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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Small Square Bits

Outdoor Hour Challenge Small Square Small Bits @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Small Square – Bits

How about we do a small square study this week? Pay close attention to your square and see if you can observe some lichen or moss. If you do, use the ideas in the March 2016 newsletter to complete a nature journal entry as well as your small square study.

Look for small bits of things in your square…challenge your child to look closely and to try to identify as many objects as possible.

Here is the original Outdoor Hour Challenge for a small square nature study: Outdoor Hour Challenge #9 (from the Getting Started ebook).

This challenge is found in the Getting Started ebook which is included in every level of membership. The ebook provides the challenge as shown above as well as custom notebook pages for your follow up nature journal if desired.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

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Outdoor Mom’s Journal + New Printables for Members

Dave Moore Feb 2016

I apologize in advance for the number of times I use the word “amazing” in this blog entry.

February was an excellent month for this Outdoor Mom! I had the pleasure of my daughter’s company for ten whole days and we crammed in as much California outdoor time as we could to refresh her from the New York winter. We started off locally with a hike to the river with our crazy dog who loved taking a swim even if the water was cold!


Then it was off to southern parts of California for a camping trip at San Clemente beach (between Los Angeles and San Diego). The campground is up on the bluff and you can take an easy trail down the hillside, over the railroad tracks and out onto the beach. The ice plant was in full blossom and so very pretty. The air was warm in the high 60’s and low 70’s the whole time we were there. What a joy!

IMG_0460There is a trail from the campground down to the San Clemente Beach Trail. This is about 2 miles in length and passes right by the pier. We walked out onto the pier and the image above shows the turquoise blue water and the pretty little beach town. We spent one morning just enjoying the beach trail, flowers and all!

San Clemente Beach Trail Feb 2016

The trail parallels the train tracks and it was fun to see the Amtrak Surfliner come by and the Metrolink too. The view looks right out onto the Pacific Ocean which we thoroughly enjoyed.


 Another day we drove into San Diego and went straight to Balboa Park. I have been to the San Diego Zoo in the past but our family has never done any exploring in the adjoining park. Of course, we decided to visit the Botanical Building first. Well, we did actually go to the visitor center first to get a good map because this park is massive and we had no idea how to navigate the roads, paths, and shuttle system. We quickly figured it out and had fun walking and learning about this historical park.

If you are ever in San Diego, I highly recommend this park with its free shuttle and free exhibits. Check this link out: Balboa Park – San Diego.

Orchids from Balboa Park San Diego

Here are a couple of the gorgeous flowers found in the Botanical Building. It was awesome!


We also visited Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego and I will be sharing a complete entry on this park in a future entry. For now, here are a few of the highlights from our tidepooling adventure. Can you believe the size of the shell? It was the biggest intact shell I have ever found. Of course, we took photos and left it there for someone else to “discover” as well.


Look at those smiling faces! We both thought the tidepools were the highlight of our whole week…that and the sunshine.


Switching gears, we also made a drive out to Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park during our trip down south. My husband and I had been there before but my daughter was experiencing the desert landscape for the first time. It was hot! We had most of the trails we took to ourselves and it was fun to see the two of them rock scrambling!

 Rock scrambling Joshua Tree National Park Feb 2016

I was content to be the camera person.



Here is a sampling of the wildflowers we saw on our hikes. I will of course be sharing an entry about Joshua Tree in the near future for you to get all of the details of this amazing place!


Back at home, spring came to visit. I want to share this image of my redbud in bloom…truly a miracle of color in my yard this year. Drought or no drought, this plant has survived and is flourishing.

mushroom with cow

One last image from a guest….my husband. He takes a hike just about every day and he is always sending me images of things he finds as he walks. He wanted me to share this mushroom with what he says is a “happy California cow” on the top. Do you see it?

I hope you enjoyed seeing my outdoor life over the past few weeks. I know here in California we are spoiled by incredible February weather this year. As I write this entry, I am thinking about the past four days and the over 9 inches of rain we received…totally flooded my basement room! It isn’t always so perfect here but I hope it inspires you to look for spring in your neighborhood. Don’t miss the new printables for members below!

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…


Handbook of Nature Study New Printables March 2016 @handbookofnaturestudy

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.


Getting Started FAQ Button
Need help getting started with your nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study? Check out the fresh “Getting Started” page here on the website!



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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Lichen on Rocks and More

Lichen Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Lichen Nature Study

This week we are going to take a closer look at lichen using the Outdoor Hour Challenge.
From the archives: Outdoor Hour Challenge #42 Moss and Lichen.

If you own the Discover Nature Close to Home book, you can find loads of information on pages 110-119. (Note this is an affiliate link.)

