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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Garden Flowers #10 Sunflower Study and Art Too!


“All this flower has to do is to hold its banner aloft as a sign to the world, especially the insect world, that here is to be found pollen in plenty, and nectar for the probing.”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 576

Growing and then studying your own sunflowers is a great way to learn the growing cycle of a garden flower…from planting seed to harvesting seeds.

Last week, the challenge was to plant some sunflowers. This week our challenge is to make some observations once your sunflowers are blooming. If you have access to sunflowers now, either in your own garden or from a farmers market, take the opportunity to use the lesson’s suggestions to go deeper into a composite flower study.

Sunflower Renees Garden

Read the Handbook of Nature Study pages on sunflowers (pages 574-578). I can’t think of a better way to study sunflowers than to follow Anna Comstock’s lesson in this section of her book. Read the narrative and then go over the observation suggestions.

If you would like to see our family’s sunflower nature study entries, you can read it here: Outdoor Hour Challenge #16 and Outdoor Hour Challenge #29

Don’t miss seeing our images and nature journal pages!

If you have access to the Garden ebook, make sure to pull out the sunflower art activity using a painting by Van Gogh.


Gardens ebook Outdoor Hour challenge

With this challenge, we’ll be finishing our official work in the Garden Flower and Plants ebook. If you’ve been working in this book along with us for the past eight weeks, you’ll want to make sure to check if there are any nature journal pages you need to add to or finish up. See page 37 in the ebook for a list of wrap-up activities. Of course, you can continue working on your garden flower challenges and notebook pages as long as you have an interest.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Continues ebook

If you want to join us for the summer series of nature study challenges, we’re going to be starting with the Summer Nature Study Continues ebook on May 31, 2019. If you have an Ultimate or Journey level Membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you have access to this ebook and the detailed plan for the summer in your account.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

If you would like to purchase a membership so you have all of the challenges at your fingertips and the custom notebooking pages too, click over to read all the details and download a sample: Summer Nature Study Continues ebook sample.

Use this discount code to receive $5 off your Ultimate Membership:






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Outdoor Mom – May 2019

This post is LONG overdue. I’ve had such a crazy last few months that it was hard to put my “Outdoor Mom” thoughts together. I felt more like an indoor kind of mom because of my surgery, recovery, weather, and then having a mom who needed my care. Things just got pushed aside.

Barb McCoy and Amanda at Lake Clementine

Although I never lost the desire to be outdoors, even in the thick of my recovery from double hip surgery, I kept my eyes outside on the birds and wildlife that came my way. Then when I was sitting in the hospital day after day with my mom, I would look out the window and take quick walks around the edges of the parking lot to find something refreshing to observe.

My nature journal has been neglected until the past few weeks when finally things have settled down a bit and I can take those few minutes a week to record my reflections and thoughts.

 Outdoor Mom – May 2019

American River confluence

During our outdoor time this month we went…

While in California, my daughter and I took a long hike along the American River. It was very green and there were already many wildflowers along the trail. We must have seen a hundred butterflies as they fluttered across our path and landed on flowers.

swallowtail butterfly

It was warm and we were so glad we made the decision to hike early to beat the heat and the crowds. It makes my heart happy that my grown children enjoy a hike with their mama when we can make it happen.

kayak little deschutes may 2019

Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…

We managed a kayak/canoe paddle down the river one afternoon in the bright sunshine. We didn’t encounter a single other person on the whole trip. Don’t get me wrong, we enjoy having the river to ourselves but it makes us wonder why we rarely see anyone on this section of the water. On this particular day, we were joined on our paddle by mallards, swallows, Canada goose, red-winged blackbirds, and a heron. All of us are hoping to get together for many more kayak trips over the next few months.

One last image…or two…or three…

I haven’t shared beautiful wildflower photos in a long time. So, to make up for that, here are some from our hike that I love!


Some variety of white lupine


Variety of pink allium



indian pink

Indian pink

chinese lanterns

Chinese lanterns

Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge small

Follow me here: Instagram – outdoorhourchallenge.  If you’d like me to take a look at one of your images on Instagram, use the hashtag #outdoorhourchallenge.

