back to my work here so I’ve made some hard decisions.

Things to Note

  • I will no longer be creating a monthly newsletter. This will free up my time to write more about what I am learning and experiencing here in my new Central Oregon home. I realize that most of what I’m doing in my monthly newsletter can easily be shared in blog posts so the content will still be there for readers but not in the form of a newsletter.
  • There will continue to be 2-3 new printables per month for members. Those printables are usually either a notebook pages or activity that can be found in the Ultimate and Journey level membership libraries.
  • I have one new ebook in the works for spring 2018 and possibly another one for summer 2018.


1 Outdoor Hour Challenge Oct 17 to Aug 18 Plans

Nature Study Plans for October 2017 to August 2018 – Ebooks to Be Used from the Ultimate Naturalist Library

Note: I am going to list the ebooks that will be the basis for the next year’s nature study here on the Handbook of Nature Study. It is advantageous but not necessary to have access to the ebooks. The ebooks contain custom printables (notebook pages and coloring pages) that will enhance your nature study but you can just as easily complete a page in your own blank nature journal.

Autumn 2010 Outdoor Hour Challenge

October 2017 to December 2017 – We are going to use the Autumn Nature Study ebook plans from 2010. Many of you have not worked through this ebook in the past and I am anxious to complete these challenges again in my new habitat. You can find all of the challenges listed on this page: Autumn Nature Study. Scroll down and you will see the specific topics for the Friday challenges during this period of time.

This series of Outdoor Hour Challenges was written to help your family learn more about each topic by using comparisons. I explain how to make comparisons and then use a Venn Diagram to help see the topic more in detail. (Venn Diagram instructions and printable included in the ebook.)

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Wednesday

January 2018 to February 2018 – I’m super excited to use the ideas in the Winter Wednesday series here in my new Central Oregon home. These cold weather and winter related challenges are going to help all of us get to know more about our winter world.

Learning About Birds Outdoor Hour Challenges

March 2018 to April 2018Outdoor Hour Challenge Learning About Birds from 2016. Let’s use the bird challenges this spring to learn more about the birds in our yards and neighborhoods.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Using Your Senses

May 2018 to June 2018 –  Summer Nature Study – Using Your Senses from 2010. We are going to be using eight of the challenges from this ebook. It is going to be a lot of fun to revisit so many of these older challenges once again.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Getting Started Ebook @handbookofnaturestudy

July and August 2018 – Outdoor Hour Challenges – Getting Started ebook! This is the ebook that started the whole thing around here. I would love for newbies and veterans to join us working through the first ten nature study challenges before the next school year starts.

So there you have the plan for the year to come! I became very excited as I made these plans and I hope you will consider joining us for all or part of the nature study journey this time around. As always, make these plans work for your family by adding or subtracting things to customize your experience.

If you have any questions, you can comment here on the blog or send me a direct email:

Just as a sidenote: I miss the community we had built here using the blog carnival and Mr. Linky system from times past. I yearn to hear from families once in awhile to know how your nature study is going. It fuels me! So, if you have a moment over the next few months, shoot me an email or leave a comment. I love to hear your stories from your nature study time.

Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge small

You can follow me on Instagram (Outdoorhourchallenge) to see my day to day nature study photos. I follow many of the OHC families so share your Instagram name and I will pop over and check your images out too!


Ultimate Ebook Library @handbookofnaturestudyUse the discount code NATURE5 to receive $5 off an Ultimate Naturalist Membership!






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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Summer Weather 2017

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Weather 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Summer Weather 2017

Archive Challenge: Summer Weather

We are finally getting some real summer weather here in Central Oregon with temperatures up in the 90’s. It doesn’t seem so bad because it’s a very dry heat. Plus, every night the air cools off and if you sleep with the window open, you wake up chilly in the middle of the night.

This week take a look at the summer weather you are experiencing using the suggestions in the Outdoor Hour Challenge from the archives. Create a nature journal page after you make some observations with your children.  Look for the link in the challenge above to the free, printable weather chart. I have used this chart for many years to record my daily temperatures and rainfall. It may help you keep track of your weather as well.

Enjoy your August summer weather!

Free Notebooking Pages SamplerPlease note I am an affiliate for and I receive a small commission for every purchase you make after clicking my links. I hope that you find their products as valuable as I do!

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Nature Journal Examples – July 2017

Weekly Nature Journal Project
July 2017

This month was a crazy busy traveling month for me! I had to travel light, so I just had a small notebook to record some of my thoughts and observations in while they were happening. Once back home I was able to create a few pages and I have a few more in the works.

I didn’t reach my goal of a page a week but I’m okay with skipping a few weeks while I’m outside having some amazing outdoor adventures.

Here are my two pages for the month of July.


Nature Journal Birds and Wildflowers July

As we learn about our new habitat in Oregon, I am realizing I need to learn a whole new pattern of birds and flowers. Creating a monthly list will help me remember from year to year what to expect.


Firefly Nature Journal Page

This page came from having a fantastic East Coast experience. Every evening, the fireflies would light up the yard! It was magical. This page helped me to do some research after making my own observations in New York.


The month of August should be better as far as being able to keep my “page a week” goal. I also have lots of notes for future pages once I do some research on the topics.



Once a Month Nature Journal Project @handbookofnaturestudy

Some of the page ideas this month can be found on my Once a Month Nature Journal Project Pinterest Board. Pop over and get some inspiration!

Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge

Don’t forget that I am sharing a nature journal page each week on my Instagram account if you want to see the pages as they unfold. Follow me here: Instagram – outdoorhourchallenge. And, if you want to create a page and share it on your Instagram for me to see, use the hashtag #OHCnaturejournal


Nature Study Notebooking Pages

Please note that I am an affiliate for I have used these pages with my own family over many years. They are truly a simple way to get those nature journal pages done!

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Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter – August 2017 Zoo Animals

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter Aug 2017 coverHandbook of Nature Study Newsletter

August 2017 – Mammals at the Zoo


Please read the following explanation outlining how to get this month’s newsletter.

The newsletter link is not in this email but will come separately. Members should have received their link already.

If you don’t receive the separate email with the download link, you probably aren’t subscribed to the blog yet. This will take less than a minute to do if you follow the steps below.

If you are a subscriber and you haven’t received your newsletter email yet, check your SPAM inbox. Some subscribers have found the email buried in SPAM inbox.

Handbook of Nature Study Subscribe Now

If you need to subscribe:

  • You will need to go to the Handbook of Nature Study, look to the top right corner for the box to type in your preferred email address, and then confirm the email that comes to your email inbox.
  • Once you subscribe, you will receive a thank you email from me with the download link for the current month’s newsletter.

This month’s newsletter link will be available only during the month of August so be sure to download it before 8/31/17.

Remember! All of the archived and current newsletters are available as part of the Ultimate Naturalist Library…every level!

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter August 2017

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include:

  • This month we are going to think about zoos and zoo animals. I wrote two articles for you to enjoy, including one with lots of tips and suggestions to make your zoo visit more enjoyable.
  • Printables this month: August nature study planner page for mom and a mammal nature journal ideas printable.

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.

Printables for Members August 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy


New printables are now posted in the Member’s library!

  1. Zoo Visit Notebook Page: Use this page to record some of your zoo observations.
  2. Mammal Tail Study: This activity will help you compare mammal tails.

Print a complete list of printables available to Members for easy reference: Printables for Members

Printables for Members Button