For members of the Handbook of Nature Study, you can look up the March 2013 newsletter that featured mushrooms, lichen, and moss. All levels of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study include the newsletter archives.


Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

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Great Backyard Bird Count 2016 Results

 Flowering Quince

Here are my Great Backyard Bird Count results for 2016.

Anna’s Hummingbird – 2

Spotted Towhee – 2

California Towhee – 1

Scrub Jay – 1

House Finch – 1

Titmouse – 1

Mourning Dove – 1

White-crowned Sparrow – 2

Dark eyed Juncos – 2

American Robins – 14

Cedar Waxwings – 30

Northern flicker – 1


12 different birds with a total count of 58 birds! This year I only managed to count birds one of the mornings during the count period. This made a big difference in the results. Although, we had more birds this year than in the last 2 years, it is only because we had such a high count for the cedar waxwings. The morning I counted they just happened to be in my tree eating and roosting.

Hope you had a chance to count birds this year! Leave me a comment if you created an entry for your results and I will pop over and take a look.

 Peacock Dover Publications Tiffany Glass coloring book

Have you seen the new product over at If you own a Lifetime Membership over on Debra’s website, you can log into your account on and download your set right now. If you aren’t already a member over there, you can purchase the set separately or I would highly recommend a Lifetime Membership so you can access all of the 1000’s of notebooking pages she has to offer. ($4.95 for the set or get started with your membership with $10!)

Marine Invertebrates Notebooking Pages

Please note I am an affiliate for and have used the notebooking pages with my family for years!

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Fungi Photos

Extraordinary Fungi!!!

Fungus New Jersey (1)

Looking back through my photos from the past few months, I collected a few of the fungus images from our hikes that I wanted to share with you. I love a good fungus and find them truly fascinating. If only I had more time and energy to study them more in depth! The images above and below are from our trip to the East Coast…found along the trail in New Jersey.

Fungus New Jersey (2)

Isn’t the color on this fungus pretty? From our study of fungus last autumn, I recognize this one as a scarlet cup of some sort. For now I will just enjoy the image…and make a note on my New Jersey nature journal page reminding me that we saw this beauty.

Fungus plum tree (2)

Here is a fungus found a little closer to home, in my backyard. It is growing on the trunk of our plum tree where we cut a limb off last year.

Fungus plum tree (1)

This one is also growing in my backyard on the stump of an old pine tree. I love the layered look of it!

Fungus Red Shack

Here is something we saw on a recent local hike. I am not sure if it is a fungi or a lichen…..going to need to do some research.

Don’t miss using some of the ideas in the fungi challenge from last week and use some of your outdoor time to complete the Extraordinary in the Ordinary challenge.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Fungi Study from the Archives @handbookofnatuerstudy

You may also want to use some of the specific challenges found on the Misc/Seasonal Challenges tab at the top of the website.


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Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter – March 2016 Lichen and Moss

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter March 2016 Cover

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter

March 2016 – Lichen and Moss


Please read the following explanation outlining how to get this month’s newsletter.

The newsletter link is not in this email but will come separately. There may be a delay in your receiving the email so please don’t email me until the second day of the month if you haven’t received the link on the first. For some reason, some email providers take longer to receive the newsletter email.

If you don’t receive the separate email with the download link, you probably aren’t subscribed to the blog yet. This will take less than a minute to do if you follow the steps below.

If you are a subscriber and you haven’t received your newsletter email yet, check your SPAM inbox. Some subscribers have found the email buried in SPAM inbox.

If you need to subscribe:

  • You will need to go to the Handbook of Nature Study, look to the top right corner for the box to type in your preferred email address, and then confirm the email that comes to your email inbox.
  • Once you subscribe, you will receive a thank you email from me with the download link.

This month’s newsletter link will be available only during the month of March so be sure to download it before 3/31/16.

Remember! All of the archived and current newsletters are available as part of the Ultimate Naturalist Library…every level!
Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter March 2016 button

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include:

  • This edition of the newsletter features ideas, resources, and links to enhance any study of lichen and moss.
  • Contributions from Outdoor Hour Challenge participants Paige Hudson  , Nadene from Practical Pages, and Alex from Life on an Island Studio.
  • March Nature Study Planning Page with field trip ideas, nature photo ideas, and a special 15 minute challenge for parents.
  • Lichen Study printable notebook page which can be used as a nature journal topper as well.

Resources for your Nature Library: I have started to build a nature library store on Amazon that will feature by category my favorite nature study books and resources. Take a look and see if there is anything you would like to put on your wish list for your family’s nature study library: Handbook of Nature Study Nature Library Suggestions on Note this is my affiliate store to items I personally recommend and have read or seen in person.