Want to join in the Outdoor Mom post?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this month we went…
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting…
  • I added nature journal pages about…
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • One last image…

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Garden Flowers #9 Sunflower Seeds and Planting


“The sunflower is not a single flower, but is a large number of flowers living together; and each little flower, or floret, as it is called, has its own work to do.”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 576

Growing sunflowers is one of the most satisfying long term nature study projects your family can do together. After examining the seeds and then sowing them in the dirt, you’ll be anxious for them to sprout and bloom! Put your children in charge of keeping them watered and then when they bloom they’ll have seen how from a single seed you get a beautiful garden flower.

Sunflower summer garden

Make sure to click the link below to the original challenge to find the pages in the Handbook of Nature Study to read with your children. Learn all about the sunflower and other composite flowers in this nature study lesson.

Link to the Archive Outdoor Hour Challenge –

Focus on Garden Flowers #9 Sunflowers

If you’d like to see one of our family’s sunflower nature study entries, you can read it here: Outdoor Hour Challenge #29

Don’t miss seeing our images and nature journal pages!

seeds pots sunflowers may 2010 (2)

Gardens ebook Outdoor Hour challenge

We’re winding down our work in the Garden Flower and Plants ebook. If you’ve been working in this book along with us for the past eight weeks, you’ll want to check if there are any nature journal pages you need to add to or finish up. We’ll be moving on in two week to the next ebook on our yearly plan.

More Nature Study Summer @handbookofnaturestudy

If you want to join us for the summer series of nature study challenges, we’re going to be starting with the Nature Study Continues – Summer Sizzle ebook on May 31, 2019.

If you have an Ultimate Membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study, you have access to this ebook and the detailed plan for the summer in your account.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

If you’d like to purchase a membership so you have all of the challenges at your fingertips and the custom notebooking pages too, click over to read all the details and download a sample: More Nature Study – Summer Sizzle Sample.

Get $5 off an Ultimate Membership if you use the discount code NATURE5.

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Get Ready for Wildflower Season – Outdoor Hour Challenge Ebooks

Get Ready for Wildflower Season – Outdoor Hour Challenge Ebooks

Are you ready for wildflower season? It’s coming whether you’re ready or not! The Outdoor Hour Challenges will be taking us outdoors from now until the autumn season and it’s so nice to have a library of wildflower nature study ideas at your fingertips for all those wildflowers you may encounter.

I’m especially proud of the three newer wildflower focused ebooks I’ve created in the past few years.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Wildflower Set 1 Ebook





Common silverweedOHC Wildflower Set 2 @handbookofnaturestudy



Cow Parsnip




Outdoor Hour Challenge Wildflower 3 Covermaker





Common silverweed



 Outdoor Hour Challenge Garden Wildflower and Weeds Index @handbookofnaturestudy


Additional Wildflower Challenges

I’ve written Outdoor Hour Challenges for every wildflower listed in the Handbook of Nature Study. You can find them under the “Garden” tab on my website. That’s dozens of wildflowers to choose from!

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

You can have access to the ebooks in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships.

summer nature study ebooks button

In addition, there are many other summer related challenges available in the summer ebooks.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Garden Flowers #8 Seeds and Weeds


“Why do we call a plant a weed? Is a weed a weed wherever it grows? How did this weed plant itself where I find it growing? Of what advantage is this weed?”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 513

When Anna Botsford Comstock uses the term “weed”, she many times means what we would commonly call a “wildflower”. If you look in the Table of Contents in the Handbook of Nature Study, you will see a long list of “weeds” that are subjects of complete lessons in this nature study volume.

Dandelions wildflower or weed

From my personal experience, I have this conversation every spring with my husband over whether a dandelion is a weed or a wildflower. He has given me the gift of dandelions in our yard, even though he really wants to weed them out. I love their happy color and have observed many an insect benefiting from our leaving a few dandelions at the edges of our yard. (Read about my “wild side” here: Wild Side #1
and Wild Side #2)

This week click over to read the original challenge from the Garden ebook and then pick a weed to observe, looking carefully for its seeds. This activity can be done periodically as the seeds develop during the summer season. Make it a weed and seed hunt!

Link to the Archive Outdoor Hour Challenge –

Focus on Garden Flowers #8 Seeds and Weeds


Gardens ebook Outdoor Hour challenge

We’re continuing to work through the Garden Flower and Plants ebook over the next few weeks. If you own this ebook or have access to it in your Ultimate Naturalist Library, you’ll want to get it out and read the first few pages that outline how the ten week series of garden challenges work together and can be done in any order that makes sense to your family. The ebook has planning pages as you choose, observe, and then learn more about each garden flower you study.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

If you would like to purchase a membership so you have all of the challenges at your fingertips and the custom notebooking pages too, click over to read all the details and download a sample: Garden Flower and Plant Challenges.