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.


Getting Started FAQ Button
Need help getting started with your nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study? Check out the fresh “Getting Started” page here on the website!


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Mullein vs. Lamb’s Ear

Mullein or Lambs Ear @handbookofnaturestudyI had a friend ask me the difference between a common mullein and a lamb’s ear. I just happen to have both growing in my yard so it didn’t take me long to pop out and take a few images. The images above are both of the mullein plant and the second year winter seed stalk. The rosette shape of the plant with its blue gray soft and fuzzy leaves grows low to the ground in the first year. Later on it will have leaves that are more upright along the stalk.

Lambs Ear in WinterThe image directly above this is of the lamb’s ear in winter. It grows in more of a clump with no marked rosette. The leaves are also a soft gray-green color and are fuzzy, perhaps not quite as thick as the mullein. In winter you can really see how different the plants are.

If you are observing these two plants in the summer or autumn, you can really tell the difference by the flower stalks. The mullein grows super tall and has yellow flowers and the lamb’s ear has a short stalk and purple flowers.

May Lamb's Ear Flower
Lamb’s ear plant image from my archives…taken in the month of May.You can really see how the leaves are shaped in this image.

Here is the lamb’s ear blooming in the spring. You can see it is a low growing purple flower.

Mullein summer flower
This is an image from my archives…taken in July. You can see how tall the stalk is in comparison to my window!

This is the tall yellow flowering stalk of the common mullein.

Hopefully this helps you distinguish the two plants….a lot of similarities and some really big differences too!

Here is a website I found with some more of the technical differences: Differences Between Lamb’s Ear and Mullein.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Fungi


Outdoor Hour Challenge Fungi Study from the Archives @handbookofnatuerstudy

From the Archives!

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Fungi – Extraordinary in the Ordinary

Use the link above to view the challenge from the archives. This is an easy and fun study for everyone and includes a free printable notebook page to record your observations.

If you own the Discover Nature Close to Home book, you will find a section talking about fungi on pages 173-187. Once you go over this information with your family, you may wish to complete the Mushroom Shapes Notebook page found in this entry: Mushroom Study.

Members here on the Handbook of Nature Study can download the March 2013 newsletter for more information on mushrooms, lichen, and moss.

Everyone can find more specific challenges on the Misc/Seasonal Tab at the top of the blog.

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The Peculiar Value of Geography

The peculiar value of geography lies in its fitness to nourish the mind with ideas and furnish the imagination with pictures. - Charlotte Mason

This quote came to my mind this morning as we were walking along the walking trail in our town. The walking trail extends from the center of town all the way to a the far, far side of our town, three and a half miles one way.

It winds along through a wooded area, near the highway for a stretch, back into a wooded section, out into the open along a pasture, and then back into another wooded area. There are many different habitats you can experience as you walk. Over the years we have learned what grows in each section and what to expect in each season.

Walking trail

Our children have walked with us hundreds of times along this trail and we came to have certain spots we would meet up if we got separated. This idea of learning how far it is between landmarks and what to expect on the trail ahead is an easy way to introduce the idea of geography to your children during a nature walk.

I can remember saying, “Stop at the bridge and wait for us on the bench.” Or I would say something like, “Turn around at the old mill and meet up with us on your way back.”

Walking Trail galls berries leaves (3)

Naming certain landmarks reflects a knowledge of local geography…maybe it will inspire you to do the same on a favorite trail in your neighborhood.

  • The Tunnel: an old train tunnel we walk through
  • The Acorn Oaks: place to gather acorns or to watch squirrels
  • The Sweet Pea section: spring and summer colors
  • The Star Thistle section: the hot part of the trail where you want to stay clear of the edges
  • The Mill: an old lumber mill site now vacated and being overgrown with a variety of weeds
  • The Bridge: crosses over the highway and marks a turning around point for many of our walks
  • The Llamas: this is the farthest point from our parking spot…always fun to see the llamas on the hillside


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Looking for Twigs

Twig Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy

From the Archives

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Twig Study

This is an easy nature study idea that all can enjoy! Young children can help gather some twigs and older students can go deeper to learn more about the twig’s parts and function in the life cycle of the tree.

You may wish to view these additional entries for twig study ideas:


More Nature Study Winter Wonder

For members of the Handbook of Nature Study, you will find this challenge in the More Nature Study – Winter ebook. Included in this ebook, there are three different notebook pages for you to use in your study of twigs plus a variety of graphics to help you learn more than you ever thought possible about this interesting topic.


Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library