Handbook of Nature Study June 2013 Newsletter Cover

You may wish to look at the June 2013 Newsletter if you have a membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

Handbook of Nature Study Nature Book Club Wildflowers

There’s a lot of great information on wildflowers in this post that I wrote last year. Click over to find helpful hints for your seeds and weeds study:

Wildflowers to Love.

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Summer Nature Study Ebooks

Summer Nature Study with the Outdoor Hour Challenge

It’s coming soon! Summer!

I have just finished editing and updating all three of the summer themed nature study ebooks. These ebooks contain 31 nature study topics for you to choose from over your summer break. This is the time of year that you may have some time available for getting outdoors with your children to enjoy the summer season without distractions. Click the links below to see the specific topics to choose from in each book. Along with the challenge, there are custom notebooking pages for each topic which will make your life easier if you are interested in keeping a nature journal.

Summer Nature Study Continues

More Nature Study – Summer

Summer Nature Study- Using Your Senses


summer nature study ebooks button


If you’re new to the Outdoor Hour Challenge, you can find all three of the ebooks in the Ultimate Naturalist Library membership. (See below for a discount code to use with your purchase!)

I’ll list the summer themed ebooks below and if you want to click over to see the specific topics covered, you can easily do that by clicking the book title.

Summer Nature Study Ebooks Available

Summer Nature Study

More Summer Nature Study

Summer Nature Study Continues

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Ideas Index @handbookofnaturestudy

For a complete list of summer season nature study topics, you can click the summer tab at the top of the website.


Use the discount code SUMMER5 for $5 off your Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.


Benefits by Level Updated size 500

If you’d like to have access to all of the summer ebooks, you’ll find them in the Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.

In addition to the summer books, there are 16 additional nature study ebooks in this membership.


OHC Plan 18 to 19 Join Us

This year we’re going to cover the four series noted in the graphic above: Autumn 2009, Winter Series 2010, Garden Flowers and Plants, and More Nature Study – Summer. Click the graphic to read more about the year’s plan.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Garden Flowers #7 Seed Germination

“To watch the little plant develop, to study its seed leaves and what becomes of them, to know that they give the plant its first food and to know how a young plant looks and acts, are all items of legitimate interest in the study of the life of a plant…”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 458

It’s spring and a favorite garden related nature study lesson is to be found while germinating seeds. This is an activity that children of all ages can do with help. I remember doing this with my boys when they were preschoolers and they were so proud when their seeds grew and then eventually bloomed. Don’t think this is something too advanced for your family.

Take time to make daily observations! The progress can be a perfect topic for a nature journal page too.

seeds germinating in yogurt cups

Keep it simple and have fun! Your children will gain so much firsthand knowledge of plants and seeds by completing this Outdoor Hour Challenge. Click the link below to get started!

 Outdoor Hour Challenge Garden 7 seed germination

Link to the Archive Outdoor Hour Challenge –

Focus on Garden Flowers #7 Seed Germination

 Seed comparison


If you’re a member here on the Handbook of Nature Study, there are printables in the library for making seed comparisons that would be a perfect companion activity to this Outdoor Hour Challenge.

Gardens ebook Outdoor Hour challenge

We’re continuing to work through the Garden Flower and Plants ebook over the next few weeks. If you own this ebook or have access to it in your Ultimate Naturalist Library, you’ll want to get it out and read the first few pages that outline how the ten week series of garden challenges work together and can be done in any order that makes sense to your family. The ebook has planning pages as you choose, observe, and then learn more about each garden flower you study.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

If you would like to purchase a membership so you have all of the challenges at your fingertips and the custom notebooking pages too, click over to read all the details and download a sample: Garden Flower and Plant Challenges.

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New Printable for Members- Garden Set #2 of Notebook Pages

Now available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships:

Garden Notebooking Pages – Set #2

(See the end of this post for more information on how you can become a member.)

Garden Notebooking Pages Set #2: This set of notebooking pages for your nature journal will help you study the following topics: cucumbers, kale, cherries, gourds, and squash.

There are 5  notebooking pages in this set. These pages are a great supplement to the Garden Flowers and Plants ebook that we are currently working through with the Outdoor Hour Challenge.


Note: If you have any subjects you would like me to create nature notebook pages for, please let me know in a comment here on the blog or in an email:


Printables for Members Button

Print a complete list of printables available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by clicking the button above.

Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

Use the discount code NATURE5 for $5 off an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership!

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Nature Observer – April 2019

April is such an awakening of life and color here in Central Oregon. We’ve experienced an explosion of birds visiting our yard and within view of our back windows. The joy of living at the edge of two habitats grows as you see the variety of birds and animals that appear as the spring warms the earth and the grasses begin to grow.

april bird chalkboard

Here’s my April list of birds seen from our windows, all listed on the chalkboard that hangs in our dining area. I hardly have room to add any more birds! Some are the usual residents but many of the birds we spotted are migrant visitors that stop by or stay through the summer.

first arrival hummingbird at feeder

I hung my hummingbird feeder up last week and two days later we had our first hummingbird! The nesting boxes are already full of birds that are nesting, including the tree swallows that zip and dive around our yard.

eagle chasing raven april 2019

We were particularly surprised to see an eagle land behind our house and then take off chasing a raven. This eagle was huge! It was a thrill to be able to not only see this magnificent bird but to capture some images for my nature journal.

elk at sunrise april 2019

The return of the elk came in April this year as well. We have 7-8 elk that graze behind our house every day early in the morning and sometimes again in the evening. During the day, they hang out among the trees and if they stand still you can’t even see them.

high water with kona april 2019

The large snow pack and the heavy rains we received have made the river behind our house rise up higher than we’ve ever observed in the two years we’ve lived here. We can’t freely walk up and down the riverbank because our path is cut off with a channel of water as it meanders around and then back to the main river.

april 16 2019 great blue heron bird backyard (5)


We’ve seen herons, mallards, and otters in these new waterways right up near our back fence.


One More Image

fort rock oregon april 2019

I’m feeling so much stronger now that my hips and muscles are healing from my surgery! We took a more strenuous hike this past week up to Fort Rock in the Oregon Outback. This is a magical place for hiking this time of year. Once at the top, you can see for miles out over the sagebrush and juniper trees. The wind makes a moaning and whistling sound up against the volcanic rocks if you climb up and sit near the rim of the crater. We heard birds like ravens and hawks calling out from their perches high up on the rocks, echoing and bouncing from rim to rim. The wild currants are just getting ready to blossom and the sagebrush isn’t far behind in leafing out. What a great afternoon!


Ultimate Naturalist Library September 2017 @handbookofnaturestudy

There are many, many nature journal ideas included in the archives of the Handbook of Nature Study newsletters. If you have any level of membership, make sure to download the newsletter index to make finding a topic easy.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Wildflower 3 Covermaker

Did you see the new Wildflower ebook? There are five completely new Outdoor Hour Challenges in this ebook for you to enjoy with your family. Please click over and check it out and don’t miss the $5 off discount code!

Learning About Birds 3D cover

This is the perfect time of year to start a bird nature study unit. If you’re just finishing up your science curriculum and you have a few extra days to fill in with some fun nature study, take a look at the Learning About Birds ebook for some ideas and suggestions for making the most of the springtime bird population in your local area.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Garden Flowers #6 Observing Pollen

We’re going on a pollen hunt this week!  This Outdoor Hour Challenge you can complete in your own garden or on a hike with wildflowers.

collecting pollen qtip

Remember to take a magnifying lens and some Q-tips with you during your outdoor time.

Link to the Archive Outdoor Hour Challenge –

Focus on Garden Flowers #6 Observing Pollen

Don’t forget to look for any insects on your flowers collecting pollen.

Gardens ebook Outdoor Hour challenge

We’re continuing to work through the Garden Flower and Plants ebook over the next few weeks. If you own this ebook or have access to it in your Ultimate Naturalist Library, you’ll want to get it out and read the first few pages that outline how the ten week series of garden challenges work together and can be done in any order that makes sense to your family. The ebook has planning pages as you choose, observe, and then learn more about each garden flower you study.

If you would like to purchase a membership so you have all of the challenges at your fingertips and the custom notebooking pages too, click over to read all the details and download a sample: Garden Flower and Plant Challenges.